In the brightly lit ward, Usla was lying quietly on the hospital bed, and there seemed to be a faint smile on the corner of her mouth.

Gives a very peaceful feeling.

Silvia was still sitting on Usla's hospital bed, her two white hands tightly wrapping Usla's hand.

There is no difference from when William went out before!

"Well, the matter between you is settled!"

After hearing the sound of the door opening, Silvia still kept her eyes on Usla and spoke softly.

"Well, the matter is over, let me take a look at Usla's situation next!"

While talking, William walked towards the two of them, and Sylvia immediately moved away from her seat.

And put Ursula's hand in William's, the sorrowful look on the brow finally seemed to relax a bit at this moment.

"Then trouble you!"

"I know!"

Holding Usla's soft wrist, William didn't say much, but closed his eyes.

At this time, countless blue silk threads faintly emerged from William's side.

"Miss Ursla is not sick, she just completely closed her mind now to prevent being completely swallowed by Varda."

"Fortunately, Miss Ursula's mental power is still very strong. Although she has been occupied by Varda for so many years, her mental power is still very good."

"Normally speaking, with Varda already gone, Miss Ursula should immediately awaken her main consciousness."

This is what William found in a short moment when he wandered through Wusla's body with his star power.

This diagnosis alone is much better than those healing witches who have treated Usla.

However, William was only good at mental healing.

"Then why hasn't Wusla woke up now! Is something wrong?"

Silvia's voice even started to tremble, and many bad pictures had already appeared in her mind at this moment.

"Don't panic!"

"I can handle this situation."

William didn't open his eyes, such a wide voice comforted Sylvia.

The light blue brilliance instantly exploded, and all the threads twisted by the star power were taken back into his body by William.

William is now using his star power to continuously impact on the gate formed in Usla's mind.

The reason Wusla still hasn't woken up now is that she has closed her original consciousness too tightly.

So closed, even if Varda has left her body, she is completely unaware.

What William is doing now is to use his star power to pry open a small gap in the completely sealed door.

Let Usla's own consciousness have noticed that it is now safe outside.

But it is very simple to say, but it is not an easy thing to do.

The first thing that needs to be done is to make the flow of one's own star power completely in line with the flow of star power of the patient.

Only in this way can her body not produce an instinctive resistance reaction.

Among them, even if it successfully enters Wusla's body, the place where the star power goes is the most important and complex brain of human beings.

He needs to carefully avoid it, the fragile nerves on the brain, if it weren't for William's confidence in his ability to control the star power.

He had tried this method with death row prisoners many times, but he didn't dare to use this method at all, and could only wait for Wusla to react.

So, he still has to thank him!

At that time, he was lucky to be able to spend time in the evil world and learn this very useless method in his opinion.

The treatment time is not too long!

But even in this short period of time, Sylvia felt like her days were like years.

"How about it!"

Sylvia put her hands on her chest, saw that William had let go of Usla's hand, and opened her eyes, she immediately asked anxiously.

She stared straight into William's eyes, as if she was afraid of hearing bad news from William's mouth.

William shook his head with a grin, and stood up from Usla's bed.

Walking in front of Silvia, he gently wrapped his arms around the girl's willow waist, and then gently patted Silvia's back.

Although William didn't say anything, this masculine embrace still made Silvia feel at ease.

The feeling of uneasiness that she had been feeling just now disappeared because of this embrace.


The pink and tender rosy clouds directly climbed onto the girl's fair neck. Normally, such a common act of intimacy would not cause such a shy reaction from the girl.

But the problem is, her teacher is lying in front of her.

Although her teacher was in a coma, the feeling of being intimate in front of the elders still made Silvia feel a little shy.

"Let's go out first! Just don't disturb Usla's rest!"

Silvia quietly closed her eyes, rested her little head on William's chest, and whispered.

"it is good!"



There was a sound of gasping for air, and a can of cold Coke was directly pressed against his face, making him shiver uncontrollably.

Now it is the open-air garden downstairs of the main hospital of the treatment hospital!

There are quite a lot of plants planted here, and the warm sunlight shines on the green plants, making them look more green.

And there are many courtyard-style gazebos and many benches for the patients hospitalized here to rest.

As for this bottle of drink, Silvia bought it from a vending machine.

"Oh! Mr. William, I didn't expect you to have such a reaction!"

Sylvia sat down beside William leisurely, pulled the tab on the canned drink, took a sip, and looked at William in surprise.

She had a smile on her face at the moment, and she couldn't find the sad look she had before.

"Well, it's much more beautiful this way!"

"You'd better smile more and look better!"

William took the drink and didn't choose to open it directly, but put it aside and looked at Silvia.

"Well, I see!"

Silvia smiled sweetly, and then leaned directly on William's shoulder.

The two of them didn't continue talking after that, but it didn't look dull at all, but a warm atmosphere enveloped the two of them.

"Usla's treatment was very successful, this time I feel like I've knocked the door open a little bit."

"Slow down a little bit, and it should be almost the same after a few more times."

After coming out of Usla's ward, he explained Usla's condition to Silvia thoroughly.

"Hey! William!"

"What's wrong?"

"Tell me, do you think it's okay for me to take Wusla out!"

Sylvia said such a sentence without beginning or end, which made William a little confused, but Sylvia's next explanation also made William understand directly.

To put it simply, Wusla is a complete black household in Asterisk now.

Moreover, this treatment home was found by Mathias for them, Silvia can be said to be very distrustful of this.

"I can understand your concerns, but where are you going to move her?"

"Although she doesn't need treatment, she still needs to take in nutrients through physical means every day in her comatose state."

"You don't have to worry about this. I want to move her to the treatment room of our academy. They can do a simple job like taking nutrition, and they can do it very well."

"It's mainly in Quinnville, and I can rest assured that Pedora will not object."

There is nothing wrong with what Silvia said, after all, she is now the trump card of Pedora and "W&W".

Just bring a stranger in the treatment room for recuperation, of course Pedora will agree to this matter.

Besides, Silvia has been looking for her teacher, and Pedora is also very clear.

"Wait, how will I treat Miss Wusla in the next few days?"

For some reason, seeing the sudden smile on Silvia's face, he felt a very bad feeling in his heart.

Sure enough, that was the case, Silvia immediately smiled slyly, and her slender eyelashes flickered.

"Don't you know how to pretend? Why don't you just come to our academy!"

"By the way, do you want to consider coming to our school for a few days!"

"I can help you fulfill the wish that many men dream of!"

ps: Thank you for the reward from Xixingyao who bloomed in zero ink in Disillusionment

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Chapter 190 The fourth chapter screamed loudly "4000 words for subscription"

Kui Enwei Children's Academy

This is the dream garden of all men. It can be said that the dream of many men is to study in this college.

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