Ardi's defensive barrier is actually similar to a shield, and the range that can be defended at one time is limited.

However, due to the rapid deployment and the complete envelopment of 360 degrees, absolute defense can be achieved.

It's just that once it is attacked from multiple directions at the same time, it is not easy to completely defend against the defensive barrier alone.

The muffled thunderous sound continued, and Ardi's defense was perfect.

Where the defensive barrier did not protect, the giant hammer formed a new barrier.

""Phantom Sword Dance"! "

A fork-like huge sword light blade suddenly formed again in the girl's hand.


The muffled thunderous sound echoed constantly in this huge venue.

The dust formed a khaki smoke and swept around again.

"Oh hahaha! Sword Fuji Kirin, I really benefited a lot from fighting with you!"

Ardi, who slowly stood up from the smoke and dust, held a giant hammer in his hand, and the huge cross-shaped scar on his chest was clearly visible!

Arcs of sparks were constantly dancing around Ardy's wound.

"Looks like Rimsey, we've reached the time to use that now!"

Although the injury was already so severe, Ardi still smiled boldly and confidently.

The battlefield has come to the other side!

Limu Xi has been completely swallowed by the huge azure blue light beam.

After a brief silence, the gust of wind caused by the explosion released an explosive airflow that seemed to blow the venue away.

The howling storm and the continuously escaping waves, wave after wave of shock waves continuously hit the protective wall formed around the stage.

There were also calls one after another from above the auditorium. It was not a cry for help, but a heartfelt excitement.

"It seems that you have a rather constructive opinion with your hard-headed head!"

Not long after, the blast gradually dissipated.

In the center of the eye of the storm, there are already ruins everywhere, and there are cracks in the ground and depressions like the surface of the moon everywhere.

Li Muxi knelt down on the ground with a painful expression on her face. Her original fair skin had turned a little bit dark, and the joints of her joints were constantly emitting sparks.

Judging from the way she grinned at every word, it seems that her damage is really not low.

"Your Excellency 'Sky Moves Vientiane', thank you for your mercy!"

After flatly complaining about Ardi as usual, Limxi supported her already tattered body, stood up, and bowed slightly to William.

"It's okay, if you don't see your hidden tricks, it's boring to end like this!"

William waved his hand to stop Qi Lin who wanted to continue to attack, Qi Lin also nodded, and jumped back to William's side.

"Then please take care of it, Your Excellency!"

After Limxi finished speaking, she slowly raised her head and looked at Ardi who was ready.

"Idiot, let's get started!"

She sighed slightly, then opened her arms wide, and at the same time, her body was overflowing with the light of energy emitted by the Wanying Mine.

"ACM equipment, the first external armor, all kinds of brilliant armed exclusion... transfer the ultimate control right!"

Seeing that Li Muxi's flight equipment and armor plates were floating away from her body, at the same time several huge gun-shaped brilliant weapons appeared in the air, flying around her in the air.

"Oh oh oh! Come on come on come on! Connection started!"

Ardie's body lit up with a ray that seemed to guide light, accurately capturing the equipment that Limxi disassembled and separated.

The flying equipment is separated into two parts and connected towards the opening. The brilliant-style armament and armor plate overlap like sticking to both hands and feet.

"Wow ha ha ha ha ha!"

At this moment, on the stage, Ardi smiled happily!

His whole body is blooming with dazzling blue light, just like a piece of crystal clear sapphire, emitting dazzling light.

The tyrannical omnipotent element was circulating in his body. This rich omnipotent element seemed to frighten the atmosphere, causing the air to show signs of disorder.

Maybe it's because there are too many universal elements in his body at the moment, causing the power furnace to be a little overloaded, and his hard body made of fine steel has also produced spider web-like cracks at this moment.

"Hahaha, how about human beings, this is our more courageous and mighty appearance!"

Al first said while putting his hands on his hips, showing his current shocking form.

He is now two full circles bigger than before, with a large-caliber brilliant-style armed cannon on each arm, and a few more gun-like brilliant-style armed equipment on his feet.

"I see. No wonder I said that your energy output just now seemed to be a little bit wrong, as if you were castrated!"

William touched his dumb, and said thoughtfully.

It can be said that his eyes looking at these two mimics are getting brighter and brighter, and he feels that the soul of the researcher in his body has awakened for a long time.

"Now our power has doubled, human beings, let's start the second round now!"

