next moment!

The crowd was directly transferred to a beautiful coast with a golden sandy beach.

Occasionally, red sand crabs can be seen digging their own caves on the beach.

The energy fluctuations generated by the transformation of the beast must not be small, and he cannot be disturbed by other people during the transformation.

Therefore, this work cannot be carried out in the urban area of ​​String Kamijima.

And here is a quiet and hidden place that Nangong found for him that month. It is a pure natural island near Xianshen Island. It takes two hours to sail by boat.

This place used to be the research base of Magic Industries Corporation, and the single-family villa on the coast was the address of the high-level executives of their company's research base at that time.

However, after a turmoil, the company announced that it had closed down.

And the island has always been idle.

Just a few days ago, Nangong just helped William find this place that month, and dispatched a lot of staff to carry out a new style of maintenance on the villa just now.

"Actually, there's no need to do so much, as long as it can shelter from the wind and rain."

William shook his head, looked at the brand-new villa in front of him and said.

In fact, at his level, it is no longer necessary to eat physiologically every day.

Until now, he still retains human desires and habits, which is also a way for him to maintain his humanity.

"Then, let's start now!"

The outrageous aura erupted from William's body at this moment, and these auras converged, rotated, and fused with each other in the air.

It's like the dense aurora, it's also like the vortex of the atmosphere, and it's more like a beautiful lotus blooming slowly.

The flowers rotate on one side, and the flowers on the other side suddenly overlap each other in complex patterns.

Eleven naked girls stood on the petals inside, while William sat cross-legged in the stamens with a pale complexion.

Above his head, at an unknown time, the Book of the World had quietly crawled out, hovering above his head,

Countless thin golden threads spread directly from the black book, piercing into the petals of the lotus, forming golden veins.

In an instant, the phantom of a terrifying ferocious beast appeared in the sky of the island.

A king kong giant sheep made of gem crystals!

A bull-headed giant made of scorching lava!

There is a double-headed dragon with sharp fangs and sharp teeth that bends and twists all over its body, as if it could crush everything.

There is a giant silver carapace beast whose whole body is made of silver mist, illusory and hazy!

There is also a lion wrapped in golden thunder and lightning, and the whole body is golden yellow, exuding ferocity and hostility.

There is also a shape similar to the three cobalt swords, the blade length is more than [-] meters, the body size is far larger than other beasts, and the sharp giant beast exudes a destructive aura.

It is also covered by purple flames, with a scorpion tail and goshawk-like wings, and a body like a beast like a white tiger.

With a crimson mane, mixed with storms and sound waves, it is a majestic and handsome two-horned horse.

There is a goat-faced monster with a fish-dragon-shaped body made of silver crystals.

And that has a beautiful female upper body and a bluish-white snake tail lower body, which seems to be the snake-man and water demon of Queen Medusa in mythology.

The aftermath of the spread set off stacked waves, which turned into raging waves and spread around.

At this moment, the changes in the sky were naturally noticed by the residents of Xiangami Island not far from here.

All of a sudden, riots arose on the island again.

The residents have been well-trained to find bunkers that can hide the danger, and the high-level officials on the island have also dispatched their own private troops to investigate the source of the mutation.


The black lace folding fan was closed, Nangong Nayue raised her little feet, and looked at Lanyu Xianzhai who was still looking at her wife affectionately.

"Mr. Lan Yu, although I don't really want to disturb your reunion with your wife right now."

"But now it's time for you to work for that guy. If you work properly, you will soon be able to apply for a race change with that guy."

Lanyu Xianzhai would inevitably blush when a cold loli said that.

But soon, he adjusted his emotions, and finally took a deep look at his wife.

"Okay, I need to do something."

Lanyu Xianzhai asked like this, his wife became like this, and the well-informed Lanyu Xianzhai naturally knew what race his wife had been converted into.

Knowing this, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

After all, compared to other races, the evaluation of elves is quite good among many demons.

The issue of longevity was naturally also under consideration, so he sent his daughter to William to attack from the sidelines.

It's just that he didn't expect that he, who hadn't gotten the answer from his own daughter, got the method from Nangong Nayue first.

"It's very simple. I'm responsible for stopping all the people who are spying on that guy this time. If you can't stop them, send them to me. I will personally stop them."

Nangong said coldly that month, with a hint of chill in his tone.

"I see!"

Starting today, the two important ministers on String God Island started their first cooperation.


In far northern Europe, inside the royal palace of Ardikia.

The silver-haired and blue-eyed princess was crouching in front of the table, complaining nonstop.


"It seems that I want to skip work now and go to retreat with Mr. William."

The beautiful woman who was sitting by the bed and monitoring her daughter's homework also frowned.

"What nonsense are you talking about? As the first princess of Ardikia, how could you disappear for two or three years at will, and the country will be in chaos."

"But people are very boring!"

La Folia, who sat upright from the table, picked up the pen on the table, and weakly signed one document after another.

"Speaking of which, mother, how are you preparing for staying in the Whispering Courtyard?"


Speaking of this, Pollyfnia also sighed slightly, spread her hands and said.

"No way, the matter has reached a critical stage, and I have already finished lobbying other countries."

"But the key true ancestor, if Mr. William hadn't appeared in person, there would be unequal status."

"There is really no way!"

After continuing to sigh weakly, La Folia focused on her work.

The time came two days later!

The wind, with the heat of summer, blows across the clear blue sea, setting off layers of rippling waves, and the sound of the waves hitting the shore is pleasant and pleasant.

The huge aerial iron bird swooped down from the thick clouds and landed on the runway of the airport.

There are a total of six different airports on Itokajima.

However, there is only one airport that can accommodate such a large aircraft, and that is the Itogami Island Chuo International Airport located in the center.

There are always many planes taking off and landing here every day, and there are countless people flowing here.

"Ah, this island is really as hot as ever!"

"Saayahua, Cooling Talisman!"

The woman with short emerald green hair and pointed ears wiped the sweat from her forehead.

"Yes, Master!"

Compared with the other petite girl, the slightly taller girl opened the pouch on her lap, and pulled out a white charm from inside.

As the girl silently chanted the mantra and the fluctuation of spiritual power gradually rose.

The cool breath enveloped the three of them in an instant, and the surrounding heat with a high temperature of [-] degrees also dropped rapidly.

"So, what are we going to do next, master!"

"Should we go to the residence first to drop off our luggage?"

The girl with short shoulder-length black hair turned her head slightly and asked.


The green-haired woman shook her head after pondering for a few seconds, then shook her head gently.

"You two go first! I want to visit the owner of this island first, and I also want to investigate the changes near this island a few days ago."

After the voice fell, the woman with emerald green hair disappeared from the crowd.

Only two young girls were left behind, peeking at each other.

ps: Thank you XX123 for the tip, the next chapter will start the official story, please subscribe and tip, thank you very much, please.

Chapter 250 Won't you attack my students? "4000 words please subscribe"

Time flies, and the time flies!

In the blink of an eye, nearly three and a half years have passed since the feast of flames that attracted the attention of the world on Xian Kami Island.

Transforming the other eleven beasts, plus the trouble he had to restore the essence of Xingyuan was beyond his imagination.

The first time it was divided into Agulola's star source, it was a bit better, but the damage to him after being divided into eleven parts at once can be said to be inestimable.

But fortunately, the more you give, the greater the return!

The transformed star beast representing the twelve signs of the zodiac brought him another powerful force.

However, the current location is still the faculty office building of the high school of Caihai Academy.

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