What a smart woman La Folia is, she didn't need words at all, she could already see what her parents and grandmother were thinking, she shook her head and said.

"Actually, the title of Elf King is just a title I gave to him through the lofty personality of that lord."

"Actually, do you know what I still saw in the vision?"

La Folia spread out her hands, and then put her hands on her chest and said in a questioning manner.

"La Folia...!"

Pollyfnia didn't say anything, she just parted her red lips, and pronounced La Folia's name in dissatisfaction.

The frowning eyebrows were also silently denouncing La Folia's trickery.

"Alright alright!"

La Folia stood up with a smile, and walked briskly towards the window. After reaching the window, she just leaned against the window with a smile on her face.

The little hand that could only be grasped gracefully also rested on the handle of the window, and she just opened her mouth with her back to the three of them.

"I remember my father and mother, you told me that the elf in the Lion King agency is the elf of the forest!"

That's right, whether it's the elves living in this world or the elves existing in the elf world, they all have one thing in common.

That is, they will have a power that is difficult to have under normal conditions in their own affinity.

This is also the reason why the elf of the forest has always lived in the forest of the high god in Japan.

I don't know when, the cold wind that has been whistling outside the room has quietly receded.

The world that was once buried in white also revealed other colors.

The plain white earth, the rising white smoke, and the sky that has been shrouded in darkness.


The handle on the window was slightly turned by La Folia, and the slightest bit of chill immediately came in through the open window.

Bad associations have already begun, and everyone's faces are heavy.

They didn't think that La Folia would do such a meaningless act as opening the window while talking.


This fear of a strong position lingers in the hearts of several people.

I saw La Folia stretching out her light white jade finger to point to the sky, and the gazes of several people also followed the direction of the finger.

It was the silence of death!

Her mother and her husband, Polivnia, were not very clear about it, but she even felt that her heartbeat just missed a beat.

"Hoo hoo—!"

It should be said that it is La Folia, a quirky girl!Seeing such an expression on the expression of my mother who is usually the mother of the world, I can still laugh out loud.

"It's really unimaginable, but there is a sense of reason."

The queen mother smiled wryly, but she was surprisingly not surprised.

It wasn't that she had lost the emotion of surprise, nor that she thought it wasn't surprising.

Now she just purely feels that the surprise of her life today is almost used up.

"Now all I have learned has been said."

In this silent atmosphere, La Folia returned to her seat with brisk steps.

Smart eyes swept over his family members one by one, and the corners of his mouth raised a sweet arc.

"Then, my lord father!"

"Mother mother!"


"Is there anything else, if there is nothing else, maybe we shouldn't keep that person waiting too long!"

La Folia's words interrupted the silent atmosphere, and the queen mother was the first to react, staring at her precious granddaughter with sharp eyes, and then said in a deep voice.

"La Folia, what are you going to do?"

As the saying goes, knowing a daughter is like a mother!

Her grandmother also knew her talented granddaughter very well.

The flickering in the eyes of my granddaughter is not the same worry and uneasiness as them.

Those eyes were full of curiosity, admiration, and the excitement she usually gets when she finds something interesting.

"Does it need to be said! I think I should be very obvious in front of you."

Facing her grandmother's warning-like words, La Folia didn't have the slightest fear, instead she stretched out her fingers against her pink lips and said with a smile.


The big hand covered with thick hair stretched out and grabbed La Folia's arm precisely.

The sound of gasping for air was also the sound of the big Viking man.

"La Folia, now is not the time for you to have fun, be obedient, and go back to your room later."

"Leave the rest to us."

Lucas' attitude is that of the Queen and Queen Mother.

Although La Folia is talented and intelligent, she has the thinking ability of an adult.

But this situation is beyond the scope of what La Folia can handle.

They are not prepared to involve the precious heir of their own country in such a dangerous incident.

"A good treat?"

"Then find something that might interest this lord, and lure him away?"

La Folia said meaningfully.

Although these were all her guesses, judging from the expressions of her family members, she knew that she had guessed correctly.

"That's right!"

Lucas pulled out the cigar box from his arms a little depressed, took a cigar and lit it in his mouth, then took a deep breath.

"Although his attitude is very friendly now, it cannot be denied that this is a ticking time bomb."

"It is impossible for us to let him stay in our country for a long time. Only by sending him out can we feel at ease."

Seeing his daughter's tilted head, Lucas raised his eyebrows and blew his beard, thinking that his daughter was worried about the loss.

Immediately stood up, walked in front of his daughter, and extinguished the cigar in his hand, because his daughter hated the smell of smoke very much.

"Don't worry, La Folia."

"If he doesn't agree and plans something, we still have Loki, Thor, and Odin!"

"Even if he may not be able to beat him, he will probably realize that we are a hard nut to crack, and he will probably retreat by himself."

As Lukes talked, he also gained a lot of confidence, and the mood that was shocked by La Folia just now also had a feeling of clearing the clouds.

That's right, weak countries don't have diplomacy, and Ardikia never got to where it is today by kneeling.


La Folia directly stopped her father's eloquence, stood up from the sofa again, and stretched her wrinkled black dress.

"La Folia is obedient!"

Polivenia also stood up, ready to stop this daughter who had entered the rebellious stage.

After all, it was La Folia who did regular exercise, and she easily escaped her mother's hand, and arrived at the door of the room in just three or two steps.

Silver threads flew, and La Folia turned around.

"Father, mother, grandmother, why are your thoughts so limited? Why did we sign a peace treaty with the "Warlord Domain"? "

"Isn't it because we lack a strong man who can compete with the true ancestor? Now that this person is here, why don't we seize this opportunity and push him out!"

The spacious room fell into silence again, and by the time they came back to their senses, La Folia was no longer in the room.

"I'm going to get that kid back. I'm just messing around."

This time, even Lucas, who doted on his daughter, couldn't stand La Folia's behavior a little bit, and planned to take his daughter back directly.

Just when Lucas was ready to act.

"Okay—! Lucas."

It was the Queen Mother, Muse Leharvain, who ordered the giant bear to be forbidden.

"Mother, this..."

His Majesty the King also touched the back of his head for some unknown reason, but returned to his seat honestly, and asked the Queen Mother puzzledly.

"Okay, just sit here honestly!"

The empress dowager's eyes were full of smiles at the moment, but compared to that, the look of relief was better.

"I didn't expect that among us adults, none of the children could understand it thoroughly."

ps: Thanks to Rnne ecstatic clown for the reward

Thanks to Weixing for the five blades

Ask for a subscription and a ticket. Okay, thank you for your support.

The next chapter is about courtship. The previous ink blots are all for the next chapter. This time I can’t say I’m a sucker.

Finally, thank you for your support

Chapter 220 Five, The Silver Princess Courts the Protoss "4000 Words for Subscription"


There was a crisp snap of fingers, and the book of the world in the hands of the blond boy disappeared into the air as fine grains of light.

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