Ardie easily rotated the sledgehammer just now, and inserted the long handle directly into the ground. With just such a casual touch, a big hole was immediately sunken in the ground.

He now feels that power is constantly emerging from his Omnipotent Essence, and now he feels confident that he can deal with the unfathomable man opposite him.

As for Limxi, after completely transferring her equipment, she no longer has any fighting power.

She clutched her arm and walked off the stage silently.

——Alecante Research Institute VIP VIP Room!

"Oh! Sure enough, I was forced to use the trump card so quickly, there is really no way!"

Agnesta lay her hands on the glass, her soft and delicate body was still twisting and twisting in front of the window. Fortunately, the design of the glass of the VIP treasure box made it impossible to see the inside from the outside.

Otherwise, the audience below might think that the leader of the "Sculpture School" is doing something indescribable in the box.

"There is no other way to do this. The combat power of "Sky-moving Vientiane" is beyond our calculation."

"Until there is no way to synthesize a stronger body, Ardi and Limuxi have no possibility of blocking the full attack of "Sky-Moving Vientiane"!"

Camilla hugged her chest and said coldly!

"But that's good too. Our goal of demonstrating the value of the mimic body has been achieved."

As Camila said this, she pouted at the audience in the audience, including the big shots sitting on the VIP seats.

"That's right! That's right!"

After hearing what Camilla said, Agnesta nodded in agreement and twisted her waist again!

"What to do! Kirin!"

"If you let you deal with it alone in this state, it seems a bit reluctant!"

Ardi, who is in full strength, has now reached the state of Wu Xiaohui's star power, and may even be a little bit more.

You know, in terms of the storage capacity of the star power!

The first class in this floating city are William, Fan Xinglu, Ophelia and Helga Lindovall!

As for the people who are second only to them are Wu Xiaohui and others, it can be said that they are completely second only to the first echelon.

Qi Lin's expression changed, she cast her eyes on Aldi's huge body, and took a deep breath.

"Senior should be able to deal with him easily!"

Just like that, Kirin said what seemed to be a question, but she didn't wait for William to reply at all, and continued to speak.

"Senior, I still want to give it a try. If I lose, then I will trouble you, senior!"

Qi Lin's small face turned from the parallel way, and she showed a bright and cheerful smile at William.

"I know, then you can use it with confidence! I will cover it for you."

William rubbed Qi Lin's head, then patted her back lightly.

Kirin nodded, held Chihagiri in a coercive manner and adjusted her breathing, aqua-blue flames gushed out of her body at the same time.

"come on!"

Almost instantaneously, while Qi Lin was stepping forward, Ardi also rushed towards Qi Lin with both hands holding the giant hammer above his head.

With a completely different strength and speed than before, he swung down the giant hammer in his hand heavily.


Amidst the thunder-like collision, Qi Lin held Chiran Sakura to block the sledgehammer that was bigger than Qi Lin.

The invisible shock wave hit the center of the collision between the two, and an explosive hurricane swept across the surroundings in an instant.

Qi Lin gritted her teeth tightly, and her two ivory-like white jade legs were also bending downwards little by little!

Feeling the weight constantly exerted on her arms, the veins on Qi Lin's forehead were exposed, and when she made a wrong footstep, her entire figure immediately turned into nothingness, and she retreated in a flash.

"'Back to Kill·Xiao Suo'!" "

In the next second, Qi Lin suddenly appeared behind Ardi!

The Chiran Sakura in his hand was slashed out at the speed of light, and a huge light blade of the sword slashed fiercely at Aldi's back.


There was another muffled thunderous collision, and a defensive barrier like a copper wall blocked Ardie's back.

"After the fusion, the speed and range of releasing the defensive barrier have greatly increased!"

Qi Lin frowned, and at this time, she deeply realized the importance of William's words.

It's that she lacks the kind of powerful moves that can make a final decision. If she has that kind of destructive moves, she won't be unable to break through Aldi's defensive barrier.

"Then let Kirin Toto try my big trick!"

As soon as Ardi's words fell, countless defensive barriers were deployed in all directions around Kirin at the same time.

Up, back, left, right!

It can be said that these barriers have completely blocked Qi Lin's escape route. At this moment, Ardi suddenly raised the giant hammer horizontally, and pointed the head of the giant hammer at the only gap in the defensive barrier!

"Go! "Volnir's Great Hammer""

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