"Whether this terrible power dissipates will depend on your performance at the meeting tomorrow."

After the voice fell, Lucas hung up the phone directly.

It was not until a long time later that James uttered a word bitterly from his throat.


ps: Thanks to @何生平平S686 for the four blades and spicy strips, thank you very much

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Chapter 250 Nine Old Colored Critic Kings Really Know How to Play "4000 Words for Subscription"

What a beautiful weather!

For some reason, even the weather in Itokami Island, which maintains a high temperature all year round, has become refreshing and pleasant today.

A black extended version car exuding a jet black luster was driving on the road, and the pedestrians on the road also looked like people were coming and going.

It seems that the residents of Itokami Island have not been affected by the cloud that still hangs over half of North America.

But this is a normal phenomenon. Before the man-made land under William's rule, the residents here have long been accustomed to frequent disasters.

Not to mention that this disaster has not happened to them, and it doesn't matter to them.

"Why, Agullola, you seem to be very happy."

Inside the luxurious car, William looked at the smiling Agulola and said.

"Yes, because Mr. William is coming to our class today!"

"I've been looking forward to it all the time, and I also want to introduce my good friend to you."

Agulola sat on the chair shaking his head and talking, his two slender legs dangling in the air.

"Hey! So besides Nagisa and Himeragi Yukina, you have other friends!"

"Of course, she has the same good smell as Nagisa! And Xia Yinchan is also a very good person."

Agulola talked about it proudly, as if it was not her friend who was being praised, but herself.

"Really, then I'll look forward to it."

Lovingly touching Agulola's little head, William said with a light smile.

Then he pulled down the window of the car, and looked out the window at the receding scenery and laughed again.

"It seems that today Fufu will be able to express her previous bad temper for a good time."

——"Whispering Garden"

The twilight world, located between day and night, is wrapped in golden mist.

And in that cloud of mist, a situation completely different from before was staged on the huge round table.

The old James is lowering his head with a decadent expression on his face. Yesterday's haughty back is also bowed today.

"His Royal Highness, we will comply with all the conditions proposed by His Majesty Lingwang yesterday."

"So please inform King Ling, put away those terrible magical powers, the civilians in the USA are innocent."

"Very well, so what is your choice!"

La Folia nodded in satisfaction, and then turned her gaze to those people sitting on the round table.

These members of the Supreme Council also started to tremble after seeing La Folia's glance.

"Lord Lingwang's request is very reasonable."

"Master Lingwang has proven his strength."

"We have no reason to object."

The scrambling look is very similar to the aunts who get up early in the vegetable market to sell vegetables, chirping for fear that they will be a step behind.

After getting an affirmative answer, La Folia didn't bother to embarrass these national leaders who usually embarrass her a lot.

Instead, he set his sights on the only True Ancestor who was present today, "Forgotten Warlord".

"Then since the vote has been passed, I hereby declare that from today onwards, Ardikia will become a permanent member of the United Nations and enjoy the right of a veto at the meeting."

Now the only "Forgotten Warlord" who can call the shots at the scene is not procrastinating. He nodded with a light smile, smiled kindly at La Folia, and announced the matter directly.

The matter fell to the ground without any waves like this, and the big stone in everyone's heart was directly let go.

Only the uneasy James looked at La Folia!

"Please don't worry, Your Excellency James, after I have finished my dear confession with His Majesty the King of War, I will immediately notify him to withdraw his strength."

"Yes, I know, then I won't bother you here."

After James responded bitterly, he disappeared here wisely, and went back to deal with the next thing.

"Then I will take my leave too!"

"So are we!"


The representatives of other countries also went offline in a hurry, in order to immediately point their own satellites at the entire North America and observe the next situation.

Of course, what they were more afraid of was that they would offend La Folia without knowing the circumstances, lest William would come to them in their country.

You know, after yesterday's incident, their fear of William has now risen to an unprecedented level.

