William, who had touched the essence of Nangong's moon, smiled indifferently, stretched out his hand to hold it tightly, and then squeezed it tightly.

- Crack!

The sound of cracking sounded just like that, centering on the contract of the protoss, fine lines cracked on the golden knight's armor and gradually spread to the whole body.

Just like that, the devil's contract was broken!

The armor on the golden knight fell to the ground piece by piece like rubble that had been peeled off, revealing the pure white armor inside the armor!

Compared with the golden knight who exuded ominous black magic power before, the guardian of Nangong that month is more like a noble medieval knight.

"Wake up! Your Royal Highness!"

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Chapter 240 Seven Maid Xiandumu Aye "4000 words for subscription"

The Nangong family at this moment!

In the living room where all kinds of expensive luxury goods are placed, Nangong Nayue, who has not experienced the aroma of black tea with her real body for a long time, is not feeling happy at the moment.

Instead, her eyes widened, looking at the scene in front of her that was hard for her to accept.

"Master, here is your black tea!"

It was Xiandumu Aye who was transferred here by William before who spoke to William.

At this moment, she took off her thick palace attire, revealing her curves that were usually hidden under her kimono.

The mountains full of applause, the slender waist that is grasped gracefully, all these are vividly reflected by the extremely revealing maid outfit she is wearing at the moment.

Coupled with her plump thighs wrapped in black lace stockings, it can be said that this outfit is full of temptation.

But the expression on her face was still extremely indifferent, giving off a strong sense of contrast.

"Well, thank you, Aye!"

William nodded, took the black tea, put it in his mouth and took a sip.

"What's the matter?"

The corners of Nangong Nayue's mouth twitched constantly, and she felt as if she was dreaming about the scene in front of her.

"What's going on, isn't this my daily job?"

"Why, Nangong went out to do errands with the master that month, and he was stupid."

Xiandumu Aye looked at Nangong Nayue expressionlessly, and said in a cold and poisonous tone.

Well, I definitely haven't woken up yet, I should still be in the prison barrier!

Nangong covered her chest with her hands that month, felt the latest contract she signed, and confirmed that she was not dreaming.

He stared blankly at William who was sitting across from him, with a complex look on his delicate little face.

When all the impossible is ruled out, even the most impossible thing is the only truth.

At this time, she suddenly remembered that William once said something to her when he came back, which had no beginning and no end.

Looking at Xiandumu Aye who was respectfully doing the job of a maid.

"Maybe that's the only way, Ah Ye, you can give up your unrealistic fantasy!"

Nangong didn't spend much time at her home that month, after all, she couldn't wait to be on the street and feel the sunshine.

And she also wants to use her real body to teach her students.

"Master, do you need me to sleep next to you to relieve your stress?"

When the expressionless maid said this to a man, how would he feel about it?

Stimulated, excited, I can't wait to tear off the stockings on the woman's legs in front of me now, and observe the moment when her expression changes.

William has almost the same impulse in his heart now, but he still didn't take action immediately.

Because under his control, Xiandumu Aye is already a maid who is devoted to him wholeheartedly, so there is no need to rush for such a moment.

Of course, the more important reason is that he has a more important thing for her to do now.

"Don't worry about this, Aye, I have other tasks for you."

"Master, please order!"

Xiandumu Aye immediately took a step back and knelt on the ground with one knee, and the plump Shuangfeng was directly squeezed on the knee because of this movement.

"You go back to the library first, as for how you escaped, make up your own reasons."

"Afterwards, I will send someone over to help you completely take over the power of the library."

He shared Xiandumu Aye's memory very well. Although Xiandumu Aye is the leader of the library, he doesn't actually have a very high voice in it.

The one who really controls the library is actually the Council of Elders inside. Xiandumu Aye is just a puppet pushed to the top because of her outstanding ability.

"I see, Your Majesty!"

"By the way, have a good communication with your daughter, after all, she is also a relative who has a blood relationship with you."


Xiandumu Aye, who bowed his head again and agreed, also had complex expressions in his eyes.


