William shook his head mechanically, what he was thinking just now must not be known by this goddess.

Otherwise, his end would definitely be the same as that of Hermes just now.

"Speaking of which, why doesn't the shape of the "Orion's Arrow" look like an arrow at all! Artemis-sama!"

William's technique of changing the subject without a trace did not arouse Artemis' suspicion.

"Ah, you said this!"

Artemis said with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"'Orion's Arrow' only emphasizes the concept that must be penetrated. As for the shape, it can be changed at will."

Speaking of this, William was not stiff at all, and hurriedly asked Artemis.

"Then how do I change the shape of the weapon!"

If he can master this characteristic, then wouldn't he be invincible.

He is already proficient in many kinds of martial arts, if he can switch weapons at will during the battle, the means will definitely dazzle the enemy.

What's more, if he could transform the "Arrow of Orion" into a weapon like a pistol, then he wouldn't just take off immediately.

"This! You should only be initially recognized by it now."

"So using it is only limited to the roughest way of using it, and you haven't even realized the concept of must-hit very concretely."

"Is that really the case!"

He was wondering just now when Artemis said that this gun has the power of concepts.

Obviously when he uses it, he just relies on the sharpness of the artifact.

He didn't realize the conceptual power at all.

It stands to reason that he is only used in the most vulgar way.

"Then how to improve the control over "Orion's Arrow"!"

William's heart also became hot after a long absence.

He couldn't quite remember the last time he was so eager for strength.

"That should refer to the promotion of divinity!"

Artemis gently pressed her fingers against her lips, and her unconscious action made William's heart tremble.

〖This is really true! 〗

William sighed secretly, the goddess's accidental and unconscious actions are really captivating.

He can now understand why those male gods in the upper realm are so keen on chasing Artemis.

Not just for the title of Artemis virgin!

It's because this goddess is really easy to attract men's attention.

The usual heroic temperament is easy to make people feel good!She also has an appearance that is not inferior to the God of Beauty who possesses the power of beauty.

Coupled with her usual silly and cute movements.

Well, it's unbearable!

Perhaps women will be extremely sensitive at such times!

The way William stared at her was naturally noticed by the Goddess from the corner of her eye.

Although she also intended to spend more time with William to cultivate a relationship, she was still a little shy and unbearable to be stared at by such fiery eyes.


Coughing twice softly, William retracted his gaze and at the same time concealed her shyness.

"Then how to improve divinity?"

William asked immediately, because his gaze made the goddess feel embarrassed, so of course he had to help her cover it up.

"It's very simple!"

"You just need to keep improving your level!"

The method Artemis said really made him feel that it couldn't be simpler!


"There's nothing to be suspicious about! Don't you really think that it's a lie that you can become a god if you level up to the limit?"

Artemis chuckled lightly, William's expression now made her find it very funny.

"I didn't expect it to be true!"

William clicked his tongue nonchalantly. Previously, he thought that he could become a god if he raised his level to the limit, which was made up by the gods!

After all, he didn't find a single example in the historical records!

Artemis also saw what William was thinking from his expression!

"Of course it's true, no one has done it, it doesn't mean it's fake!"

"At least in my opinion, William, you have a good chance."

Artemis's words are absolutely true. The last time the gods believed that they could reach the realm of gods with a mortal body was Alfia of the "Hera Familia".

But as far as Artemis is concerned, William definitely has a talent beyond Alfia.

And if William really becomes a god, she doesn't have to worry about the sad love between man and god caused by the short lifespan of human beings.

〖That's it!Then the journey to the next world really has to speed up! 〗

Fortunately, after William left this world, the flow rate of this world was suspended.

Otherwise, if Artemis knew that it was because of her, William would definitely regret to the death for taking the journey away from the world.

At this moment, the grass behind the two of them.

The two little heads were carefully peeking at the two sitting by the lake.

"Hey! Cordoli, why don't we disturb Lord Artemis at this time!"

"But didn't we come to inform Mr. William that their dinner is ready!"

"It's okay not to eat a meal or two! Now is the right time for the atmosphere!"

"If the progress of Lord Artemis' love is delayed, then the two of us will be sinners of the whole family."

"Is it that serious?"

"Of course there is!"

Lanti Chicken nodded like a pecking rice, and at the same time was about to take another look through the grass.

"Huh? Cordoli, you have the eye of a needle!"


It's not good, the feeling suddenly hit Lanti's heart!

"I really made you worry! Lanti!"

It made Lanti so familiar that she couldn't hear the familiar voice, and her momentary premonition immediately became a reality.


Immediately afterwards, a more familiar fist directly hit the top of her head.

She didn't even have time to touch her head, which seemed to be a big bag.

Instead, it's a standard five-body cast apology method!

"Sorry, Lord Artemis!"

"I was wrong!"

This set of smooth and smooth movements made William dumbfounded!

At the same time, he looked at Lanti with pity. How many mistakes did this child make?

The action of apologizing has actually reached this point.

"Come to my tent later, and I will educate you well!"

Then she turned her head again and looked at Cordoli, who was secretly rejoicing.

"You too, Cordoli, got it!"

"Yes × 2"

The voice was so loud that the loud William wanted to pour his ears down to see if it was probably damaged.

"Okay, let's go eat!"

After educating her two children who choreographed themselves, Artemis smiled brightly at William.

The speed of this face-changing, the two children were dumbfounded!

After returning to the camp, several people quickly integrated into the singing and dancing atmosphere.

All the people put aside their troubles and enjoyed the happy dinner to the fullest.

Then, it was time to head back the next day!

Because everyone has a strong spirit of returning home after experiencing such a arduous and remarkable adventure.

So their speed is also very fast, even if it can't compare with the speed when William came alone.

But not too much time difference!

What's more, they were so anxious to come back not only because of their eagerness to return home.

At this moment, they had just passed the inspection of the "Ganesha Familia" and stood under the majestic tower of Ola Li.

"Then, we will part here, thank you Mr. William for your help!"

Letesa once again thanked him sincerely.


William was not polite either, and nodded directly in response.

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