
Kirin looked at Seijiro Toto in confusion, not quite understanding what her father was doing.

"It's nothing, this knife will belong to you from now on, I don't need to hold it anymore.

This sentence directly made the scene a little tense.

Even Qi Lin had a stunned expression on her face.

It's easy to understand the words of Toto Seijiro, what he means is——!

"Kirin, it's time for you to take over as the suzerain of the sword and vine style."

My wife Shiro Shino also showed an expectant expression. Although it was a good decision to return the suzerain to Toto Seijiro, letting Kirin take over Toto-ryu is the result she is most looking forward to.

Daoteng Qinye looked like it had nothing to do with him.

The sudden words made Qi Lin lower her head even lower.

But at this moment, her face was not as red as before, but rather pale.

The hands hanging by the sides were also clenched tightly, sweat dripping from them.

It was within her expectation that her father and aunt said this sentence.

Because my wife Dai Shino vaguely revealed this meaning during dinner on the night after the Xingwu Festival ended.

That's why she begged William to go back to Sendai with her this time.

Of course, she had already made a decision in her heart, and asking William to come back with her was just to help her improve her courage.

From the corner of Qi Lin's eyes, she secretly glanced at William who was sitting opposite and smiling.

"I haven't fully matured yet. Although I won the championship of the "Phoenix Star Martial Arts Festival" this time, it is all due to the merits of my seniors."

"And I still have a lot of knowledge that I want to learn in Jielong, so I want to stay in Jielong and continue to improve my swordsmanship."

"When I can be alone, I will come back to take over the sword and rattan style."

"So before that, I still hope that my father can continue to be the suzerain of the knife and vine style."

After Qi Lin finished these words with a flushed face, she lowered her head again.

Obviously, these words just now exhausted all her strength, and she didn't even dare to look directly at her father after she finished speaking.

At this moment, William had a strange look on his face.

Because Qi Lin who lowered his head didn't know, he had been seeing very clearly. The three people present all smiled knowingly after Qi Lin lowered his head.

That expression, as if Kirin's decision had already been expected by them.

"Qirin! Are you sure you really want to improve your skills, isn't it because of other things?"

My wife Dai Shino looked at Kirin with a half-smile, Totoko Kotoha could hardly hold back her own smile, and made a sound.

Qi Lin's body trembled slightly after hearing these words, as if she had lost all her strength, she kept collapsing to the left, directly on the body of Daoteng Qinye.

Two small hands tightly covered his face, not wanting others to see the expression on his face at the moment.

Seeing his daughter like this, Toto Seijiro shook his head with a broken smile, feeling a little emotional in his heart.

Then he said what he had already prepared.

"Since you've said that, I'll help you act as suzerain for a few years!"

"Kirin, you can do what you want to do to your heart's content!"

While speaking, Toto Seijiro rubbed his shoulders with his hands, and then he reached out and grabbed "Senha Kiri" placed on the table.

This means that he has agreed to return to the suzerain position.

After hearing what Seijiro Toto said, Kirin didn't care about being shy, and quickly broke free from her mother's arms.

There was a surprised expression on his face, and he couldn't even maintain the basic etiquette posture, and he climbed directly on his father.

"Thank you, Father!"

Toto Seijiro also patted Kirin's shoulder with the opportunity, with a warm smile on his face.

ps: Thank you @糖糕★Sothos for giving me the tip of the blade, please subscribe and vote

please everyone

Chapter 210 The fourth chapter muster the courage of Kirin "4000 words for subscription"

The dense mist is slowly rising, and the clear night sky is full of stars!

The bright moon hangs high in the cloudless night sky like a silver plate, exuding a charming light.

"Well - it's so comfortable!"

The blond man let out an old man's moan, and he put his entire body under the water.

It is William himself who is here, and his location is also the open-air hot spring of the Sword Teng family.

But this time he wasn't alone here, there was another slightly thin man sitting next to him.

