"Wooooow! This is really delicious!"

"That's right!"

"We must add this to our snack reserve!"

The five girls scrambled to stuff the desserts and snacks on the table into their mouths, each mouth swollen like a winter squirrel.

The other two older girls looked at the girls in front of them with smiles, as if they were looking at their own silly sister.

"Master Usla, you eat together too!"

The burgundy-haired girl picked up the cake on the table, and ran to Wusla in a clang.

"Thank you! Mierxue!"

Usla chuckled and took the cake and put it on the table.

By the way, Lusa Luka is now Silvia's fellow apprentice.

All of this is the result of the shrewd chairman of Pedora who is behind the matchmaking.

——The VIP viewing room of Jielong Seventh Academy!

"Master! Are you interested in these mimics?"

Zhao Hufeng heard Fan Xinglu's soft murmur and asked tentatively.

To be honest, it's not that he is meddlesome, the reason why he is so talkative is entirely because of the somewhat wanton smile on Fan Xinglu's face.

After all, every time Fan Xinglu showed such a smile, it would cause a lot of unnecessary trouble.

If it can be avoided, Zhao Hufeng still wants to avoid this situation as much as possible.

"Yeah! Don't you think this kind of conscious quasi-body and my old lady's fairy tool will have a very interesting feeling?"


Zhao Hufeng and Se Xili looked at each other, and their shoulders collapsed at the same time.

Fan Xinglu's celestial tools already possessed strength beyond the normal Xingmai generation. In fact, what restricted the strength of these celestial tools was because their attacks were too standardized.

Even if they can't beat them for the first time, they can figure out the way and win these fairy tools after a few more challenges.

If they had their own consciousness and their attacks became diversified, it would be hard to imagine how powerful those fairy tools would be.

It's okay if it's just like this, but if the implanted consciousness is those rebellious temperaments.

If there is any trouble at that time, he will have to deal with it. Now thinking about it, he will feel a headache.

It's not that they don't want to stop Fan Xinglu, but they also know that once Fan Xinglu shows this expression, no one can stop him.

ps: Thanks to Shuke 54657460788 Aoxue Canglang Zero Mowei Gefud's cat

Lrhver A tip from the Blooming Westward Demon Shuke 96678260044

It's the beginning of the month, please ask for your monthly pass and subscription, please trouble everyone

Chapter 4000 William with high interest "[-] words for subscription"

Sirius Dome, on stage!

Kirin held the mobilizing body of "Red Dye Sakura", and the red blade had already extended out from the bewitching red omnipotent crystal.

Standing on the opposite side is the pseudomorphic figure of the Alcante Research Institute with a solemn face, and Limxi with a beautiful artificial face!

As for the pseudo-body Aldi, whose whole body is made of iron and can't see facial expressions at all, he folds his hands on his chest, still looking domineering.

And now William, if you look carefully, his usual light golden pupils have been completely replaced by azure luster.

In fact, not only Fan Xinglu is very interested in them, but William is also the same!

"So that's it, this extraordinary concentration of all elements!"

"Qirin, you have to be a little more careful, they are not pseudomorphs made of Wanying mine."

In fact, the reason why pseudomorphism has not been widely used in this world is.

Due to the simple action mode of the mimic body built with Wanying Mine, the attack output ability is also very low.

So, no matter what, the combat power created by using pseudomorphs can only be compared with ordinary star pulse generations.

It is completely impossible to think of reaching the level of 12 people on the first page.

Secondly, the cost of manufacturing is not cheap. With the same cost performance, it is much more cost-effective to cultivate a star pulse generation than to make a pseudo-body.

Qi Lin's eyes widened, her small mouth opened slightly, and she asked in surprise.

"Senior, do you mean that they are pseudomorphs made of Wanying Jingjing?"

For an energy body that can output more powerful energy than Wanying Mine, there is no other option except Wanying Jingjing.

Even though Qi Lin has not been here for a long time, she still understands these simple things.

