Most of the students who can come to Jielong are thinking about exercising themselves!

Even if they participated in the Xingwu Festival, they at most regarded the Xingwu Festival as a means of training themselves.

"Speaking of which, your fighting skills are also pretty good!"

"Which genre is it?"

Speaking of this, William remembered the fighting technique she used when fighting Silvia at the Star Martial Arts Festival.

Her melee combat can be said to be quite versatile, but the techniques she uses are quite unfamiliar to William.

"Of course, I insist on exercising without relaxing every day!"

Sylvia, who heard William's praise, put her hands on her hips, puffing out her chest cutely.

"However, I don't know what the name is."

"Because when the teacher taught me, I also learned a foundation. Most of the rest are my own research."

At this moment, the surrounding Wanyingsu began to move, and the surrounding scenery became distorted.

Silvia just wanted to use the star power to interfere, but William directly put his hand on her shoulder, interrupting her shot.

As a result, when she came back to her senses, Silvia found that she was already in another space.

"Xinglu, you are engaging in this kind of surprise attack again!"

William shook his head and complained to a huge red load-bearing column.

"Since you used the private room of the old man, you should be prepared to be discovered!"

Behind the load-bearing pillar, Fan Xinglu appeared from the shadow of the pillar, and then she set her eyes on Silvia.

"Haha, I'm sorry Your Royal Highness Diva, I was a little rude!"

"It's just that after discovering you and this kid, I can't hold back my emotions a little bit!"

While talking, Fan Xinglu patted her little hand!

In the originally extremely empty room, three antique chairs appeared again, standing behind the three people.

"Even so, I still hope that next time, Xinglu, you can say hello in advance!"

Silvia, who was completely off guard, simply sat on the chair. She and Fan Xinglu are also acquainted with each other often!

She also knew Fan Xinglu's temperament very well, so she couldn't get angry at all.

"By the way, Xinglu, if you have anything to do, just tell me directly! If there is nothing to do, the two of us will have something to do next!"

"Huh? There's nothing wrong, I'm just purely curious!"

Fan Xinglu shrugged indifferently, and then she set her eyes on Silvia.

"If there is any purpose in insisting...!"

An aura that could be counted as violent suddenly erupted from Fan Xinglu's body. The force seemed to completely crush the bones and even the flesh of a person, and even the space trembled because of it.

"It's just that after seeing the growth of Her Royal Highness Diva, I feel a little itchy!"

"Hey! I don't really want to have any conflicts with you, Xinglu!"

Sylvia's forehead was already sweating, but on the surface she still didn't let Fan Xinglu down.

"Alright, Xingdew!"

"Sylvia still can't bear your torture. If you really can't bear it, go to the captain of the guard."

William directly interrupted the tense atmosphere just now!

Fan Xinglu's terrifying sense of oppression disappeared immediately after William's voice sounded.

"Even if you say that, that guy Helga has been avoiding me recently. If she wants to hide her ability, it will be too troublesome to find out!"

"It would be great if you could play a game with my old lady with all your heart!"

After finishing speaking, Fan Xinglu gave William a sad look for the first time!

William ignored Fan Xinglu's look.

Fan Xinglu is very grateful for his help, because Fan Xinglu likes a battle that can threaten her life, and he is willing to satisfy her!

But even so, playing with her once a month is completely enough.

If he wasn't given this restriction, he was sure that Fan Xinglu would definitely stalk him to death.

In the final analysis, there are too few people in this world who can be equal to her!

"Then since you have nothing to do, send the two of us to my room! Sylvia and I have something to do."

As soon as William finished speaking, Fan Xinglu showed a shocked expression on his face, and then burst out laughing.

"How should I say this! William, your luck is really good!"

"Wait, Xing...!"

After hearing what Fan Xinglu said, Silvia realized that Fan Xinglu must have misunderstood something and was about to explain it aloud.

Fan Xinglu's little hand had already waved out, and the space around William and Silvia had been distorted.

Wait until the next moment!

William and Silvia had arrived at his room at the top of the student dormitory.

Silvia, who had just landed, didn't even have the intention of visiting, her cheeks on both sides were completely swollen, like a puffer fish that exploded with anger.

"It's all your nonsense, now Xinglu has completely misunderstood it!"

"How can I get along with Xinglu in the future!"

Seeing Sylvia's angry appearance, William was directly amused.

"What did she misunderstand?"

"Of course you think I have that kind of relationship with you!"

Silvia answered subconsciously!

"That kind of relationship?"


Sylvia, who finally came to her senses, blushed, and the face that looked at William also became vicious.

Stretching out her jade feet covered with small leather shoes, she kicked William who was still laughing at her.

"Same as what? Sylvie, it's not a good habit not to say anything!"

It can be said that William didn't care about Silvia's glare!

After a while, Silvia sighed faintly, and then slumped down on the sofa as if resigned to her fate.

"Forget it!"

"Xingluai can think whatever she wants!"

"Anyway, Xinglu shouldn't be a talkative person!"

Seeing that Silvia had already sat down, William also sat directly beside Silvia, and then held Silvia's two little hands very naturally.

"Then let's get started!"

With the abrupt sentence, Silvia also nodded in understanding, and gently closed her eyes.

The tyrannical star power erupted directly from William's body, and the surrounding star power also rioted accordingly.

Wan Yingsu, who was invisible and colorless in nature, seemed to be completely infected at this moment, showing his true appearance in the room one after another.

The colorful Wanyingsu flutters naturally in the air, exuding charming brilliance.

The map of Asterisk also unfolded quietly beside the two, and the Wanyingsu gathered in this room also rushed to the outside world like a wave.

Wanyingsu is constantly infecting Wanyingsu, finally forming a wave-like exploration zone in this brightly lit night.

"Has this kid started again!"

Fan Xinglu, who was dozing off on the chair, was suddenly awakened. After laughing and cursing, she continued to doze off.

After a long time, the wave-like star power spread to the edge of Asterisk and dissipated with the wind.

Two pieces of black feathers also hovered and fell on the map. The feathers kept rotating with each other, and finally stayed within a rather large range.


William looked at Silvia who was staring at the map in a daze, walked to her side, and asked softly.

"Finally confirmed!"

Sylvia's eyes seemed to be faintly flickering with water, and there was an uncontrollable sense of joy in her throat.

Afterwards, she leaned against William's chest as if she had completely lost her strength!

William stood up straight and supported Silvia's delicate body, put his hands in his pockets and put his eyes on the map, and then his brows frowned!

"How can the scope be so wide!"

Normally speaking, it is impossible for him to explore the small city of Asterisk with his star power and spiritual power, and it is impossible to have such a vague definition.

And the exploration technique he uses now is also the most frequently used exploration technique by Sylvia!

This is an exploration technique specially invented by Silvia in order to find her teacher in the world!

This exploration technique is also the most brilliant exploration technique William has ever seen. Not only is the scope very wide, but the accuracy is also very high.

William's words also awakened Sylvia who was in joy!

There was also a pensive expression on her face, and then she spoke slowly.

"My exploration technique relies on the flow of air to explore. After all, as long as humans or animals need to breathe air."

"This method can't pinpoint the exact location, except that it's not a living organism that can breathe, so there's only one possibility."

"So that's it, is it an underground laboratory!"

After eliminating all the possibilities, there is only this one possibility left, which can explain the situation in front of us.

As a technology city, Asterisk has many laboratories.

There are so many underground laboratories with the best secrecy!

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