When Qi Lin said these words, she unconsciously placed her hand on the sword pouch on her shoulder, and squeezed it slightly.

When she asked this sentence, William knew what Qi Lin meant.

Stretched out his big hand and slowly pressed on Qi Lin's small head, then Shi Shi spoke calmly.

"Why, you can't bear to give up the family sword in your hand, "Thousand Hagiri"? "

That's right, Qi Lin doesn't have the same thinking as Jielong's warriors.

I think that the power of pure Xinghuang-style armed forces is too tyrannical. If you use it rashly, you will easily become dependent on it, which will have a bad impact on your own improvement.

Regarding the reasonable use of props, Kirin does not have such a hypocritical mind.

Because people who will not be firm because of the superiority of weapons, in fact, will not have any great achievements in the first place.

She has this kind of hesitation because of the knife in her hand.

"Senbagiri", this is one of the two treasured swords passed down from generation to generation in the Toteng family, even compared to the other "Hinamaru", it is more representative of the qualifications of the next suzerain.

So this knife can be said to be of great significance to Qi Lin.

Besides, this is also the knife entrusted to her by her father, who is now in prison.


Looking at Qi Lin whose small face was always tangled, William didn't say much, just bent his finger and put it on Qi Lin's forehead, flicking it lightly.

"Don't forget your goal, now is not the time to worry about those little things."

"If you only use "Thousand Hagiri" in the competition, you will suffer a lot if you encounter a pure star-style armed user. "

Although "Senbagiri" is a famous sword handed down from generation to generation by the Toteng family, it was also crafted from the best metal of that era.

But after all, it is just a product of the old era, and its hardness is completely incomparable with the pure Xinghuang-style weapons.

Even its hardness is not as good as that of Huang-style weapons.

Qi Lin fell into silence, of course she understood what William said.

When she didn't come to Asterisk, she didn't expect this thing,

After all, she had been practicing in the dojo in her own home before. Even during Chinese New Year, when she was practicing against her seniors who were studying in Asterisk, they all used wooden knives for training.

But when she really confronted the Huang-style weapon, she discovered the disadvantage of her weapon.

Besides, not to mention the hardness, it is also a big problem for the transmission of star power.

After all, the Hwang-style armament is originally a sword blade made of all-encompassing elements, and it is inevitable that the superiority of transmitting star power is higher than that of "Senhagiri".

This also caused her to deliberately avoid colliding with Huang-style weapons when using "Thousand Hagiri", in order to reduce the degree of wear and tear on "Thousand Hagiri".

You must know that the sword and vine style is a sword technique that uses infinite combo techniques to make the opponent defenseless, expose one's own flaws, and then win.

Of course, there are many situations where there will be collisions with the opponent's weapons in the process.

So of course, this will cause Qi Lin to encounter some obstacles when she casts "Lianhe", and her strength will naturally be reduced.

"Don't forget, I won't fully help this conference!"

"The main force still depends on you, Qi Lin, I can only serve as an insurance condition."

Yes, William has already explained this matter to Qi Lin!

This time "Phoenix Star Martial Arts Festival" he will not be the main player, but will only serve as an insurance for Kirin's road to victory.

Most of the opponents still need Kirin to face them by herself.

After all, if he ends up now, let's take a look at the contestants who signed up for the "Phoenix Star Martial Arts Festival".

There is nothing wrong with saying that he is reducing dimensionality and attacking.

My wife Daishino and Kirin also agree with William's idea of ​​training her, that's why Kirin worked so hard to improve her own strength.

But at this time, Claudia let out an exclamation!

Because she has guessed the truth of some things from the few words between William and Qi Lin.

"Mr. William, are you going to participate in the "Phoenix Star Martial Arts Festival" with Qi Lin?"

Claudia held her forehead, sighed softly, and then asked in disbelief.


William didn't deny it either, and just nodded in response.

After all, there is no point in hiding it. The reason why the news that he is going to participate in the "Phoenix Star Martial Arts Festival" has not been exposed until now is purely because he has not registered yet.

After he signed up, the other contestants and the senior management of the academy would naturally be able to find his and Qi Lin's names on the list of contestants.

"May I ask why you haven't signed up for so long? Sister Qi Lin must have been in Asterisk for a long time!"