But it was because she knew something that she questioned it!

"Senior, isn't Wanying Jingjing's personality all...!"

Kirin subconsciously raised the "Akaran Sakura" in her hand a little bit, and "Red Ran Sakura" seemed to be responding to Kirin's radiance.

"That's right, that's why I said they were interesting!"

The concept of making a pseudo-body with pure Xinghuang-style armament is not just proposed recently, but the idea of ​​this aspect has already been proposed a long time ago.

At that time, the Alcante Research Institute also allocated a huge sum of money as a special fund for this research.

After all, in addition to being criticized in terms of performance, the mimic body is impeccable in terms of obedience.

It is true that the cost of cultivating a star pulse generation is less than the production cost of a pseudo-body, but it is quite difficult to cultivate human beings as their own tools and obliterate their own thoughts.

No matter how strictly the discipline of the organization is regulated, in the organizations privately cultivated by various enterprises, defections still happen from time to time!

But the pseudomorphs are completely different. Their thoughts are all artificially input when they leave the factory, and they are [-]% obedient to their masters.

So in this way, the experiment of Wanying Jingjing Mimic Body began!

Things went really smoothly, because there was no difference in the production method, and the pseudomorphic body equipped with Wanying Jingjing was successfully produced quickly.

But the result is far from satisfactory!

The original consciousness in the Omniscient Essence cannot be completely expelled, and they can only be allowed to occupy the body of the mimic body.

Even most of the universal crystals have quite bad and evil personalities, and the two mimics produced started to wreak havoc the moment they were successfully produced!

So this study was of course stopped!

The appearance of these two pseudomorphs now means that the "Sculpture School" who specializes in research on pseudomorphs should still be conducting research in secret.

"But I just don't know whether they have successfully transformed the thoughts of Wanying Jingjing, or simply met the kind-hearted Wanying Jingjing that is rare in a thousand years!"

William looked at Ardi and Limxi on the opposite side with probing eyes!

Rimsey frowned tightly at William's gaze, and looked no different from a real human being.

Ardie didn't care about William's gaze at all, and even folded his hands on his chest a little more, as if he wanted to make William look carefully.

"Human, you seem to be very interested in us!"

"Then enjoy our beautiful figure to your heart's content!"


The heavy muffled sound suddenly sounded!

It was a brilliant weapon like a sniper rifle, and it hit Aldi's head heavily, making a loud sound.


Ardie immediately squatted down holding his head, and yelled loudly.

After knocking Aldi, Li Muxi withdrew her big gun indifferently, and spoke in a rather disdainful tone.

"Shut up! You idiot, don't you see that the person opposite has seen our roots!"

"Sure enough, your useless iron lump head should be rebuilt by the master for you."

"But—! We feel that we can't hide from them no matter what. It's better to let him observe carefully and appreciate the greatness of the master."

Ardi stood up again, the green light in his eyes also radiated confidence.

"You're not entirely unreasonable."

Li Muxi was silent for a while, and then spit out these words expressionlessly.

"Sure enough, right, right!"

"Then human beings, we will give you 1 minute as before, let's attack now!"

Ardy raised his sledgehammer, pointed it in the direction of William and Kirin, and announced loudly again.


The dull impact sound rang out again!

Just like the scene just now, Ardie knelt down and hugged his head again and howled!

"Limxi, why are you beating us again! We just made the same pre-war declaration as before!"

"Shut up, you idiot!"

"I've said it all, they are completely different from the previous enemies, you still say that, is your head completely short-circuited!"

"Sure enough, your useless head should be flooded."

Unlike before, Limxi didn't take back her big gun this time, but kept hitting Ardi on the head with her gun-shaped brilliant weapon.

"Don't say that—!"

Ardi obviously realized his mistake, and the arrogance of self-confidence just now disappeared.

"Ha ha ha ha--!"

In fact, there is a sound recording system on the stage. As long as the players' voices are not too low, most of the sounds can be transmitted through real-time broadcast.

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