"Where shall we go next?"

Silvia was not entangled in this matter, she really didn't care about it, and instead directly looked forward to the next date.

After all, today is the last day of the school festival for her, and it is already evening, so there is not much time left for them to play.

Although in the next period of time, because she wants to find the specific whereabouts of Usla, she has already discussed with Pedora, and she will temporarily focus all her work on Asterisk.

Perhaps the time for two people to go on a date with such freedom is probably not going to increase, especially on such a rare day as the school festival.

"What time is the movie ticket?"

"Let me see! It's eight o'clock!"

Silvia took out the movie ticket from her handbag and looked at it carefully.

"Then let's go to dinner first, and then watch a movie. After the movie is over, how about we go directly to the star guide hall to watch the fireworks display!"

Every school festival will have a final closing event, and this closing event is also undertaken by different schools every year.

For example, last year was the singer's concert hosted by Kui Enwei Children's Academy.

This time it is the fireworks display held by the Star Guide Pavilion on the coastline.

Sylvia nodded in satisfaction with William's arrangement, with an expectant expression on her face.

"Then let's go quickly! There is a delicious restaurant in our school, I will take you there!"

ps: Thanks for the blade with zero ink delivery

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Chapter 180: Encountering Varda "4000 words for subscription"

The acting in the movie can be said to be quite good!Not to mention that all the theaters are full, but the attendance rate has reached 70.00%.

Most of the people who came to watch the movie were couples like William and Silvia. After all, with the advanced space window technology.

Those who choose to come to the cinema to watch movies, in addition to feelings, most of them are couples who come here to create a dating atmosphere.

"Senior Lucia's acting skills are pretty good!"

Sylvia took William's arm and walked along the path in the forest.

This road is a small path from the movie theater to the seaside of the star guide hall, and it is also the secret route that Sylvia often takes after concerts.

"Indeed, it doesn't look like a newcomer at all!"

"Based on your senior sister's ability, it is estimated that she will soon be able to occupy her own place in the international status."

He personally also likes to watch some movies. When he is free from cultivation, he will also find some famous movies and watch them.

The interest in listening to music was slowly cultivated after getting to know Silvia.

"That's right! In fact, when my senior was in school, I often received invitations from directors."

"But they were all rejected by Pedora. It wasn't until the senior sister's acting skills were perfected that the senior sister was allowed to take the role by Pedora."

Sylvia nodded, the smile on her face remained undiminished, as if William praised her instead of her senior sister.

"Your chairman's vision is still pretty good!"

"By the way, how far are we from our destination?"

After hearing William's question, Silvia also thought for a while and said.

"It should be about 10 minutes away, and there is still about an hour before the opening of the fireworks display."

"We still have plenty of time."

After Silvia finished speaking, she immediately stopped her forward steps, as if she meant something.

"If that's the case, can the friends who are hiding there not waste my time for too long!"

"Sylvie is looking forward to this fireworks display."

William also stopped his footsteps, and then set his eyes on the dark places on both sides of the forest path.

The sudden wind blew, and the leaves made a rustling sound!

The originally fresh and refreshing air suddenly became dignified, and Wan Yingsu, who was originally calm in the atmosphere, became agitated at this moment.

Silvia only felt an indescribable sense of oppression, constantly gathering towards her shoulders, trying to crush herself.

Just when she was about to stretch her singing voice and enhance her physical fitness.

William's brows were already furrowed at this moment, and he waved his right hand that wasn't held by Sylvia directly.

Silvia directly felt her shoulders loosen, and the heavy oppressive feeling disappeared in an instant.

"Friend, if you make so many little tricks again, I won't be polite!"

The star power escaped from William's body in the form of mist, and quickly spread towards the forest in a wave-like action mode.

At the same time, his fingers were raised gently, and the rest of the fingers were clenched into fists, leaving only the index finger forward.

The white electric current gathered and formed at the fingertips, and the star power was constantly gathering towards the fingertips.