Outside the window of the reception room is a luxurious Karesansui-style Japanese garden!

At this moment, there are also a group of people sitting around the small Heshi table in the reception room, all of them have heavy faces.

These people are all well-known figures on this Isogami Island, including the city councilors of Isogami Island, well-known entrepreneurs, high-level executives of the artificial island management commune, and the battle captains of the attacking magician unit!


The slightly thin youth directly punched the table.

"I said at the time that I shouldn't approve of the Lion King's agency holding a feast of fireworks here."

"What should we do now? People will stay on the island, but we have nothing to do."

"No way, the Yase faction has too much power to speak, even if we want to oppose it, it will be useless."

Beside him, an old man with white hair spoke in a helpless tone.

Why wasn't he an opponent at the beginning, but just relying on a few negative votes from them will not help at all.

"It's useless to say these things now. The most important purpose is to analyze the reason why this Lord Lingwang still stays here after the banquet is over."

The one who spoke this time was a very tall man with a strong physique and a serious face.

At first glance, he looks more like a mafia boss from somewhere.

This person is the only leader of the Blue Feather faction in Xian Kami Island who can compete with the Yase faction who controls Xian Kami Island, Lan Yu Xianzhai.

"What does the Lion King agency say now?"

Lan Yu Xianzhai frowned, his eyes wandered to his secretary, and he asked in a relatively gentle tone.

"The subordinate has contacted again just now, and the Lion King agency said that they are not capable of handling this matter now."

The secretary pushed his eyes and replied helplessly.

"Damn it, just say the local secret service can't believe it."

"Whether it's the Taishi Bureau or the Lion King agency, they are all like this. When they can use us, their tone is very good, and when they can't be used, they just discard us as abandoned children."

The voices of complaints rang out frequently, which showed how much resentment the officials of the Lan Yu faction had towards the local secret service.

"Well, Lord Lan Yu, does this His Majesty the Spirit King simply know the secret of Xian Kami Island, and wants to take Xian Kami Island into his pocket?"

Arguing and arguing, a young entrepreneur who obviously looked younger raised his hand and said.

All the people sitting here are high-level officials on Xian Kami Island. Maybe others don't know what the significance of Xian Kami Island is.

But they are very clear about this, and it can even be said that they are a small group of people who know the most secret thing in the world.

Everyone sitting in the meeting room fell into tranquility.

Just now the room was as noisy as a vegetable market, but now it is so quiet that the sound of silver needles falling on the ground can be heard clearly.

"No...it's unlikely! The only ones who can know about this...are those ancient vampires, and the group of people who made...the island."

"This His Majesty the Spirit King has just come to this world, the people he contacts should not know about these things!"

The middle-aged man immediately retorted.

The fact that this island was used as an altar for Cain can't be said by many people who know it, but definitely not too many.

But the country of Ardikia is definitely not included in it, which is why the middle-aged people deny the idea of ​​young entrepreneurs.

"Not necessarily, don't forget that there are many high-ranking criminals imprisoned in the prison barrier, and that "Witch of the Void" seems to be very close to His Majesty the Spirit King. "

A word to wake up the dreamer!

A word from the young entrepreneur directly awakened the people of the Blue Feather Faction.

"That's right, in this case, there is indeed a possibility."

"Then it's going to be a little troublesome!"

"What shall we do?"

"No True Ancestor expressed interest in this island before, but now—!"

All the members of the Blue Feather faction present frowned. The more they thought about it, the more they felt that what the young entrepreneur said made sense.

Because in their view, the meaning of the island itself represents nothing other than the island itself.

Others should not be able to attract the attention of a person with the true ancestor's combat power. Looking at it from another perspective, this island is an incidental item, and that is a more reasonable explanation.

Lanyu Xianzhai also looked emotional, obviously, he also felt that the possibility of such a statement was extremely high.

He stretched out his fingers and tapped lightly on the wooden tabletop, making a crisp knocking sound.

"Calm down! This kind of statement is very likely, so what do you think we should do if that person is interested in String Kamishima?"

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