"Then convene a general meeting immediately, and invite Shiwen and the others to come and vote!"

Nanakusa Mayumi was very happy to make a final decision directly. Obviously, this matter that has troubled him for a long time will soon be resolved. She is now in a very good mood.

"What's on your mind?"

When going to the student union room, Nanakusa Mayumi went to see what Mitsunobu Kushima was worried about and fell behind the crowd.

"Nothing!" Konobu Kushima replied

"Yes, that's fine."

The reason for his complicated mood is actually that he still doesn't know what attitude to take towards the Sibo brothers and sisters, but he has also decided that he will not take the initiative to show the Sibo brothers and sisters the opportunity to show himself as before before he has determined his policy.

It's good that they don't take the initiative to reveal their identities now, but when they do, their performance at school will only make Yotsuba's strength to a higher level in the hearts of magicians.

Of course, this doesn't mean that he wants to deliberately suppress Sibo brothers and sisters.

But who knew that none of this group of people thought that Siboda would also adjust the CAD, and in the end he was the only one to speak.

"Let's find time to talk to their two brothers and sisters first!"

Thanks to @原初阳光[email protected] newcomer Yu @书客56245726141

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Chapter 36 The traitor of a first-year student

The conference room was almost full of people, of course it wasn't because of Shiba Tatsuya, it was because this meeting was held not only for Shiba Tatsuya's ability to become a technician.

It was because this meeting was also the one where the outbound members of the Nine Schools Battle made their final decisions.

Of course, the meeting about the participating members ended quite quickly, after all, this kind of thing had already been pre-determined before.

Basically, the representatives promoted by each association are already participants in the Nine Schools Competition. This meeting was just a formality in the past.

Just when the cutscene ceremony was about to end, Nanakusa Mayumi on the podium proposed that Shiba Tatsuya be the technician, and the pot immediately exploded.

The girls in the first department were fine, after all, they had a good relationship with Miyuki Shiba, and Shizuku Kitayama and Honoka Mitsui had a good relationship with Tatsuya Shiba directly, so there was no objection.

But those first-year boys who usually didn't like Siboda immediately began to speak ill at each other.

"It's too much, they obviously don't know how good Tatsuya's skills are."

Mitsui Honoka, who also had longing for Shiba Tatsu, immediately started complaining.

Although Shizuku Kitayama didn't speak, her gloomy face was also full of opinions.

Not to mention Shiba Miyuki, now she is suppressing her magic insanity, so as not to freeze those who insulted her brother into popsicles.

"I know, everyone just hasn't seen Sibo's technology, so they have doubts about it!"

Shiwenkeren's steady voice calmed down the crowd who were discussing.

"In this case, let Tatsuya demonstrate it live, I think everyone present should have no complaints!"

Watanabe Mori proposed the simplest and most efficient way, and this plan also made those boys shut up.

"Then who is going to be the guinea pig."

A boy below said with a sneer.

Everyone present also fell into silence, because magicians would incorporate activation into their spiritual domain when using CAD.

The popular meaning is that the spirit of a magician is completely defenseless against his own CAD.

This also means that if the adjustment of CAD is not accurate.

In mild cases, it can cause disturbance in one's own mental field, and adverse reactions such as dizziness, vomiting, and mental disorders occur.

If it is more serious, it will directly cause permanent mental damage, and if it is more serious, it will directly disqualify you from being a magician.

And according to Shiba Tatsuya himself, he had only adjusted the CAD for his own family members before, so no matter how they usually get along, no one dared to take the risk directly for a while.

"Then it's up to me—"

"Forget it, since I proposed it, then I will do it."

Mitsunobu Jiudao interrupted Shiwen Keren's words that he wanted to take the initiative to take risks.

Mitsunobu Kyushima was not clear to others, but Shiba Tatsu's skills that he showed in the student union room that day were quite high, and he was not too shy compared to him.

So when Mitsunobu Kushima said this, he didn't have as much psychological pressure as Jumonji Keren.

Jiu Dao Mitsunobu's voluntary dedication also made Shimonikeren unconsciously relieved.

Nanakusa Mayumi looked at Mitsunobu Kushima worriedly, and at this time she was not as excited as she was to solve her inner problems just now.

Mitsunobu Kushima gave Nanakusa Mayumi a reassuring look, then took his CAD from his ear and handed it to Tatsuya Shiba, and then stood on the adjustment table.

After taking the CAD, Shiba Tatsuya also sat on the chair, and Azusa Nakajo handed Shiba Tatsuya a competition-style bracelet CAD.

"Ask for something."

After Shiba Tatsu connected the two CADs, he preached to Hikari Kushima.

