After all, the Xingmai generations who are able to participate in the Xingwu Festival are still in the minority, and most of them will never have the strength to shine in the Xingwu Festival in their entire lives.

So this is an activity that all students, regardless of ability, can participate in.

It has become the only place where ordinary students can express their enthusiasm in their school days.

Moreover, today is also a sunny day!

The sun shines through the bright green trees, and the sunlight scattered on the ground forms dappled light and shadow.

A man in black casual attire was sitting on a bench beside the gate of the Star Guidance Pavilion.

The man was yawning boredly, and the brim of the red peaked cap was pulled down by him, so it was impossible to see his true appearance.

But it's just such a man who can't see his face clearly, girls passing by on the street will inadvertently put their eyes on this man.

"So complicated!"

The man uttered these words from his throat unknowingly!

"Ah! This trouble~ Could it be me!"

A smiling voice came from behind the man, and a weak hand rested on the man's shoulder.

"How is that possible!"

The corner of the man's eyes also showed a slight smile, he took off his peaked cap and tilted his head back.

"I'm just talking about the eyes that have been on me all the time, how could it be you!"


The girl's face caught the man's eyes!

The person who came was none other than Sylvia Lunaheim, who made an appointment with the man to meet here yesterday!

It's just that today she can be said to be completely different from the glamorous star on the stage!

She's wearing a beige blouse and skinny jeans today!

He wore a white velvet beret on his head, and his slender chestnut-colored hair fluttered in the wind.

Combining her face with the clothes on her body, she is an extremely ordinary girl from any angle.

The only thing that can connect her with the world-renowned diva is her pair of big eyes that seem to be able to talk.

"However, since you have already pretended to be like this, you can still attract bees and butterflies like this!"

"It seems that a mere disguise can't stop the charm of our "Sky-moving Vientiane" at all!"

Silvia walked around the bench, then walked in front of William, and sat down slowly beside him.

Although the smell of fragrance rolled up by Sylvia when she sat down made William feel refreshed!

But at this moment, he still gave Silvia an angry look!

"I said, you exposed my real name so undisguisedly, if I get surrounded by those fanatical fans later, you will be responsible!"

It has long been known that William has the ability to pretend in just two months.

After all, he often appears on many occasions without warning, and many people use monitors to check his location.

In addition, there are only a few faces that have been changing their images during this period of time. As time goes by, this matter will naturally be exposed!

The face used today is naturally made just now!

However, if Silvia was allowed to preach so loudly, sooner or later he would be surrounded by suspicious fans.

"Hey! Isn't that great!"

"I'm doing a good deed, satisfying the wishes of your fans!"

Facing William's white eyes, Silvia also covered her face and smiled lightly.

Regarding this, William just glanced at Sylvia's delicate ears lightly, and then spoke calmly.

"Then how about I help you remove the ability attached to the earphone!"

"In this way, I can also do good deeds, and then I can satisfy the fans of His Royal Highness Diva!"


Sylvia stretched out her light white jade finger, poked on William's hard arm, and said quietly.

"Mr. William, are you the legendary straight man!"

"You always talk like this, but you won't please girls!"

"Really! I don't think you're angry!"

Facing Silvia's seemingly accusatory words, William didn't feel nervous at all, instead he was quite relaxed.

"And, according to me, I think this way of getting along is more relaxed and natural."

"Don't you think so!"

"Well! That's true!"

Silvia blinked her eyes, shrugged her shoulders and agreed with William's words!

"Then let's go!"

"According to your thinking, isn't our schedule today quite rushed!"

William shook his head, then stood up directly from the chair, stretching the corners of his already wrinkled clothes.


Silvia also immediately put on a sweet smile on her face, took a step forward, and moved to William's side!

He took William's arm very naturally!

The girl's tenderness was also rubbing against William's arm intentionally or unintentionally!

In this regard, William just lamented that Sylvia's appearance was beyond her appearance, and the clothes she usually wore completely concealed the girl's towering height!

As for her taking the initiative to hold his arm, in William's eyes, can this be called a thing?

Today itself is an invitation akin to a date!

Walking arm in arm, isn't that customary!

how to say!

Although they are the six colleges of Asterisk, the architectural style of each college can be said to be completely different.

Jielong's buildings are full of buildings in the style of the ancient oriental country. Looking around, it looks like the ancient royal palace of ZG.

Arriving at the Star Guide Pavilion, it should be able to describe the feeling of walking on the bustling European street!

There are not only modern super high-rise buildings used as school buildings for ordinary students, but also many European-style villas for students to live in.

Although listening to the narration, this college should already be full of various buildings!

Not really!

In fact, in the middle of each building, there will be a natural scenery like a natural park.

The lush trees inside are growing vigorously, and the river flows slowly along the artificially dug channel.

At this moment, Sylvia was holding William's arm, leading him to shuttle among the small vendors.

She and William also had several packed food bags hanging on their hands.

"I said, didn't you buy a little too much!"

"Be careful when the chairman of your family reprimands you for gaining weight!"

William said dumbfoundingly to Silvia who was still pulling him towards the ice cream truck!

"Ah! Don't you know that I have a special physique that keeps me from getting fat no matter what I eat!"

After Silvia turned her head and smiled at William, she turned to the owner of the ice cream truck.

"Boss, give me another two and three balls of ice cream!"


Silvia, who took the ice cream, finally gave up on buying food.

He dragged William to the table that was placed next to the food stall for the convenience of the guests during the school festival.

Sylvia, who was sitting on the chair, stuck out her sweet tongue very cutely, and licked the strawberry-flavored ice cream ball on the top!

"Sure enough, if we're going on a date! There must be an item of eating ice cream!"

Silvia, who finished licking the ice cream, blinked her eyes, and then said in an exclamation tone.

"You should have read this from romance novels or movies!"

William, who was also eating ice cream, said to Silvia amusedly.

Although he is relatively indifferent to desserts like ice cream, it is because spring has already begun.

In Asterisk, the temperature in spring is the same as the hot summer outside.

So in order not to let it melt first, he could only choose to eat ice cream first.

"Well! What you said is indeed not wrong, but I think this is really very happy!"

Sylvia nodded unabashedly, and immediately revealed that she had no dating experience at all!

Immediately afterwards, Silvia's eyes narrowed, and she spoke in a meaningful tone.

"Then let Mr. William, who sounds very experienced, take me through the next activities!"

"That's fine too!"

William raised his eyebrows, and did not defend what Silvia said just now.

After all, an ordinary man would justify what he just said!

If you expose your rich dating experience, it will undoubtedly be a minus item in the hearts of most girls!

But William didn't want to lie about it, after all, he now has a lot of confidante.

This is an unavoidable thing when he comes into contact with every girl who has a crush on him afterwards.

So if he doesn't explain now, it's like giving Silvia a vaccination in advance!

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