But now, almost everyone is not interested in stopping at the event venue in front of them, and the flow of people almost all walks in one direction.

William took the same steps, for he had the same purpose as the others.

That is the single trio of the world's number one singer, Sylvia Lunaheim!

Of course, if such a terrifying flow of people gathered in one place, it would be absolutely impossible for the performance venue of Kui Enwei Children's Academy alone to accommodate it.

"—We will ever find our melody! (We will ever find our melody!)"

"—Over mountain and below the stars! (Over mountain and below the stars!)"

"—Light my way so I know where you are! (Light my way so I know where you are!)"

Fresh and melodious singing echoed continuously in the center of the venue, and the girl sang heartily on the improvised simple stage.

He is standing on the big tree next to him now. In fact, he also wants to go to the front row to listen to the girl's singing.

But the helpless crowd surrounded the stage so tightly that they almost formed an impenetrable human wall.

Unless he uses spiritual magic to mentally interfere with this group of people, there is no way for him to squeeze in.

But how could he do such a thing to these loyal fans of Sylvia!


The mist formed by the power of the stars swept over his body like a veil, and then he seemed to see Silvia on the stage blinking at his position.

William also nodded to her, and gave her a thumbs up, indicating that she sang very well.

Silvia also immediately smiled happily and bent her eyebrows, and she sang even harder.

The melodious singing stopped echoing!

The girl on the stage jumped off the stage directly, and the crowded crowd immediately gave way to Silvia spontaneously.

No one rushed out and did anything rude!

Da da da--!

The girl was still wearing the same stage outfit as when she was on stage!

Long cyanotic hair swaying in the wind!

The exquisite costumes swayed gently with the girl's light steps.

Obviously it was just the girl moving forward normally, but it was the feeling of being walked out of the catwalk on the international stage by the girl.

The crowd continued to divide a wide aisle according to the direction the girl was heading, until the girl came under a tall old tree.

The crowd under the old tree also immediately gave up a not-so-wide open space.

"Why, if you haven't come down yet, do you want me to go up!"

"But I'm wearing a skirt now!"

Sylvia raised her neck slightly, and smiled brightly at the tree.

The surrounding crowd also immediately caused quite a commotion because of Silvia's words.


There was a soft sigh from the tree, and then the sound of something falling on the ground was heard.

Short black hair, and a face so ordinary that it would not attract attention in the crowd.

After the sigh, such a man appeared out of nowhere in everyone's field of vision!

But before the man could say anything, the girl standing opposite the man frowned her pretty eyebrows first.

"I have used my real face, today you should use your original appearance too!"

William looked at the girl in front of him who was still smiling even though she was frowning.

He couldn't help hesitating about Silvia's suggestion, and then spoke slowly.

"You don't know about this matter, what will happen to the consequences afterwards!"

Of course, he himself has no problem. After all, he is a man, and he has no intention of becoming an artist, so naturally he doesn't care about those illusory popularity.

In other words, he was not interested in that kind of thing in the first place!

But Silvia is completely different. Her fans can be said to be regardless of race, skin color, or age.

Even if the fans treated Silvia politely just now, once they really know about this matter, it is hard to guarantee that someone will act aggressively.

Even some fanatics may choose some extreme methods because of their goddess.

These things are definitely not groundless, but real cases that have happened many times!

Silvia blinked her eyes, then stretched out her white and tender smile and patted William's chest.

"I never sing for others, I sing only for myself and the people I care about!"

"I know your worries very well, and I even know more than you do."

"But I did it after a lot of thought and I would feel sorry for those people if it had happened, but I will never regret it."

After Silvia's seemingly confessional words came out, not only William was stunned, but even the surrounding crowd were also stunned.

They just thought that Silvia came to see their male friend, but what happened to the words that seemed to be a confession just now.

William looked at Silvia in a daze for a while, and then he sighed again.

"I see!"

The change started quietly, and the short black hair turned into the original golden hair color.

When his true face was revealed, there were exclamations from all around.

More girls' eyes turned into the shape of peach blossoms, as if they wanted to rush up and hug him.

Even Silvia, a singer who is beyond the world, can't help but feel a little disgusted when she sees this situation.

"It seems that you may cause more trouble than me?"

"Stop talking nonsense!"

There was also a hint of a smile in William's eyebrows, and he directly grabbed the girl's white wrist.

"Okay, let's go!"

"If you don't leave, you won't be able to leave later."

The star power emerged from William's body again, directly enveloping the two people, and the two people disappeared from everyone's sight.

It wasn't until the two of them left that there was a loud commotion in the crowd.

"The one just now is 'Sky-moving Vientiane'!"

"Are these two a couple?"

"Idiot, didn't you hear what Miss Silvia said just now! Isn't it natural!"

"How did he meet Miss Silvia!"

"It should have happened during the last "Wanglong Xingwu Festival"!"

"No! Isn't that the husband I just selected!"

This is the mournful cry of a certain female student wearing the uniform of Quinnwell's Girls' Academy.

"Damn it, how can Miss Diva fall in love with a man!"

These were the words of a certain male student who was gnashing his teeth and eyes full of anger.

"What do you mean, is it because of a guy like you that Miss Silvia will never be able to find happiness for the rest of her life!"

"Do you want to fight!"

"Come on! Duel, I just want to educate you selfish guy."

"Obviously we just need to silently bless Ms. Silvia who has found happiness, but there is a rat shit like you in the mix."

The duel started here directly, and the factions that supported the two people also cheered for the two people.


Of course, the restlessness is far from here.

You must know that the manuscripts of Silvia's concerts are the most popular selling points of major magazines.

There are also not a few reporters who came to Kui Enwei Children's Academy this time.

After hearing this kind of news in public, they naturally knew very well that this incident was probably the biggest selling point of this year's entertainment news.

After all, the world's number one rare singer who has never had any scandals, Sylvia Lunaheim.

The same world's number one magician, but also the world's number one powerhouse "Sky-moving Vientiane", William Sfelder.

If the news that these two people are dating is broadcast immediately, it will probably cause shocks in the world!

Of course, these reporters did not immediately return to the newspaper office after sending the news back to the office.

Now they are all looking for Silvia and William everywhere!

They have only one goal now, to get the first-hand interview with the two of them immediately, then it will definitely not be a dream for them to be promoted and raise their salary as editor-in-chief.

Fantasizing about his own bright future, now Kui Enwei Children's Academy can definitely be said to be surging.

So what about the two protagonists now!

The two of them are hiding in the office of the chairman of Kui Enwei Children's Academy at the moment.

There are only the two of them in the huge office right now, and Sylvia pressed her delicate body tightly against William's body on the leather sofa.

Gently closing his big watery eyes, his body was also filled with a bubbling sense of happiness.

In contrast, William, who was tightly relied on by her, had a helpless expression on his face.

"This time you will cause a lot of trouble!"

"What's wrong!"

"Don't you have any dissatisfaction?"

Sylvia poked William's abdominal muscles with her fingers, and then said with a teasing face.

"I don't have any dissatisfaction, but I guess you may be punished after your agent comes back later."

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