Although he still hesitated, Claudia still couldn't hold back her curiosity and asked this sentence.

But for some reason, she always felt that the answer she got should make her and "Galaxy" regret endlessly.

Of course, William's subsequent words also confirmed her expectations.

'"If I signed up in advance and you found Kirin and my name on the player list, even if you didn't reject the proposal of exchanging pure Xinghuang-style weapons, you should have postponed it for a while."

"Wait until after the "Phoenix Star Martial Arts Festival" before making the exchange!"

"Ha ha--!"

Claudia gave a wry smile, because there was really nothing wrong with what William said.

If she had known the news, she would indeed have done so.

Before William announced that he would participate in the "Phoenix Star Martial Arts Festival", it can be said that there was no news that a strong player would participate.

Besides, she also has a man she is very optimistic about participating in this conference. Originally, she thought that this man should have a good chance this time!

Now it looks like it might be gone!

But now that the matter has come to this point, after the document has been issued in black and white, she has no room for regret now.

I can only take William and Qilin to move on in a depressed mood!

It's just that she really can't see the existence of that kind of emotion from her surface, and she still maintains a dignified and perfect smile.

Led by Claudia, they passed through layers of heavily guarded gates, then took the elevator all the way down, and finally came to a fairly spacious room.

The ceiling is very high!

One side of the wall is neatly arranged in a hexagonal shape, and the other side of the wall is partially inlaid with glass.

Through the glass, many men and women in white clothes can be seen busy at work. Judging from their age, these people do not look like students.

Gives a feeling of being in a laboratory.

After a brief adjustment, Claudia also calmed down.

The calm leaders William and Kirin came to the corner of the hexagonal arrangement, and started operating on a sophisticated computer here.

Several huge space windows also immediately unfolded in front of everyone!

A wide variety of weaponry is recorded on it, but some patterns are colored and others are all shades of gray.

While pointing her fingers on the screen, she was explaining to Kirin and William.

"It records all the pure Xinghuang-style weapons currently stored in the Star Guidance Hall Academy. There are currently 22 pieces in total, which is the largest number among the six major academies!"

While talking, she blinked her eyes playfully and continued!

"It records the appearance, name and ability of the weapon respectively."

"The one displayed in gray means that the weapon has been lent out, or someone is already using it!"


There was a smile on the corner of William's mouth, and then he said to Claudia.

"Then Claudia, is the "Black Furnace Sword" currently on loan? "

Then, in Claudia's frustrating movements, she continued to speak slowly,

"Or, it already has an owner who can use it!"

In such a small area, it suddenly fell into a silent silence.

Claudia's finger that continued to slide also stopped. Only the researchers who were still busy outside the glass window said that time is not in a suspended state.

"Just for a moment, Mr. William, you can notice the "Black Furnace Demon Sword"! "

Obviously, when her finger passed the "Black Furnace Demon Sword", she had deliberately swipe past it, but William still noticed it.

"Well! After all, Xinglu also told me that the weapon "Black Furnace Demon Sword" is very interesting, so I paid a little attention to it. "

"A weapon that claims to be able to fuse everything is really interesting."

In fact, the real situation is that after William learned about this weapon from Fan Xinglu, he went to investigate it in detail.

Knowing that "Black Furnace Demon Sword" can change shape according to the user's mind, this weapon is listed as Kirin's first choice.

After all, this sharp feature and the need for fine star power operation are actually quite suitable for Qi Lin.

ps: Thanks to Zero Mo for the blade

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Chapter 190 Eight Demon Sword·Red Ran Sakura "4000 words for subscription"

Although Qi Lin's current star power can't be said to be a lot, don't forget that she is still very young!

When she was growing up for a period of time, he believed that Qi Lin had the ability to control the Black Furnace Demon Sword.

It's just that Fan Xinglu told him that the "Black Furnace Demon Sword" is absolutely not a loan, so he put out this idea.

However, because of this, he still has a good understanding of the appearance of the "Black Furnace Demon Sword" mobilizer.


"The "Black Furnace Demon Sword" does have a new user now, but I can't tell who it is now! "

Claudia sighed helplessly, but she wasn't bothered about telling the story.

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