Silvia also had a dignified expression, and took out a one-handed sword-shaped Huang-style armed mobilizer from her handbag.

This is her spare weapon. As for her exclusive weapon "Fountain of Life", it is not something that can be carried with her.

As a large-scale Huang-style armed mobilization body with a spear and sword, even if it is only the shape of the mobilization body, it is quite large.

"Is it okay to pause for a while! I don't have any intention of doing it right away."

From where William pointed, a calm male voice came from inside.

Then there was the crunching of leaves and dead wood on the ground, three different footsteps.

Be aware that everyone's footsteps sound different, as it depends on an individual's weight and the way they walk.

The sound changes from weak to strong!From far to near!

Three figures of different heights also caught their eyes.

A man with a blindfold-style mask on his face and a rather expensive-looking suit.

A woman whose appearance can be said to be extremely similar to William and Silvia.

But her eyes were empty and lifeless, and nothing was reflected in the eye sockets.The necklace worn on the neck reflected black light, as if an eye was staring at them.

The last one can be said to be barely counted as an acquaintance of William!

Pale as a waterfall of silvery blue silk, wine red pupils still contain sadness as always, wearing the school uniform of Black Wolf Black Academy, and her slender and fit thighs are wrapped in black lace stockings.


Sylvia didn't know when William's arm had been sent, and she pressed her chest hard with both hands.

Restraining his overflowing emotions, he forced a smile out of himself.

"Why do you call me that?"

Her words made Silvia stunned for a moment, and even the smile on her face froze completely.

Obviously, regardless of appearance or voice, there is no doubt that it is Usla in Sylvia's memory.

But Usla in front of her eyes seemed to have completely forgotten her name.

"Have you lost your memory?"

Sylvia asked tentatively. After all, the two have been separated for a long time, and amnesia is also a very possible thing, at least Sylvia thinks so.

Just when Sylvia was about to step forward and grab Usla, William grabbed Sylvia's wrist from behind and pulled her back.

"Don't be impulsive, your teacher is being controlled!"

William's eyes narrowed slightly, although he was not very good at spiritual magic.

However, the Jiudao family, which often uses the Yotsuba family as their imaginary enemy, has a complete set of methods to deal with mind control.

Seeing through this kind of mind control is also a compulsory course for every child of the Jiudao family.

He didn't even need to check it himself, he just needed to look at the eyes of the woman in front of him to judge.

This woman's main consciousness has definitely been replaced.

Now what replaces this woman's consciousness should be the pure star-like weapon of unknown ability on her neck.

That's right, it's a pure star-brilliant weapon!

William, who was very interested in this kind of weapon at the beginning, had seen the few pure Star Brilliant weapons stored in Jielong one by one.

So he also has a deep understanding of Wanying Jingjing, a mineral with high concentration of energy.

He could tell at a glance that this necklace was made of Wanying Jingjing.

Sylvia also reacted, looking at the familiar yet somewhat unfamiliar woman in front of her, her pink lips turned pale all of a sudden.

"Who the hell are you...?"

The mobilizing body in her hand was also instantly activated by Silvia, and the star power poured into the mobilizing body, forming a blue sword blade.

The woman didn't speak, but the masked man spoke first.

"As expected of 'The Heavens Are Moving and Vientiane', you can see clearly the root of Varda so quickly."

There was some admiration in his tone, it was the first time he had seen someone like William.

"Then let me introduce myself!"

"My name is Executioner Blade, and her name is Varda! As for the one next to me, I don't need to introduce myself!"

The masked man bowed to William, performed a very standard social etiquette, and spoke slowly.

"Humans are indeed some troublesome creatures, just get rid of them directly!"

Regarding Mathias's mode of action, Varda seemed to have quite a problem.

At the same time, her attitude seemed to ignore the existence of William, who was vaguely known as the world's strongest.

how to say!

According to the normal theory, there is nothing wrong with her thinking.

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