Even what they have always been afraid of, the legendary Saint Annihilation is no match for the fear that William brought them yesterday.

They also got the damage situation in USA almost immediately.

This kind of destructive power is different from that of the True Ancestor. Although the True Ancestor is terrifying, it will take a lot of time to cause the disaster yesterday.

That is the result that even if the First True Ancestor had all 72 beasts out together, they would not be able to achieve it in a short time.

But this kind of power can be released at will in the hands of the one they put pressure on yesterday.

"All of a sudden, it's a lot cleaner!"

Seeing that everyone had left, the Forgotten War King lay on his back on the chair, exuding a lazy aura from his whole body.

"Then, Princess Ling, what did he ask you to bring me?"

The King of Forgotten War said lazily, last night because of his good mood, he fought a fierce battle with his ten princesses after a long absence.

Although this was nothing with the physical strength of his true ancestor, it still had a slight impact on his energy.

"Yes, Your Majesty the King of War, my dear said that what you said for Ardikia before, he has already remembered it in his heart."

"If you want to ask for a reward, he can provide the same reward as Her Majesty the Chaos Empress."

La Folia walked towards the Forgotten War King step by step, stopped at a distance of one meter away from the Forgotten War King, raised her skirt with both hands, and said dignifiedly.

"Oh! What kind of remuneration is it? Let's hear it."

The King of Forgotten War immediately became interested. For him, he was more curious about the Spirit King whom he only met yesterday.

Before that, his understanding of William was limited to the report of Garda's phone call with his subordinate, Vatra, after attending the Flame Banquet.

The reason why he made a move to support Aldikia in the previous meeting was also because he wanted to inject something interesting into the stagnant sanctuary treaty body.

However, he still had some guesses about the hidden agreement between the Third True Ancestor Jiada and the Spirit King.

Although he has never personally verified it with Vatra and Garda.

Even if William showed strength that was equal to or even surpassed that of their true ancestors yesterday, it was meaningless to him.

After all, their True Ancestors are immortal, so what if their attack power is strong, they are completely unkillable existences.

And from his point of view, William's failure to attack civilians yesterday also fully demonstrated that he was not a person without scruples.

That's enough!

"Yes, the agreement between my dear and Her Highness Jiada is to use his blood as compensation."

"In addition, regarding this drop of blood, we can send people directly to the field of the king of war. Time will not affect the spirituality in the blood."

La Folia shrugged and added again.


The lazy eyes of the Forgotten War King suddenly flashed an unknown brilliance, and it was not until a long time later that a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Then choose this thank you gift! But there is no need to send it, and I will find time to visit Xian Kami Island later."

"After all, I really want to chat with your Majesty the Spirit King face to face."

"Then I know, we will wait for your visit."

La Folia raised her skirt again to salute, and then disappeared directly into this dreamy courtyard.

The Forgotten War King, who was left alone here, did not evacuate directly, but put his feet on the table more casually, and put his hands directly behind his head.

Gently closing his eyes, he murmured softly in a dreamlike voice.

"I don't know what will happen next, what kind of interesting things will happen! I really look forward to it more and more."

In the courtyard on the top floor of Saikai Academy's junior high school building!

"I see!"

After receiving the call, the man casually placed the phone next to the seat, then stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers.

"Mr. William, have you finished your phone call with Her Highness the Princess?"

Xiao Nagisa is laying out the prepared bento layer by layer, and it is the lunch break at noon of Caihai College.

And now it was lunch time for the three junior high school girls and the Ling King.

Agulola was helping Akatsuki Nagisa, and Himeragi Yukina was holding a mobile phone in her hand, and the on-the-spot reports from the USA media were projected on it.

After hearing that the cloud covering North America dissipated, she was slightly relieved, and then glanced at William secretly.

"This is really a terrifying power, just like the master said, he is an extremely dangerous person!"

Of course, she only dared to slander this sentence in her heart.

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