As I said before, Yuantangyuan's status in the Lion King's organization is very high. Although she doesn't have any real power, her status is indeed only under the three saints.

She joined the Lion King organization at the beginning of the establishment of the Lion King organization, and she has been the head teacher until now.

If he suddenly left her, there would definitely be problems with the Lion King's cultivation system, and this loss would be immeasurable.

"Teacher Yuantang, please don't get excited. The two of us think so out of various considerations."

Xian Guyong cleared his throat and comforted his slightly agitated voice.

"First of all, you are one of the few fellows of that lord, and he has clearly expressed his intention to recruit you."

"If I send you there, I won't offend that lord."

"As for the issue of reserve service, although there may be a slight problem, with other teachings and your shikigami, it should be able to operate normally."

Yuantangyuan fell into a speechless situation, because after Xian Guyong's analysis, she also felt the same in her heart.

With such excellent innate conditions as hers, if she is not allowed to go, she herself will feel a sense of indignity.

After a while, she opened her mouth dryly and said.

"What about Himeragi Yukina and Kosaka Sayaka, who will teach them?"

However, An Bai Nai seemed to have been waiting for Yuan Tang Yuan's words, and immediately continued to add.

"I have also considered this point."

"If these two children are handed over to other teachers, their talents will be wasted. We usually have too much work, and we don't have time to teach them carefully."

"That's why I trouble Teacher Fan to bring the two of them with him when he is carrying out the task."

"In this way, when the two of them grow up, I will give them the task of monitoring the Spirit King."

"Master Yuantang can complete the mission and return to the Forest of High Gods."

Anbai Nai said so, in fact, when they discussed this, they already regarded William as the winner of this feast of flames.

In their view, William himself has the same fighting power as the true ancestor.

Now he has obtained five more bodies, plus Nangong Nayue, the demon killer under his new income, and the Ardikia royal family behind him.

This is already in an invincible position.

"Aren't you afraid that Laoshen will fall directly to that Spirit King? You must know that his help to Laoshen's cultivation is not ordinary."

As Yuan Tang Yuan said, Xian Gu Yong and An Bai Nai looked at each other without saying a word.

They just silently stood up from the futon, smoothed the folds of the priestess clothes on their body, bowed deeply, and said in unison.

"Mr. Yuantang's contribution to the Lion King Organization is obvious to all of us. We believe that Teacher Yuantang will never forget the significance of the establishment of the Lion King Organization."

"It's really bad luck!"

After Yuantangyuan sighed, he got up directly from the futon, opened the curtain, and looked at the bright moon and the stars in the sky, not knowing whether it was sadness or joy in his eyes.


Takagami's Shrine, School Cafeteria!

A tall, slender girl with snow-white skin and exquisite facial features was looking for a place to eat with a dinner plate.

Although it can be judged from the face that this woman is not very old, but her height and overgrown figure will make people question her judgment.

"Sayaka, here!"

It was another girl who called out. She was slender and slender, with short shoulder-length hair, and her appearance was a bit too much.

However, this does not make people feel that she is soft and weak, but more like a precision forged sword, which can feel the toughness of softness.

Hearing the call of the girl named Yukina, Saiya Hua's eyes lit up immediately, and they walked quickly to the front of Yukina, and sat down in the vacant seat beside her.

"Saaya Hua, you ate a little too much today!"

Himeragi Yukina glanced at Kosaka Sayaka's dinner plate, looking at the two grilled fish, two sandwiches, three boiled eggs and two glasses of milk.

Looking at the grilled fish on his dinner plate again, he couldn't help but say a bowl of rice.


Kosaka Sayayaka peeled off the outer wrapping of the sandwich, took a big bite of it bitterly, and said with some perplexity.

"I don't know why today's master has arranged so much training for me."

"The hateful thing is that I still have to finish it."

"What's wrong!"

Himeragi Yukina pricked up her ears, and the movement of chopsticks playing with the fish was a little slower, obviously aroused by the interest.

