Obviously quite satisfied with the result of today's game.

"Really, thank you so much for your compliment!"

The boy named Ayato narrowed his eyes slightly, humbly accepting the girl's praise.

"But Julis! It seems that everyone has already believed in the solution you came up with."

"The ceremony where I liberated myself from the shackles seems to have been associated with another aspect by everyone in the way you expected."

"There's no other way. After all, Ayato, you only have 5 minutes to do your best. This matter must never be exposed!"

"If it is exposed, other contestants will definitely delay the time of the game based on this weakness."

The girl named Julis sighed slightly!

The boy immediately scratched his head in embarrassment, and at the same time he touched the inside of his belt.

"Sorry! Julis, if you didn't form a team with me, maybe you wouldn't need to go through such trouble."

"Don't say that!"

Julis shook her head immediately, and then looked at Ayato's hand touching the belt with some gratitude.

"Didn't we still hide a trick that can be called a nirvana!"

The two people who are talking at this moment are the "Huayan Witch" who just came down from the stage and the unranked male combination.

They were walking down the tunnel, preparing to have lunch in their lounge and watch the rest of the game.


"Ayato Amagari, we haven't seen each other for almost a year!"

ps: Because someone told me that it is easy to be blocked by Kabbah, resulting in the failure to ask for leave, so I can only post this only one saved manuscript, which is a headache, thank you for the reward, come back tomorrow

Chapter 4000 Unseal the seal in my body "[-] words for subscription"


A male voice echoed in the empty corridor.

Responding to him were Julis and the man named Ayato who were subconsciously on guard.

But when they carefully saw who was coming from the voice.

Julis's face was immediately replaced by a look of deep surprise, and she couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Ayato, do you actually know "Sky Moving Vientiane"?"

William maintained the posture of waving his hands, with a kind smile on his face, while Qi Lin stood beside him quietly.

No matter how you look at it, it doesn't seem like you have any malice towards them!

The man named Ayato was also surprised for a moment, and then waved with William in surprise.

"It's been a long time, Mr. William!"

——The commercial street next to the Sirius Dome.

"Hi guests, here are the drinks for the three of you, and all of them have been served!"

The waiter in a maid outfit put the prepared coffee on the table, and then walked away silently.

Looking carefully, there are only three people left in the group of four just now.

But what is weirder is that these three people are clearly sitting here, but they are not talking to each other.

All three of them are doing the same thing!

That is, the space windows of the same size are all unfolded in front of the three of them!

The above show is the fifth game of Group D.

Shi Shiran, a blond man, stood on the spot with his hands in his pockets and looked straight ahead expressionlessly.

A girl with silver shoulder-length short hair, holding a Japanese samurai sword that reflects the cold light.

The Wanyingsu, which was as numerous as starlight, quickly condensed on the soles of her feet.

Immediately afterwards, the girl's waist exerted force suddenly, and her whole body burst out like a sharp arrow that had been thrown off the string.

Seeing the dazzling silver light flashing, the girl had already crossed most of the stage.

Shuttle through the gap between the two people on the opposite side.

Just when the other party was still puzzled, he was about to turn around and deal with the girl first.

However, in the next instant, the two school badges made a crisp sound, split in two and fell to the ground.

"The game is over, and the winner is the combination of Kirin Toto and William Sphengel!"

The voice of the game commentator announcing the result came from the sound system.

"Ah! In fact, this game is really the expected result!"

"That's right, but...!"

There is still some time before the start of the next game, so the two commentators began to analyze this unsuspecting game.


The sound of the space window closing is heard.

"This is really a magical skill!"

The corners of Julis' eyes couldn't stop twitching, even now she didn't want to believe what happened just now.


Ayato Amagari also took a sip of coffee hahaha, he also thought it was a bit scary.

"Some small tricks, at best, can only be used as a means of deceiving people."

"This trick does not have any offensive power."

William shook his head and put the coffee in his hand back on the deck.

The reason why the two were so surprised was because of what happened just now.


"Tianwu-jun! Let's go outside and find a coffee shop to chat!"

Regarding William's suggestion, Ayato Amagari subconsciously nodded.

Although Julis on the side frowned, she acquiesced to Amegiri Ayato's decision without saying anything.

"But senior, our match is about to begin!"

Kirin spoke weakly after hearing William's decision.

Their game is still very high, it is the fifth game in Group D.

Since the five venues held preliminaries at the same time, it is now when the first game is over.

They should go to venue D to wait for the flight, that's the way to fight.

"It's okay, I can wait for your game to end!"

Ayato Amagari quickly waved his hand and said.

From this point of view, he really wanted to have a chat with William.

So I don't mind wasting my time waiting for William's game to end.


William rubbed his chin, then opened the player's match list, and looked at it for a few seconds.

Immediately afterwards, he stretched out his fingers and snapped them crisply.

A dark shadow slowly emerged from William's body.

Then, under the surprised gazes of the three, the black shadows began to change.

The flat shadow began to swell slowly, from a paper-like figure to a sharp-edged figure.

The pitch-black color of the whole body is gradually dyed with other colors.

"Then, Kirin let him go to the competition with you!"

"But it can't attack, so you can handle the battle!"

After hearing William's words and the scene in front of her, Qi Lin was also stunned for a few seconds.

Then he quickly accepted this fact, nodded, said goodbye to the three of them one by one, and headed to the venue with a knife in hand.

The replicant also had the ability to act independently, just as William said, and walked out behind Kirin.

Then things came to the present, and William came here with two people.

"Even if you say that, the distance controlled by your avatar is too far away!"

"I've never heard of someone who can maintain the energy of the avatar at a distance of two kilometers, and control it to move perfectly."

It was Julis who said those words!

She kept stirring the coffee with a teaspoon, and there seemed to be a hint of bitterness in her voice.

She clearly knew that William's move didn't mean to give her power.

But after seeing such a terrifying difference in strength, she really didn't know that if she signed up for this conference, would she really have such a chance of winning?

You know, she and Ayato Amagari were training as imaginary enemies during this time, but they were sitting in front of her eyes.

Because the moment the list of players came out, she knew it!

William is the biggest obstacle on her way to winning the championship this time. If she wants to win, she must climb this mountain no matter what.

But at that time, she was not completely without confidence!

At that time, she felt that if Ayato Amagiri shot with all his strength, coupled with the blessing of the pure Xinghuang-style armed "Black Furnace Demon Sword".

She then divided the battlefield with her own ability, quickly eliminated Qi Lin, and finally formed a two-on-one situation.

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