Qi Lin didn't make a sound, but closed her eyes subconsciously, her young shoulders trembling uncontrollably.

But after a long time, the familiar pain did not strike again.

"I just arrived a little late, and this kind of thing happened!"

The man's voice was very calm, without the slightest ups and downs in his voice, but the guests at the scene seemed to be able to hear the anger in the man's heart.

The familiar voice made Kirin subconsciously open her eyes.

But she saw the picture of Toto Koichiro struggling hard while keeping his palm raised high.

The eyes continue to move upwards!

The man's face was not the one that Qi Lin was familiar with, but this face was still seen by Qi Lin.

This is the face that William used when he got off the plane from the airport that day.

No matter how hard Toto Koichiro struggled, he couldn't shake it at all.

This is also normal, no matter how much Toto Koichiro exercises his body.

But after all, he is just an ordinary person, and it is just a dream to compete with the Xingmai generations in terms of physical strength.

Not to mention he was still compared to William.

That face, which was already a little old, is now suffocated like a red monkey's buttocks!

"Damn it, who are you!"

Koichiro Toufu struggled hard with his face flushed, his voice was not as arrogant as before, and even a little hysterical.

As for William, he wasn't even interested in looking at him, and turned his gaze to the girl who was still in a daze.

"Why did you let him attack you, Kirin!"

"I should have said it! If there is anything, I will take care of it for you!"

William's voice is very cold, it's hard to imagine that this is the usual attitude towards William who is as gentle as Kirin.

Qi Lin also lowered her little head in an instant, but she didn't feel sad at all because of it!

Because what she could hear from William's words was not reprimand, but his hidden concern.

But more is to be angry with her!

That was why she was embarrassed to face William.

After all, since William knew about her past, William was afraid of such a thing, and had educated her many times.

Don't be afraid of shooting ordinary people just because your father is in prison for this.

After all, there are a lot of disgusting people in this world, if she is restrained because of this matter, Qi Lin will suffer a big loss sooner or later.

He also never worried that Kirin would do bad things just because of his promise.

Because he knew Qi Lin very well, this girl would never cause trouble, and even if someone shot her, she would probably just bear it silently.

"But, he is my uncle!"

Qi Lin still didn't dare to raise her head to meet William face to face.

This is exactly the case, in fact, Qi Lin has always silently remembered William's words in her heart.

It's just that after William's education, it was his uncle who made the first move, which made Qi Lin a little confused and didn't know what to do.

After hearing what Qi Lin said, William suddenly set his eyes on this man who was glaring at him.

Looking at the man's old face, he also remembered what my wife Shiro Shino told him half a year ago.

"Are you Toto Koichiro?"

"you know me?"

Koichiro Toto, who had been struggling all this time, also temporarily stopped his movements, then frowned, and began to recall who William was.

Although he is an alternate cadre of "Galaxy", he hardly appears on social media.

Therefore, the only ones who can know him are basically the partners of various integrated corporate chaebols, and some heirs of executives.

With just a slight lift of William's eyelids, he could see what this calculating man was thinking.

Looking around for a while, there are more and more crowds around.

He sighed softly, no matter what time it is, it is human nature to like to watch the excitement!

William waved his hand, and a blushing waitress came forward.

"Excuse me, what's the matter with you?"

This time, William deliberately released some of his charm ability, and now the waitress in front of him has completely lost her mind.

I'm afraid William asked her to take off her clothes on the spot now, and she probably wouldn't hesitate at all, so just take off her clothes!

"Sorry, do you have a private room here?"

"Or lend me a separate room!"

"Yes, I will prepare a box for you right now, please come with me!"

The waitress agreed immediately, and then parted a way from the encirclement that had formed a human wall.

"Let go of me!"

"Who wants to go to the private room with you."

Koichiro Toto, who was about to be dragged away by William, had no time to think about William's true identity.

Now quickly get out of this man's grip, and then investigate this man's identity.

What is the relationship with him and Qi Lin is what he wants to do most urgently at the moment.

"Do you think it's up to you to decide whether to go or not?"

William sneered in Toto Koichiro's ear, and then dragged along with the waitress.

Qi Lin also got up without saying a word, and walked silently behind the two of them.

None of the crowd in charge of watching around had any intention of stepping forward to help Toto Koichiro!

The slap that Toto Koichiro slapped Kirin just now was noticed by many people.

Even those who didn't see it later were kindly explained by the few people who arrived at the beginning.

So in the face of a man like Toto Koichiro who bullies children at will, no one will step forward to help.

This means that William arrived at the right time, just in time to block the second slap of Toto Koichiro.

Otherwise, a few enthusiastic people would have wanted to help.

After all, who can remain indifferent to the scene of a silver-haired loli being bullied!

Now that William is going to teach this man a lesson, it can be said that it is too in line with their wishes.

The only thing that makes them regret is that they can't witness the scene of Toto Koichiro being cleaned up.

The wooden door was opened by the waitress!

William held Toto Koichiro's wrist with one hand, and then threw it forcefully into the room!

ps: I always feel that I still need to write about the plot of teaching this uncle a lesson, otherwise it will be uncomfortable

Once again, I would like to trouble everyone to vote for free recommended tickets, monthly tickets, etc., and you can post comments and type casually

really bother everyone

Chapter 170: Slap back "4000 words for subscription"

"Call me immediately if you need anything!"

The waitress said to William with a beautiful smile, and before closing the door, she also smiled at Qi Lin who was sitting on the chair, and then left in peace.

As for Toto Koichiro who was still rubbing his butt in the corner, she didn't pay attention to him at all.

"Sit down for me when you get over it!"

"I don't have that much time to waste on you!"

Under these sneering words, Toufu Koichiro couldn't help but tremble, and while cursing in his mouth, he pulled out the chair and sat on it.

Then he looked at the two full teacups on the table, and then at the empty teacup in front of his desk.


After a cold snort, he poured himself a cup of tea and looked at William.

"who are you?"

"I've been thinking about it for a long time, and I confirm that I don't know you."

"Where did you know me?"

William looked at Toufu Koichiro, put his fingers on the table and tapped lightly, and a crisp sound followed.

His face was like a rippling water surface, and blurred double images began to appear.

The inconspicuous face and short black hair began to change in the crowd.

Koichiro Koichiro Koto looked at William with puzzled eyes.

He had never seen anyone who could change his face at will, but when William's real face was fully revealed.

Koichiro Toufu looked at this face he was very familiar with, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he let go of a huge rock hanging in his heart.

Then he showed a sarcastic smile, and the haughty expression was put on his face again, as if no one could see it.

"So it's you! "The Vientiane Universe" from the Seventh Academy of World Dragons!"

Yes, you heard me right.

Koichiro Koichiro, an ordinary person, not only did not feel any fear after recognizing William's true identity.

Instead, he completely forgot the fear just now, and even spoke to William in an arrogant tone.

"Pathetic waste!"

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