"What else!"

Kosaka Sayayaka lowered her shoulders and cast a glance at Himeragi Yukina.

"The master bought a lot of weird clothes for the two of us. If you don't finish it, you will be finished."

Hearing what Kosaka Sayaka said, Himeragi Yukina's chopsticks shook.

It's not her fault, it's because Yuantangyuan punished them that she can't accept it.

Their master usually teaches them to be very careful and treats them very well. Even if they can't learn it, they will take the trouble to re-teach them and never scold them with corporal punishment.

But there is only one thing, her master will prepare them all kinds of shameful clothes such as maid outfits and school swimsuits for them to wear.

For Himeragi Yukina, who is cold and conservative, it is better to punish them physically!

"Hey! Rest well after you go back, I don't know how the master will torment us tomorrow!"

Yukina sighed slightly, and ate a little faster, she would never put on those clothes.

"makes sense!"

Kosaka Sayaka is also sad, today she doesn't even have the energy to kiss her dearest Yukina.

At this moment, a black cat strolled directly from the crowd, and then jumped onto the table.

"No way, master, isn't today's training over!"

Kosaka Sayayaka complained directly, and threw the chopsticks in her hand directly into the dinner plate.

But this cat obviously didn't care about the emotions of its two students, and said lightly.

"10 minutes to eat, after the meal, gather at the training ground."

ps: I ask for your subscription and votes, thank you everyone

Chapter 240 The Queen of Chaos "4000 words for subscription"

The time came three days later!

Nangong Nayue quietly looked at the girls dining in front of her.

Even the guests who are also dining here are looking sideways at the girls on this table.

Without him!

It is really rare to see five dreamy girls with exactly the same appearance.

And the man surrounded by a group of lolitas naturally aroused the jealousy of all the men in the venue.

"What are you going to do with them?"

Nangong's tone of that month was full of a deep sense of powerlessness, because she just learned something from William that she didn't want to hear.

"What else can I do? Ask for their opinions. Those who are willing to live outside can stay outside. Those who want to return to Xingyuan can return to Xingyuan!"

William said nonchalantly.

The personalities of the bodies are also very different, at least according to his understanding.

Of the four bodies he got yesterday, only No. [-] expressed his longing for the outside world.

The rest of the bodies all said that being absorbed is their greatest wish.

"That's okay, otherwise there would be twelve bodies of the Fourth Primogenitor running on Isogami Island, and I think I might die prematurely."

Nangong patted his non-existent chest that month, feeling a little relieved.

no way!

Just now she learned of William's decision to settle in Xiangami Island for a long time after preparing for the Flame Banquet.

It made her feel that her already gloomy life was even darker.

Now he is not going to make all the ferrite bodies the same as Agulola, which also made her breathe a sigh of relief.

"Then let's go!"

Seeing everyone who had already eaten, William glanced at the time again, and nodded in agreement with Nangong's suggestion that month.

The four vampire lolis also got up at the same time, wiped their mouths gracefully, and stood beside William expressionlessly.

Only Agurola bounced and hung directly on William's neck.

Nangong Nayue shook her head helplessly, opened the lace parasol in her hand, and the strange purple magic circle unfolded instantly.


The glare of the sun refracted on the crystal clear ice coffin, reflecting the brilliance and dazzling.

"This is really a bad guy."

It was a young boy around twelve or thirteen years old.

He was wearing a loose white robe, beautiful gold ornaments all over his body, black hair and brown skin, and a pair of golden eyes.

The face is immature, but exudes a sense of majesty like a young lion.

"It's just a pity that I don't know who made it."

The boy stretched out his palm with a little regret, and flicked his fingers on the ice coffin.

Suddenly, there seemed to be a gust of evil wind, and a faint golden mist was swept in.

"I have some guesses about the owner of the shot. Do I need to tell His Highness Iblisbel Yaziz who this person is?"

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