My old man, I have no regrets in this life!


"Sylvie, are you taking a bath?"

After the sound of slippers stepping on the floor sounded, Silvia saw a vague figure outside the bathroom through the glass window.

"Well, why, Wusla, do you want to wash too?"

Sylvia turned off the water flow of the shower slightly, so that she could not hear what Usla said clearly.

"I don't wash, I just want to tell you that I won't go to dinner later!"

The sound of drizzling water stopped immediately, and then a small white hand protruded from inside, followed by the sound of sliding the sliding door.

"Why didn't you go all of a sudden!"

Wusla turned sideways to make way for Silvia, then took off the bath towel from the shelf, and helped Silvia wrap it up.

She looks like a mother who is taking care of her daughter.

Silvia also calmly accepted Usla's care for her.

In fact, this is also the way of getting along between two people. A long time ago, the two of them often took a bath together in that remote town. This is what Usla did after they came out.

However, this kind of action is a kind of nostalgia for Silvia!

For Wusla, it was just a habit. After all, the past few years were nothing more than a short sleep for her.

Silvia sat on the sofa with her back to Usla!

Wusla picked up Silvia's long hair with her hands, and then picked up the hair dryer to dry it bit by bit.

"You two are dating, what kind of light bulb am I going to be!"

"You two just have fun!"

When she said this, a smile suddenly appeared on the corner of her mouth, and then she blinked her eyes slyly.

"Of course, I'm ready to stay alone in the empty room at night!"

Silvia's body trembled violently, and then her ears turned red immediately, and she turned her head abruptly.

", what are you talking about!"

But this shyness was only a short-lived thing, and Silvia's brows and eyes immediately changed into a tangled look.

Usla poked her head forward, and saw Silvia's expression.

Immediately, she knew what Silvia was thinking. After all, she had discussed with Usla about William.

Of course, what Silvia said was just a simplified version, and she didn't tell everything.

However, Ursla still understood that William didn't just have Silvia as a girlfriend.

She put down the hair dryer in her hand, and picked up the wooden comb at hand to help Sylvia comb her long hair.

After a long while, she spoke slowly.

"I can't give you any more advice on this matter."

"After all, Mr. William's situation is a little...!"


Usla pondered for a while, and came up with the word special.

"However, I still hope that you will make a decision that you will not regret!"

"Don't let yourself regret it!"

Silvia repeated Usla's words, and then elongated her own ending tone.

Looking at Sylvia who was still struggling, Wusla put down her smooth long hair.

Walking in front of Silvia, she chuckled lightly.

Stretched out his scallion white jade finger and tapped Silvia's soft chest.

"Actually, haven't you already made a decision!"

"After all, the Sylvie I know is not an indecisive person!"

That's right, in Wusla's eyes, Sylvia has actually already made a decision.

Otherwise, with Silvia's quite assertive character.

Even if William has a great favor to her, she will not violate her mood.

Just to repay the favor, and then be with the other party.

Now that it's up to now, she is still maintaining this rather ambiguous state with William.

It means that she has already accepted this matter long ago, but she hasn't realized it yet.

Usla is such a sober person in the world. Although she is young, she can see everything more transparently and clearly.

Otherwise, she wouldn't be at that age, and Sylvia would have such a deep impression on her.

Nor will it be possible to quickly accept the current life and enjoy it after experiencing so much.

So, she is actually a kind of person with great wisdom.

But Silvia is not an idiot, the reason why she has not figured it out is purely because she got into her own horn.

After being explained by Usla, her most respected teacher, she immediately felt enlightened.

The eyes, which were already big, now looked even more wrinkled and bright.

Immediately afterwards, a faint smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

That smile is as dazzling and captivating as a blooming lotus!

"It seems that I really got into my own horn!"


Usla patted Silvia's shoulder, elongated her tone, and said it playfully.

"So, are you going to come back tonight?"

For Wusla's teasing, this time Silvia just gave her a big roll of eyes.

Then she gently covered her lips with her little hand, and in Wusla's eyes that gradually became surprised, she spoke slowly!

"That depends on the situation!"


It's approaching evening!

Night has quietly descended on this city on the water, and beautiful stars hang high above the sky!

Huge waves are constantly beating against the man-made pier, and the sound of the waves and the melodious music on the shore form a perfect variation.

Right now, in this artistic night!

An unusually eye-catching luxury ship is moving slowly on the sea!

However, although it is said to be luxurious, the size of this yacht cannot be called large, and its size is only about 50 feet.

It is luxurious because of its appearance. The illuminated hull looks like a small palace in the night sky, resplendent and magnificent!

From the side of the hull, you can still see the name of the ship "Stella Maris" engraved on it!

The decks are all made of solid wood floors. Although the materials are expensive, they don't give people a sense of luxury.

But these are not the focus of attention!

The most noteworthy thing now is the girl on the deck.

She was wearing a light purple swimsuit, with slender straps winding around her smooth and white back, and tied on her beautiful neck like a swan,

The girl's bottom itself is not wearing bikini-style swimming trunks, but a skirt with a three-layer rotating style.

There is also a big blue bow tie on it, and the two beautiful legs that are as white as ivory are also exposed to the air in this way.

Her long purple hair, which is usually scattered casually, was also tied into a single ponytail by her, which not only looks youthful and energetic, but also complements the color of the swimsuit.

"Hey! Why didn't I know you were going to rent a yacht to play!"

The girl who turned around and leaned against the railing on the deck, while holding her hair blown by the sea wind, said inside the hull.

"How is it! This way of dating is not bad!"

A man's voice came from below the deck, and at the same time there was the sound of slippers slapping on the wooden floor.

After about a few seconds, the man walked up from the stairs little by little, holding a very large dinner plate in his hand, covered with a plate cover to keep the dishes hot .

"Really! Why do I always feel that you are a little bit malicious!"

The girl covered her mouth and let out a chuckle, then bounced off the deck and arrived at the dining table where delicacies were already on display.

"Then you really wronged me, I just thought it would be very romantic!"

The man shook his head, opened the chair and waited for the girl to sit on it.

Then he picked up the red wine that had woken up earlier from the bar beside him, poured it into two glasses respectively, and then returned to his seat and sat down.

"Well! I really won't deny what you said!"

The girl pouted her mouth slightly, but she couldn't hide the smile between her brows and eyes.

Although with her financial resources, it is no problem to buy a yacht of this kind and throw it away.

But because of her work and being busy with other things, she rarely has the chance to go out to sea.

Especially this kind of scene is the same as that written in the novel, but it is one of the important places for men and women to date, and it is an item that must not be missed.

"Nah! Nah! What do you think of my swimsuit?"

The girl stood up while talking, and turned around in a circle, showing her beautiful figure to the boy in front of her.

"very beautiful!"

The man said without thinking, and then he took a deep look at the girl's bust, and then said with a light smile.

"But it should be people who are more beautiful! The clothes are obviously just a foil."

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