But just a box the size of a necklace, so it's unobtrusive.

"very good!"

Di Luke nodded in satisfaction.

Mathias also put his gaze on Varda, and said something in a deep voice.

"Nvarda, be careful when the time comes!"

ps: There will be 200 chapters soon, and the word count has reached 60 words

Let's count the votes and,,,,,, encourage it

Thank you all!

Chapter 4000 Phantom Sword Dance "[-] words for subscription"

The roar resounded!

The scattered impact swept across the surroundings instantly, and countless electric arcs collided in front of the man's palm, finally converging into a blue beam of light that exploded out.

The beam of light was like a giant bulldozer, furiously plowing a deep ravine on the ground.

The sand, gravel, soil, and floor all melted and decomposed in the scorching heat, turning into dust and disappearing in the air.

"Phantom Sword Dance!"

The girl is not afraid of this thunderous beam of light that seems to be able to annihilate everything.

Infuse the star force of his whole body on his pure star-like armament.


The blood-red sword body seemed to hum with joy, and the Wanying Jingjing burst out a dazzling red light.

Immediately afterwards, the girl's arm waved!




When the girl's arm was waved by her, only blurred phantoms could be seen.

Several sword qi released from the blade were condensed by her in front of her.


The girl held up the samurai sword in her hand, and then slashed down fiercely from top to bottom.

The sword energy like a big net formed by an unknown number of slashes was released like this.

He rushed straight towards the blue beam of light.

It's hard to imagine that this kind of strong sword energy was accumulated by the girl within two or three seconds.

The power is also very impressive.

boom! boom! boom!

The center of the collision made a continuous collision sound, and circle after circle of ripples spread from the center of the collision sound.

The sword energy is constantly melting!

The energy cannon also has a tendency to be powerless!

Dazzling white light has filled the entire training ground, blocking the vision of the only two people on the scene.

Qi Lin inserted Akaran Sakura into the ground, holding the handle of the knife with both hands, panting heavily.

This move is actually her first original move!

It can also be regarded as a move completed by "Akaran Sakura" and her together.

However, she had never tried to release more than 30 condensed sword qi before.

Before, she only condensed about 10 looks at most, which also caused her to consume most of her star power almost at once.

In theory, this move of hers can be said to be a move with infinite power.

As long as she is given enough star power and time, she can continuously accumulate star power and then release it.

Facing the man's move, she also felt that only by releasing it to this extent would it be possible to resist it.

However, at this moment, there was no happy smile on her face that successfully resisted the attack.

On the contrary, there was still a dignified expression on his face, and his eyes were already closed because the white light was still shining.

Suddenly, her ears trembled slightly!

The small hand quickly placed on "Senhagiri" straddling her waist.

Draw the knife and unsheath it!

This series of actions was completed in the blink of an eye.


The trembling sound of iron objects colliding spread out in the form of ripples, and a large number of sparks also sprinkled out from the collision.

The girl's hand kept moving, and the other hand pulled out the "Akaran Sakura" that was deeply inserted into the ground!

Then relying on his intuition, he slashed forward and horizontally!

The blade didn't have any feeling of touching a real object, only the whistling sound of piercing the air whizzed past the girl's ears.

"Good job, Kirin!"

"I thought you would relax your vigilance because of the move just now!"

Qi Lin's ears were still catching the man's position, her wrist was turned upwards, and the blade reversed direction and picked upwards in an instant.

"Senior is best at tactics, but I have experienced it many times!"

"Naturally, I will be prepared for this!"

The clash of swords sounded again!

"Not bad!"

At this moment, the man's voice was a little further away from Kirin.

The collision between the electromagnetic cannon and the sword energy has also ended, Qi Lin slowly opened her tightly closed eyes.

Looking at the man next to her, he showed a knowing smile.

"Senior, how about my move "Phantom Sword Dance"! "

"not bad!"

William scattered the weapons in his hands, and smiled at Qi Lin.

"Looking at it this way, even if you don't form a team with me, it is not difficult for you to get good results in this competition."

Regarding William's compliment, Kirin shook her head a little bit shyly, and said in a modest tone.

"No, in fact, I'm still far behind. I can make such great progress now because of the teachings of my seniors."

What she said can be said to be absolutely sincere!

Compared with when she was in the dojo, she can be said to have at least doubled.

In the past, she could only get close, and then use continuous combo skills to look for opportunities.

Now she has learned the one-hit kill trick and the ability to attack from a distance.

It can be said that this short period of a few months is an all-round reinforcement for her.

"Well, do you want to continue practicing?"

William glanced at the watch on his wrist, and suggested to Kirin like this.


Kirin shook her head lightly, and put "Akaran Sakura" back on her belt.

"My mother contacted me yesterday, saying that she will come to Asterisk with my aunt tomorrow to cheer for me!"

"So today I want to go back and have a good rest, and Senior Sister Cecily invited me to go shopping with her at night!"

Xiao Qilin's face was apologetic, after all, she really seldom refused William's suggestion.

Obviously the senior wanted to continue training with her, but she rejected the senior's suggestion because of other things.

For such a Qi Lin, William is too lazy to correct it!

Just flicked Kirin's forehead with his fingers as usual.

"It's true to say it!"

"It's your first time to participate in a game, and it's normal for your mother to come to watch the game!"

"However, if my wife's acting suzerain also comes over, is there nothing wrong with Toto-ryu?"

My wife Shiro Shino is in charge of all the big and small matters in the current sword and rattan style.

That's not a dojo for a small family.

That is a modern sect with branches all over the world and disciples all over the world.

The things to be dealt with every day are no less than those of a listed company.

"I told my aunt the same, but she said she would watch me win with her own eyes, and then rescue Dad!"

"So the things in the past two weeks have been urgently sent to Asterisk for processing!"

"By the way, senior, can you pick up mom with me tomorrow?"

Qi Lin's eyes suddenly showed hope, and she just looked at William like that.

In this regard, William just scratched his head helplessly!Then he said in an apologetic tone.

"I'm sorry, but according to etiquette, I should pick up my aunt and the others when they come."

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