"If our school didn't directly put such a clear label on it like ordinary people's schools, then the freshmen should get along well with each other and form excellent friendships."

"In this way, even if they are divided into different classes because of their academic performance, there will be no confrontation."

"But because of the label, when the freshmen got the uniforms of the first-year students, they directly classified themselves into the camp of the first-year students, and when they got the uniforms of the second-year students, they directly divided themselves into the camp of the second-year students."

"After all, the environment affects people. The seniors of the first department students teach the freshmen of the second department that they are waste, and the seniors of the second department students teach the freshmen of the second department. It is unfair that the first department students take away the treatment they should have."

"In this way, the two camps continue to oppose each other without end."

Mitsunobu Kushima uttered a series of words, and suddenly felt a little smoke in his throat.

Nanakusa Mayumi saw Mitsunobu Kushima's appearance, and thoughtfully took out a thermos cup from her handbag and handed it to Mitsunobu Kushima.

"Junior Guangxuan is thirsty, drink this first!"

Mitsunobu Kushima hesitated for a moment, but he still reached out to take the thermos from Nanakusa Mayumi's hand, and took a few sips.

"Thank you so much Nanakusa-senpai."

Mitsunobu Kushima finished drinking and returned the vacuum flask to Mayumi Nanakusa.

"It's nothing." Nanakusa Mayumi shook her head, took the thermos and put it back into the handbag.

"Compared to this, I want to hear how to solve this problem if it is Junior Guangxuan."

Nanakusa Mayumi looked at Kushima Mitsunobu with hopeful eyes, after hearing Kushima Mitsunobu's analysis, now Nanakusa Mayumi is eager to know.

She regrets that she has been deeply dissatisfied with the system for second-year students since she entered school.But the system of second-year students has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people for a long time.

So until now she doesn't know how to solve this problem now, and now she wants to hear how to solve this problem from Kushima Mitsunobu's perspective.


Mitsunobu Kushima was not surprised by Nanakusa Mayumi's request.

After a pause, he continued.

"Like I said, I'm not against meritocracy, right?"


"The test at the time of admission to our school directly determines the identity of the students in the school for three years, right!"

"We just need to change one of the rules a little bit so that the school will be like a normal school, senpai."

"Could it be that."

After all, Nanakusa Mayumi was born in Nanakusa's family, and her father was famous for planning, so her IQ cannot be bad.

She naturally thought of what Mitsunobu Kushima said to change.


Mitsunobu Kushima smiled and nodded.

"Isn't there a final exam at the end of each semester? Students who do well in the second subject will be promoted to the first subject, and those who do not well in the first subject will be admitted to the second subject."

"In this way, the students of the first department will be afraid that the students of the second department will catch up, and they will be afraid that they will become the second-class students who they used to scold and look down on and study magic hard."

"Students in the second department will also work hard to become students in the first department in order to get rid of the label of waste and strive for better treatment."

"What do you think, senior sister!"

Mitsunobu Kushima spread his arms and looked at Nanakusa Mayumi with a smile.

Nanakusa Mayumi's expression slowly changed from contemplation to joy, and then calmed down after a while, then shook her head and said.

"Junior Guangxuan, magic schools are different from ordinary schools."

"Students in ordinary schools can achieve results by putting in greater efforts than ordinary people, but magicians are different. In the world of magicians, talent is everything."

That's right, in the world of magic, talent is everything.

However, magical talent is a very fragile thing, and students can easily drop out of school due to accidents and can no longer use magic.

That's why there is a system of [Second Subject Students], and the second subject students are to make up for the students who are vacant due to accidents.

This is why the students of the second department are the spare parts of the students of the first department.

"So it's impossible for a student of the second department to become a student of the first department. It's not convincing at all to have one in two or three years."

Mitsunobu Kushima stretched out a finger and shook it, "Senior Nanakusa, you don't know how to use even a little bit of tricks, do you?"

"Do you mean?"

He doesn't know at all if this senior is pretending to be stupid with him. He doesn't think Nanakusa Mayumi is someone who doesn't even know how to do this kind of thing.

Kushima Hikunun sighed, and looked around to see that there was no one around.

After all, this kind of thing is not something that can be heard casually, so it is better to be a little careful.

Chapter 3 Exquisite dolls

However, Mitsunobu Jiudao was still just in case, there was a faint blue light flickering faintly on the earring on the right earlobe, and a sound-proof barrier made of psions enveloped the two of them.

"The speed of casting magic is so fast."

Nanicao really has beautiful eyes, and she really deserves to be the leader of the younger generation of Jiudao family.