"You just randomly select five magic formulas and convert them into it."

Competition-type CAD is somewhat similar to specialized armed type, and it cannot store too many magic formulas.

"Understood, in fact, I don't really agree with the method of direct transmission."

"CAD with different specifications is better to program directly..."

Even though Sibo Tatsuya was fluttering his hands on the keyboard, he was still somewhat dissatisfied with this rough way.

"I also think this way is not very good, but who makes it save time!"

Mitsunobu Kushima was standing on the adjustment platform but he still had the heart to talk to Shiba Tatsuya. Nanakusa Mayumi quickly glanced over with a sharp look, signaling Mitsunobu Kushima not to be distracted.

But when the people below saw that Shibo Tatsuya was actually adjusting it manually again, they felt that they had caught Shibo Tatsuya's tail of pretending to understand.

They began to mock unscrupulously, they had no idea that it was just because of their ignorance.

Nanakusa Mayumi is already ready to use her strength to force the people below to shut up, and now Siboda is also adjusting for Mitsunobu Kushima!

In case Si Boda was also influenced by the people below, if there was a slight mistake in that step, wouldn't it endanger the safety of Mitsunobu Kushima.

"Calm down, Mayumi."

Watanabe Mari quickly grabbed Nanakusa Mayumi and motioned her to check Shiba Tatsuya's condition.

Looking around, Nanakusa Mayumi can also adjust CAD. Although she can only adjust her own CAD, she can still understand the adjustment process of others.

At least from her point of view, Shiba Tatsuya's state of mind is very peaceful, and the expression on his face has always been calm.

From her point of view, the program typed by hand didn't seem to have any errors.

Even though it was input by hand, the speed at which Siboda completed it was not at all slower than the automatic adjustment function of the effect adjustment machine, and even a little faster.


Shiba Tatsu also left the keyboard with both hands with a calm face, completely unaware of what kind of feat his actions just now were for the technical team headed by Azusa Nakajo.

"Then I'll try it!"

Mitsunobu Kushima walked down from the adjustment table, clasped the CAD on his wrist, and then walked into the testing room behind.

Behind each CAD adjustment room in the school is a supporting test room. Although the space is not very large, only about [-] square meters, the room's bearing capacity is enough to withstand the damage of A-level magic.

This is also for the convenience of the students to conduct the magic test after the adjustment.

All the people present focused their attention on Mitsunobu Kushima outside the large glass window.

Nanakusa Mayumi, Jumoni Koren and others are worried about the safety of Kudao Mitsunobu.

The boys of the first department hoped that Mitsunobu Kushima would have a problem quickly, so that they could kick Shiba Tatsu out of the team as a matter of course.

As for Jiu Dao Guangxuan's safety, that was not within their consideration.

What's more, in their eyes, Mitsunobu Kushima, who helped Shiba Tatsuya to speak, was already a traitor among their first-year students.

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Chapter 37 Beyond Silver's Technician

Mitsunobu Kushima calmed down, then put his hands on the bracelet-shaped CAD and began to input instructions. He hadn't used this kind of CAD that required manual input instructions for a long time, and he was still a little unaccustomed to it for a while.

A light blue electric current appeared in front of Mitsunobu Kushima's finger. Although there was no sound, the scorched black marks on the wall proved that Mitsunobu Kushima had successfully released the magic just now.

"Guangxuan, how do you feel?"

It was Nanakusa Mayumi who made the sound, and she rushed into the testing room after Mitsunobu Kushima released the [Electric Shock].

"don’t worry."

Mitsunobu Kushima first comforted Nanakusa Mayumi, and then explained to Jumonji Koto and others who were expecting the result.

"The activation of the magic formula is very smooth, and there is no discomfort. Even if I adjust it myself, the effect will not be better than this."

None of the people present objected to Mitsunobu Kushima's words, and even the first-year students who had been fighting with them had no room to speak out.

Because they only saw it clearly with their own eyes, the magic activation was running smoothly, the magic had been successfully released, and there was no discomfort on Kushima Mitsunobu's face.

This made it impossible for them to say that Mitsunobu Kushima was pretending.

"Then it's decided, Si Bo joins the technical team to be responsible for the CAD adjustment of the male rookie contestants."

Shiwen Keren nodded in satisfaction, and directly finalized the matter.

However, he still didn't violate the regulations to the point where Siboda was also responsible for the CAD of the second and third year main players.

"Sorry, meeting head, I don't want to accept that Siboda also adjusts my CAD."

Hayao Morisaki stood up straight away, and the main players of the first-year students who were also sitting with him also stood up.

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