At the moment when William's victory was announced, the entire Sirius Dome was surprisingly quiet.

All the audience was silent!

The battle stage, which was all made of specialized materials, had become pitted and pitch-black at this moment, and it was no longer as smooth and white as before.


Moritz had already collapsed powerlessly on the ground at this moment, and after he uttered the last sentence, he passed out completely.

The standard of the Xingwu Festival is not to declare victory only by destroying the school badge.

If the opponent can be completely powerless, it is still one of the criteria for judging the outcome.

Wait until the ambulance team from the hospital arrives and send Moritz, who has completely fainted, to the hospital.

At this time, screams and applause like a storm sounded in the venue.


——Sirius Dome, player lounge!

A woman wearing full-face glasses sat on a chair, her brows were deeply knit together.

Beside her was Sylvia who had just finished singing and went back to the lounge to rest, waiting for the first round of elimination.

"Are you sure?"

She is the chairman of the board of students of Kui Enwei's sons and daughters——Pedora.

Pedora is also the operating matrix behind the Quinnville Children's Academy, and the cadres of the unified corporate chaebol.

So she can be said to be the person with the most power in Kui Enwei Children's Academy.

At the same time, Pedora is also the manager of Sylvia, the new world No. [-] singer.

Of course Silvia knew what Pedora meant when she asked her!

He briskly picked up a strawberry on the table and put it in his mouth.

"If this is his full strength, I still have the confidence to resist his attack with the new song, and then look for a chance to win."

"But if he still has reservations, it's hard to say!"

"Is that really the case!"

Pedora's eyebrows became more and more deep, and her fingers tapped the wooden tabletop rhythmically.

She is the clearest about the strength of the girl in front of her.

After all, when a girl develops her abilities, she will mostly be there to watch.

That's why she was so worried when she watched William's battle scene.

Because in her opinion, Silvia's chances of winning are not very high.

"How about it! Is Silvia considering giving up?"

"If you choose to give up, I can calm down the public opinion that has arisen later!"

"Of course not!"

Sylvia shook her little head in waves, and said with a smile.

"But you may not be able to achieve it this way. At least you have to enter the final goal of the "Wanglong Xingwu Festival"."

Pedora spoke in an extremely calm tone, expressionless.

"If the expected effect of "W&W" is not achieved, it will be very troublesome later!"

"Sorry! Unfortunately, I will not compromise on this matter."

Sylvia didn't look angry at all, picked up another strawberry and happily opened the door and went out.

Seeing the girl going out, Pedora sighed softly on Gujing's impassive face.

"This is really unpredictable!"

In fact, they agreed to Silvia's participation in the "Wanglong Xingwu Festival" this time, with the intention of raising the girl's reputation to a higher level.

Compared with other academies, Kui Enwei's Academy for Women can actually say that it doesn't pay much attention to the results of the Xingwu Festival.

Other academies are working hard with the goal of being champions, and Kui Enweier uses this competition as a debut stage for her girls.

Let Silvia participate in the "Wanglong Xingwu Festival" this time because I want to make Silvia an idol with equal strength, beauty and singing voice.

For this reason, the operating matrix "W&W" behind them this time can be said to have paid a very high price, so that Sylvia and "Lonely Witch" were divided into two halves, and the two of them were not allowed to meet before the final.

After all, in their opinion, this "Wanglong Xingwu Festival" can be said to be very weak. Basically, the colleges did not send too strong opponents, except for the "Lonely Witch" who defeated their college in the upper realm.

In addition, Silvia successfully defeated the first place in their school's original sequence, that is, the runner-up of the last "Wanglong Xingwu Festival".

This seemed to give them a glimpse of the possibility of winning the "Wanglong Xingwu Festival".

——St. Galedo Vas College, Student Union Office.

The girl with emerald green hair like a drill bit put a cup of steaming black tea in front of the ebony desk.

With fingers crossed, Ernest looked at the space window in front of him and chuckled!

"Lexia, what do you think?"

Lexusia's slender legs wrapped in black overlapped each other, and her two delicate little hands were also placed on her abdomen, and a trace of doubt flashed through her blue pupils.

"He is indeed a very powerful person. If I fight alone, I have no confidence."

When Lexusia spoke, she didn't look discouraged, because fighting alone was never what they were after.

After all, in their view, individual strength is far less important than teamwork.

"Who knows! Maybe after Jielong has this player, the Huanglong team may reappear!"

Ernest's slender eyes narrowed a slit, revealing an expression of excitement.

——Huang Chendian of the Seventh College of Jielong, during the audience

Except for William and Zhao Hufeng who were at the Sirius Dome, all of Fan Xinglu's disciples were present.

Of course, the newly recruited disciple Dao Teng Qilin is not here either.

"His move is stronger than when he used it with Bi Lao!"

"After this long-lost battle, I really look forward to it more and more."

——Levoff Black Academy, Student Union Office.

Le Wolf's student council president's room is located in the deepest part of the central school building. It has neither windows nor decorations.

However, the scenery in the office is by no means poor, and every thing that is limited to the minimum use is very heavy, which makes people feel a high-style atmosphere.

"Well! Only at the current level, there is no need to intervene!"

The tiny fat man with short red hair sat on a chair that didn't match his body type, looking at the space window in front of him and talking to himself.

"Hey! Ke Luonai, come and give me a divination."

- Allcante College, Graduate School

The girl in the Alicante uniform was holding a precision instrument in her hand, carefully operating the humanoid mechanical object in front of her.

Another brown-skinned woman crossed her arms, still reminiscing about the natural disaster-like battle just now.

"Don't worry! Camilla, the Ardi I made and the Rimsey you made will be fine."

Now the entire Asterisk has completely started to shake up because of the game just now!

Except for Jielong, almost all the other schools sent their own secret service organizations to investigate William's specific information.

As for William, he has now changed his face into another look, and is about to slip away from the emergency exit.

Of course, this is not because of other reasons. The reason for everything is the rush of reporters from various newspaper companies.

The exit has been completely surrounded, just to get first-hand news materials.

After one experience of being surrounded, William never made similar mistakes again.

After the game is over, just change your identity and run away!

So much so that now, his exclusive interview has been in various newspaper offices, the best bait for the editor-in-chief to spur the editors under him.

It is said that as long as they can get his exclusive interview, these reporters can easily get promoted and raise their salary.

"Forget it, go back to Jielong directly!"

William shook his head, then slipped directly into the underground parking lot, found his car, and drove off without caring where Zhao Hufeng was.

Originally, he was usually planning to go out for dinner with Qi Lin and Qi Lin's mother.

But Qi Lin insisted that he should not be allowed to do useless things during the game to affect his state, so he refused this matter with a firm face.

Of course, the current Kirin also temporarily moved out of Cecily's room, and went to live in the hotel with her mother.


"It's a pity that I waited for you in the players' lounge for so long, and you came back first!"

Zhao Hufeng looked angrily at the unapologetic William.

"Okay, Hufeng, don't worry about such trivial matters!"

Fan Xinglu waved his hand, interrupting Zhao Hufeng's thoughts of continuing to complain, and then looked at William with a smile.

"Do you know what I called you here to do?"

William raised his eyelids slightly, then yawned.

"Hurry up! It's almost time for me to practice."

Fan Xinglu didn't speak, but just patted lightly with two tender little hands.

The current three people were directly drawn into the distorted space crack.

The next moment, the three of them appeared in a room similar to William's exclusive training room at the same time.

The tall man immediately walked up to Fan Xinglu, clasped his hands together, and performed a standard martial art!


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