Mitsunobu Kushima looked at Nanakusa Mayumi and said.

"Then let me tell you about my method. Senior sister, there should be several branches in your family that haven't been announced!"

Nanakusa Mayumi nodded and remained silent.

This kind of situation actually exists in every magic family, and these families are all the private army of the main family.

"Let the children of those families restrain themselves a little during the entrance exams, and then wait for the second and third grade exams to successfully advance to the first subject. This method should not be difficult for you, senior sister!"

Nanakusa Mayumi couldn't help but fell into deep thought. In fact, the solution given by Mitsunobu Kushima was also the one she came up with.

As the eldest daughter of the Nanakusa family, how could she not understand such a simple strategy!

In fact, this was the first solution that came to her mind when Mitsunobu Jiudao gave her the idea to solve the problem.

It's just that she wanted to hear whether Kudao Mitsunobu had the same problem-solving ideas as hers.


Mitsunobu Kushima noticed a girl who was shorter than Mayumi Nanakusa came straight towards the two of them.

Mitsunobu Kushima quickly removed the sound-proof barrier that surrounded the two of them.

"Sister Nanakusa, your friend seems to be here."

Mitsunobu Kushima hurriedly reminded Mayumi Nanakusa who was still thinking about it.

Nanakusa Mayumi, whose thoughts were interrupted, also quickly raised her head, then waved to the petite girl who was coming towards her, and smiled knowingly.

"President, why are you still here?"

The girl who spoke had a soft voice, like a wounded little animal. Standing there, she had the urge to be bullied.

"Brother Guangxuan, let me introduce you, this is the secretary of our student union, Azusa Nakajo."

"Common name, Azusa sauce."

Nanakusa Mayumi walked up to Azusa Nakajo, patted her head, and said with a smirk.

Before the Jiudao official could say anything, Azusa Nakajo's pink cheeks immediately swelled up at a speed visible to the naked eye, like a puffer fish that was blown by air.

The two little hands kept swinging up and down.

"President, please don't call me Xiaozi in front of the lower grades. I also have the position of a senior."

Although the elementary school sister tried her best to maintain the appearance of a senior in front of Mitsunobu Kushima, in Mitsunobu Kushima's eyes, her appearance could only be said to be more like a small animal.

Probably a rabbit!

Although Mitsunobu Jiudao thought so in his mind, but the etiquette is exactly the same.

"Sister Nakajo, hello."

"My name is Mitsunobu Kushima. Please give me your advice in the future."

Azusa Nakajo seemed to be treated so respectfully by her junior for the first time, with a contented look on her small face.

"By the way, President, the rehearsal is about to start. Let's go!"

"Ah, that's right."

"I'm sorry, Mitsunobu. The auditorium is right in front, you can go there first!" Nanakusa Mayumi smiled apologetically at Kushima Mitsunobu.

She finally remembered that she still had something urgent to do, and she reached out to Mitsunobu Kushima to point out the location of the auditorium, and left with Azusa Nakajo.

When Azusa Nakajo left, she also had a high degree of affection for Mitsunobu Kushima, a junior who respected her very much. When she left, she even told him to leave.

"Forget it, let's walk over slowly!"

Mitsunobu Kushima glanced at his watch, there was still a lot of free time before the opening ceremony.

When I walked into the auditorium, there were already many students seated in the empty auditorium.

Obviously there are still many vacancies in front of the seats, but there is not a second-year student sitting in it.Mitsunobu Kushima didn't intend to stand alone.

While he's not afraid of being picked on, having to deal with trouble on the first day of school isn't what he wants either.

He randomly found a vacant seat among the students from the first department, sat on it and closed his eyes to rest his mind.

"Next, it's the freshmen's speech, and the freshmen represent Shiba Miyuki."

Originally, Mitsunobu Jiudao planned to close his eyes and rest until the end of the opening ceremony. He didn't come directly from the house he bought in the morning.

Instead, he woke up early in the morning from the main house of Jiudao's family, and he didn't get enough sleep.

What's more, the opening ceremony didn't have any special meaning, it was just a group of people taking turns to come forward and say something meaningless.

However, as the freshman representatives came to the stage, Mitsunobu Kushima opened his eyes due to the growing discussion among the students around him.

Of course, he had no interest in this so-called freshman representative. After all, as long as he took the last practical test, the freshman representative could not be someone else.

It can only be himself, Mitsunobu Kushima.

But when he opened his eyes for the first time, he knew that he was wrong. He had a strong interest in the girl standing on this stage now.

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