It was because of this that he had no choice but to call his daughter here, and wanted to use his daughter's quality as a high-level psychic and the ability of an over-adapter to resonate with the spirit inside and open this door.

"Come here, Nagisa!"

Ignoring Xiaoyacheng's startled expression, William smiled and waved at Xiaonagisha.

"What's the matter, Mr. William?"

Although everyone is a little afraid of William now, but Xiao Nagisa is obviously no longer in this category.

She was still young and only knew that this big brother protected their safety, which was enough for her.

"It's nothing, Nagisa just stays by my side."

William touched her head, and said this sentence that the little girl could easily misunderstand, making Xiao Nagisa's cheeks turn pink instantly.

"Xiaoyacheng, in fact, entering this room does not necessarily require your daughter's ability."

As if stroking a small animal, William stroked Nagisa's head with his hand.

His words naturally aroused the interest of everyone in the audience, but only one person looked serious.

That's Liana hanging at the end of the line!

"The builder arranged the entire temple as a seal. If you want to untie this seal, you can't just think of a way for this gate, but destroy the magic formula that runs the entire ruins." .”

Xiaoya City suddenly realized that they couldn't open the gate because they looked in the wrong direction from the beginning.

"Of course, another way to open this door is to blast it open with a force that can surpass this relic."

After finishing speaking, the expressions of all present except La Folia and Xiao Nagisa changed in surprise.

Surging spiritual power burst out from William's body in an instant, and the violent spiritual power directly lifted the atmosphere, causing the atmosphere to turn into a strong wind and blow away.

Brilliant golden light particles rose from William's side, and in an instant, they turned into silver-white bows and arrows in front of William's eyes!

A spiral aura lingers around his side.

William tightened the bowstring, the white light arrow condensed in his hand, and the spiritual power of the whole body frantically gathered towards the arrow in his hand.

"'Scorpio One Shot'!" "

This is another ultimate move in the artifact "Orion", in addition to the concept of all things should hit.

When William truly became the Protoss of the Moon, he was able to use this stunt known as sinking the earth freely.

next moment!

The dazzling white light escaped from William's hand and hit the door directly.


The roar resounded.

The bow and arrow condensed with spiritual power hit the gate, arousing a strong flash of light and a fierce hurricane, which spread in all directions.

In an instant, the smoke and dust on the ground was blown up by the strong wind, the walls of the stone chamber cracked like spider webs, and the entire ruins began to shake violently.


"Wow, it hurts, it hurts."

La Folia uttered a cry of fearing that the world would not be chaotic, and hugged William tightly, while Xiao Nagisa was squeezed between the two people, and let out a muffled cry.

The shaking of the ruins lasted for a while, and finally calmed down!

The giant gate has disappeared, and the corridor leading to the depths of the ruins has appeared.

"'s so cold, this one!"

Xiao Gucheng shuddered with the arm holding him, and began to tremble.

Blowing from the depths of the tunnel was a powerful cold air, which swept across the entire stone room with a roar, and at the same time, due to the sudden drop in temperature, a thick white mist rose from the entire ruins.

This sense of attraction is getting stronger and stronger!

Following the attraction deep in his heart, William ignored the still shocked crowd behind him.

Let's go to the depths of the ruins together with La Folia.

ps: Thank you Shushuwu Long Yihe for the rewards, please subscribe and vote, I really trouble everyone.

Just don’t ask me to write stand-alone——

Chapter 230 The Melted Ice Coffin, the Girl of the Spirit King "4000 words for subscription"

The tunnel that gushes out the cold air is not too long!

But the more you walk inside, the more you will feel the coldness, and you will inadvertently rub your hands to keep warm.

Of course, this temperature is quite suitable for William and La Folia.

Nangong Nayue, Xiao Yacheng, Liyana, Xiao Gucheng, and Xiao Nagisha followed behind William, moving forward step by step.

In a short while, the end of the road will come!

It was an almost circular high-ceilinged room.

The altar set deep in the room was wrapped in a huge ice block like a polar glacier.

And a small figure is sleeping in the coffin of ice.

It was a fair-skinned, immature face, with lightly pigmented blond hair, a beautiful girl who looked like a fairy and was full of dreams.

Looking at the dreamy girl in front of them, everyone's reactions were completely different.

"so beautiful!"

Xiao Nagisa's eyes shone darkly with yearning.

"Hey, this really looks like a Sleeping Beauty."

Xiao Yacheng whistled frivolously.

"So that's it, this is No.12, "Yebo of Flame Light"! "

Nangong Nayue's eyes were as calm as ever.

"Finally, finally, I found it!"

Liyana murmured to herself, the expression on her face was both excited and touched.

William, who was walking in the front, stared at the girl in the coffin, with a gleam in his eyes.

"No wonder, I said how could I be attracted by vampires, so it is so!"

Surprise appeared in his eyes, and he walked towards the ice coffin step by step.


The black leather shoes kicked on the crystal clear ice, and the icicles blocking the road were directly broken off.

"It seems that my dear has already made a decision!"

"Then "Returner of Death" Xiaoyacheng, Liana Kalyana, although I'm sorry for you, can you give us the body! "

"Based on our apology, we will also give you appropriate compensation."

Looking at William's back, La Folia's mouth evoked a captivating smile, then turned around and gave an ultimatum to the two of them.

"Of course, please feel free!"

Xiao Yacheng left and spread his hands, then took a step back, fully expressing that he would not fight.

There was nothing but relief on his face.

In fact, he knew from the beginning what kind of person was sleeping in this tomb.

He never thought of taking over this kind of hot potato. He was already prepared, so this time it was a useless effort.

As a result, the compensation proposed by La Folia surprised him.

"I don't accept it. No. 12 should be received by our Kalyana family."

"The excavation of the ruins this time is a collaboration between the "Warlord Domain" and Japan, and there is no reason for Ardikia to intervene. "

Liana was trembling all over, she was actually afraid of the strength that William had just shown.

But her voice was firm, without the slightest hesitation.

"Ah! The down-and-out noble descendants of Kalyana, you are far from qualified to be emperor electors!"

"So I advise you to just give up honestly."

La Folia's words were sharp, and it could even be said that she just hit Liana's pain point.

"You Ardikia want to tear up the peace agreement!"

She wanted to do it very much, but she knew that doing it was just useless work.

Leaving aside the man who was already standing beside the ice coffin, the girl in front of her was completely beyond her ability to deal with as a third-generation vampire.

So now she can only exert verbal pressure, because this is the only weapon she can rely on.

"Really! It doesn't matter if the war really starts! However, the premise is that the Warlord Domain is really cooperating with Japan."

"Miss Liyana, it's not a good habit to use a tiger's skin as a banner!"


Liyana stomped her feet, the feeling of making a wedding dress for someone else is really not very good.

But unfortunately, she has nothing to do with the scene in front of her.

She took a few steps back in despair, and stood at the back of the team again, expressing her attitude of giving up.

In fact, normally, she should be able to withdraw now.

But the unwillingness in her heart drove her to see this matter to the end.

Looking at Liana's face, La Folia still kept a perfect smile on her face.

Since she entered the ruins, she has activated Ardikia's intelligence network.

To put it simply, it can be said that Xiaoya City and Liana Kalyana were investigated from head to toe.

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