"That's right! When I was in prison, apart from Kirin and Kotoba, what I missed the most was my hot spring."

"When there was no accident before, I came back to take a dip every day."

Toto Seijiro's face was not only filled with emotion, but also proud.

The feeling is probably that he didn't expect to be able to soak in the hot spring that he has been thinking about so quickly.

Pride is William's praise for his hot spring. In his opinion, this praise is no different from praising himself.

"Indeed, the quality of the hot springs in your residence is indeed quite good."

"I actually want to build a hot spring in Liuhua, but it's a pity that it's an artificial island, so I can't get it."

William picked up the sake that the servant had prepared a long time ago and put it on the rocks on the shore, and took a small sip.

I have to say that this kind of mist is misty, and the sight of enjoying the moon while drinking is really very pleasant.

The way RB people came up with is indeed a kind of enjoyment.

"Hey, Mr. William, what do you think of my Qi Lin?"

When both of them were enjoying the recuperation in the hot spring, Seijiro Toto opened his eyes that had been slightly closed, and said so abruptly.

William wasn't surprised by Todo Seijiro's question, he just turned his face slightly and looked at it through the hazy mist.

Sure enough, Toto Seijiro's face was blushing.

I just don't know whether he blushed because of soaking for too long, or because of what he said just now.

"However you look at it, it's—!"

——In Kirin Totō's room!

At this moment, Qi Lin is wearing a cute pale pink pajamas, and there is always a cute little white rabbit printed on the raised part of her chest, which complements each other perfectly.

Kirin's silver hair, which was usually bundled into two locks, was also scattered by Kirin.

Two legs that were as white as jade were just dangling on the side of the bed, his hands were supporting his body backwards, his eyes were just staring at the front without knowing what he was thinking.


At the same time as there was a crisp knock on the door, a gentle female voice also came.

"Qirin, are you in the room?"

"Mom wants to find you something."

Qi Lin's body was also frightened by the knock on the door, but when she heard that it was her mother who came, she immediately recovered.

He jumped off the bed flexibly, then walked to the door and opened it.

A woman who looks very similar to her just appeared in front of the door, the only difference is that the woman's hair is long black hair, not silver hair with the same color as Kirin.

"Hey! The door opens so slowly!"

"What the hell is Kirin-chan doing in the room, hurry up and show mom!"

Daoteng Qinye said to Qi Lin with a smile, and after finishing speaking, she was going to go directly to the gap and then drill into the room to find out.

"Hey... Mom, what the hell are you talking about!"

Qi Lin immediately became a little stuttering, and her pink cheeks also began to turn pink unsatisfactorily.

Seeing the shy look of his girl, Toto Kotoye's eyes lit up instantly, and a strong smile appeared on his face.

While smiling like this, she wanted to directly break through Qi Lin's small blockade and enter the house to find out.

Seeing that there was really no way to stop her mother from entering her room, Qi Lin also sighed helplessly.

"Come in, Mom!"

Moved away from the door, and waited until Daoteng Qinye had completely entered the door before Qi Lin closed the door again.

She has nothing to do with her own mother.

Her mother is a daughter of a wealthy family, and she has maintained an innocent personality since she was a child.

Even after marrying Todo Seijiro, this kind of character has not changed at all, it is still the same as when he was young.

Personality is informal and courageous, she will say whatever comes to her mind!

But Daoteng Qinye and her are completely two extremes.

Qi Lin sighed again, and was about to walk out of the entrance to persuade her mother not to turn the room too messy.

After all, she didn't do anything shameful in the first place, it's just that her thinking was divergent.

So, no matter how much Dao Fuji Qinye looked for, she couldn't find it.


It was only after entering the bedroom thoroughly that Qi Lin turned her head in surprise.

Because Daoteng Qinye didn't turn around like she imagined, on the contrary, she just sat quietly on the bed.

"Come and sit down!"

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