"Before the official start of the war, I have something to say."

"What are you talking about? Isn't it some kind of peace negotiation? This old lady won't agree to it, because my blood is already boiling."

Garda licked the corner of her mouth, looking at William as if she was looking at a plate of delicious food.

"of course not!"

William glanced at Garda indifferently, and then continued.

"No, just hand over all the bodies to me after I finish you off."

"Don't make me waste my time playing hide and seek."


"It seems that you are going to fight the three of us at the same time!"

Jiada said this, with a happy expression on her face.

Iblisbeer also showed an angry face!I feel like I've been completely underestimated.

"Then it won't!"

William shook his head, then grinned.

"The opponent of you little guys is someone else."

The violent spiritual energy volatilized wantonly, and the sky was instantly covered with dark clouds, covering the scorching sun at noon.

There is a faint flash of electricity in the black clouds.

The enchanting magic circle also unfolded at the same time!

Five young blonde lolis appeared in front of Iblisbeer.

And standing in front of Vatra is Nangong Nayue, who is still in a luxurious gothic loli costume.

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Chapter 240 4000 Xue Leng Changhe "[-] words for subscription"

The atmosphere is screaming!

The sky is roaring!

The ground is cracking!

The current is reversing!

Standing on the white sand beach, the third primogenitor named Garda and William released the maximum magical and spiritual power residing in their bodies at the same time.

The two powerful forces directly turned into staring air columns, stirred up the clouds, and tore apart the already crumbling artificial island.

"Is this the true strength of the name True Ancestor and Spirit King!"

"It's really an exaggeration as always!"

The reversing air flow was blowing Nangong Nayue and Vatra. Although their strength would not be damaged by this air flow, the scene in front of them still shocked them.

However, Xian Guyong and Ibris Bell also had the same expressions, and the only ones who could keep calm were Agulola and the other four bodies.

no way!

Even though Vatra and Iblisbeer are the high-level executives of the Empire of the Night, they rarely see the scene where the true ancestor made a full-scale attack.

After all, in this world, the only people who can challenge the True Ancestor one-on-one are those who are also True Ancestors.

As for the war between the True Ancestor and the True Ancestor, apart from the one against the Fourth True Ancestor hundreds of years ago, they also witnessed it again today after hundreds of years.

"It seems that there is no need for a fight between us, snake charmer."

Nangong Nayue looked at the scene in front of her with a moved expression, while using the magic of space transfer to defuse the shock wave that hit her.

"That's right, I'd rather witness the winner of this battle than fighting with you."

"As for the ferrite body in my hand, it will be used as a sacrifice in this battle and given to the winner."

Vatra put his hands in his trouser pockets, and the blood in his pupils gradually faded back to the original blue color.

Although Vatra had already said so, Nangong still did not leave his side that month.

Because of his trembling body and the almost uncontrollable excitement, Nangong Nanyue couldn't feel relieved at all.

"Then, let's start between us!"

These are the words of a girl named Anatos, who has the imprint of Ⅸ engraved on her forehead.

This name was just given to her by William in the morning, after all, she chose to live the same life as Agurola.

So the name is still necessary.

"Five bodies, this should be a good battle."

Iblisbeer's pupils turned blood-colored, and the magic power on his body began to spew out. Although it was very different from the other battlefield, it was still a very impressive and terrifying magic power.

"The battle will end quickly."

After Ernatos said those words coldly, the five girls with the same appearance also burst into magic power at the same time and spoke in unison.

"Come quickly—!"

The diamond sheep, whose whole body is made of gem crystals, is the No. [-] beast.

"—"King Kong of the Sheep""

A beef giant made of scorching lava, the second beast.

"—"The Amber of the Tauren King""

A carapace beast made of fictionalized silver fog, the fourth beast.

"—"Silver Mist of the Carapace""

It is a two-horned war beast with a body made of ultrasonic frequencies, dark red and brown hair, and feet on storms and sound waves. It is the number nine beast.

"—"Two-Horned Scarlet Scarlet""

And best of all, it looks like the Mermaid of Ice, the No. 12 Familiar of the Fourth True Ancestor who controls the power of ice and snow.

"—"The Ice of the Enchantress""

Five phantoms of beasts that could truly rival natural disasters roared recklessly in the sky, and Iblisbeil's face showed a brazen and fearless fighting spirit, and he rushed straight up with his bat wings spread out.

"This is really interesting, so be careful, I'm about to go up."

Jiada smiled suddenly, the magic power on her body soared into the sky, and she waved her snow-white wrist casually.

"Come out! - "Xiuhtevtli"! "

Following Jiada's order, a bottomless gully was immediately cracked under her feet, and what spewed out of it was a huge scorching torrent like a volcano erupting.

This is the beast called the third primogenitor, Garda.

Her beasts are not like other vampire beasts, they are all entities in the form of beasts or weapons.

Her pets are the most terrifying disasters in the natural world, whether it is volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, earthquakes, or tornadoes, they are all her pets.

"Interesting, let's try it!"

Feeling the seemingly inexhaustible aura in his body, a smile appeared on William's face.

To put it in very simple words, he can now be said to be a rich man, and he can fight the battle of wealth at will.

You know, he has never lacked powerful moves.

However, the lack of energy in his body is also an important reason why he has been checking and balancing his powerful moves.

But now, he can finally squander the aura in his body unscrupulously.


Following William's order, a thick blue beam of light swept out from the black cloud layer with blue lightning flashing, and directly hit the giant pillar of flames.

In this way, the beam of lightning and the torrent of lava collided in the sky above the "blue paradise".

In an instant, countless lightning bolts exploded, fiery red meteor showers splashed everywhere, and powerful shock waves swept all around regardless of friend or foe.

The entire artificial island also began to crumble, and even the connected main island, String God Island, began to shake violently.

The sky was covered with dark clouds, and blue lightning kept striking down!

The earth cracked on the ground, and fiery red molten streams erupted upwards!

The waves rolled up directly, forming a ten-meter-high spray that hit Xianshen Island.

The sound of explosions kept ringing, and this doomsday-like scene naturally frightened the islanders on Xiangami Island.

How many people ran out of their rooms in panic, trying to find a safe place to avoid this natural disaster that seemed to destroy everything.

"This power!"

Nangong Nangong, who had already retreated for an unknown number of meters, clenched her fists tightly, and she deeply felt it again.

What kind of creature is the True Ancestor!

Why can the true ancestor have such a lofty status in the world!

That's because of their strength, they don't need helpers, they don't need help, they just need to stand there, that's synonymous with strength.

A body that cannot be killed no matter what!

The power to destroy the continent with just a few gestures!

At this moment, she was extremely grateful that William was able to participate in this "flame banquet".

If it hadn't been for him to join, then this unprecedented battle would have definitely started on the main island of Xiangami Island.

At that time, the hundreds of thousands of people on the island will have no other way of life except that the island will sink forever under the deep ocean.

She bit her red lips tightly with her silver teeth, and the suggestion that La Folia once gave her flashed through her mind.

Two blushes could not help but fly up on the delicate face, and she whispered softly in her mouth subconsciously.

"It seems that it is really necessary to think about this matter carefully."

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