La Folia looked at William, who was already in deep thought, and didn't disturb him anymore, but went to take a bath on her own.

After all, her more important task now is to conceive William's heir as soon as possible, so that the old people in the domestic clan will shut up as soon as possible.

The next day, William, Agulola, Nangong Nayue, Hase Natsune, and Xiao Nagisa, who stayed here last night, and his group took Nangong Nayue's ultra-luxury stretched limousine to school together.

After arriving at the school, William was surrounded by a group of youthful female students.

Of course, more female students who didn't squeeze into the front still glared at Agulola and Xiao Nagisa who were walking with William.

Nangong was the teacher that month and they had nothing to do, but it didn't mean they would easily ignore the girls who were also students.

Although William has only come to Caihai Academy for a few days.

However, the new teacher is not only handsome and gentle, but also very talented, and his family is also quite rich. These messages have already spread throughout the school.

This also caused William's popularity in this school to skyrocket, to the extent that the female students were so fanatical about him that they often skipped their own classes, and then secretly came to the back door of the classroom to watch him secretly.

Many teachers are also troubled by this, and have reported it to the dean many times.

This news naturally reached the ears of Nangong Nayue, the actual controller of the school.

For this reason, when she returned home, she specifically asked William not to play with the students' feelings casually.

If you really have an idea, just take it home.

There is absolutely nothing false about what she said. In the hearts of those female students, as long as William is ticked off by the little finger, even if they are not responsible for those children, if it is just a one-night stand, they will definitely be happy. .

However, William had no idea about these little girls who hadn't grown up yet.

He also grew up in this environment since he was a child, and he knows how to deal with these enthusiastic female students.

After using his exquisite words to coax these female students away, he went straight to the classroom.

Because his first class today is the class of Lanyu Light Onion.

After entering the class, all the female students greeted him enthusiastically.

"Alright, let's start class!"

After looking around the students in the classroom, he found that there was already a new student sitting next to Xiao Gucheng's seat in the corner.

It was a female student with short brown hair who looked exactly like Xiandumu Aye.

Of course, he is still a little interested in this point, such as why Xiandumu Aye's daughter in name is so hot with Xiao Gucheng.

However, there is still another thing worthy of his attention.

"Does anyone know why Qian Cong hasn't come yet? Did you ask for leave today?"

The three of them, Lanyu Chancong, Akatsuki Kojo, and Yase Motoki, sat together, and Akatsuki sat at the corner closest to the window.

Yaze Motoki lives in front of him, and the seat of Lanyu Asagi is on Yaze Motoki's right hand.

"Report, Light Onion said she will be there soon."

After hearing William's question, Motoki Yaze immediately got up and answered.

As soon as Yaze Motoki's voice fell, a panting voice sounded at the door of the classroom.

"It's... great...!"

"It's safe to hit base, right?"

Taking a closer look, at the door of the classroom, Lan Yu Qiancong was panting and holding on to the door of the classroom, wiping the beads of sweat on his forehead tiredly from strenuous exercise.

William's voice also naturally made the Panting Lanyu raised his head up.

Immediately afterwards, Lan Yu Qian Cong's face turned red, and her carefree movements also became a little awkward.

"Okay, the class hasn't started yet, hurry back to your seat!"

William's gentle and warm voice once again aroused the hearts of the female students in the class, and they all talked in private about how gentle William was.


With a blushing face, Lan Yu Qian Cong slowly returned to her seat, and the class had officially started.

If other teachers are allowed to teach, perhaps the two-hour class will be a painful process for the students.

But when it was the turn of William's class, the energy of these students can be said to be extremely strong.

So much so that this two-hour class is over, and the students still have a feeling that they still have more to say.

So, now it's lunch time for the mid-day break.

Yesterday was lunch with Himeragi Yukina and the others, so today it's my turn to have lunch with Blue Feather Asaka.

This kind of feeling is quite similar to that of ancient emperors flipping cards to choose concubines every day.

But unlike the lunch with Himeragi Yukina and the others before, their lunch was a bento prepared by Akatsuki Nagisa who is good at cooking.

But it's a pity that no one in this group is good at cooking except William.

As the only woman here before, the way Lanyu Qiansong cooks is a complete disaster.

Until now, William didn't quite understand the difference between salt and sugar, and how the blue feather light green onion got it wrong.

Also, it is obviously just a stir-fry, why does it have to be fried until it turns into black charcoal before it comes out of the pan.

Therefore, their lunch can only be settled in a family restaurant near the school.

It's just that there was only a four-person team before, and today another person was added.

"I'm very sorry, Lord William, to disturb your lunch time."

Grabbing Lanyu Asagi to the bathroom to touch up her makeup, while Xiao Gucheng was in charge of buying drinks, Xiandumu Yuma immediately apologized to William who was sitting opposite and looked at the menu.

In fact, she didn't intend to come to have lunch with her at first. After all, her mother Xiandumu Aye had already given her thousands of instructions before she came to this island.

The only one who has to maintain a respectful attitude and obey from the heart is right in front of you.

But who knew, Xiao Gucheng, who couldn't see the meaning of her blinking and refusal, forced her here forcefully.

As a result, she now has to face such a great psychological pressure.

"It's okay, don't worry so much, relax, I'm not that scary usually."

For this girl who seemed to be sixteen or seventeen years old on the outside, but actually only ten years old, William felt a little pity in his heart.

"I see!"

Seeing that William's expression really didn't care, Xiandu Yuma was also a little relieved, really relieved.

After a while, the two people who were busy with their own affairs also came back here, and all lunches were served at this time.

"Speaking of which, Light Onion, why did you come so late this morning?"

"Did you go to bed too late last night?"

Lan Yu Qian Cong, who was eating frantically, put down the fork in her hand, and there were already four or five empty plates piled up beside her.

This is the amount of food named Lanyu Light Onion. Although she eats so much, she has the aptitude that other women can only dream of.

That is, no matter how much she eats, she will not get fat where she shouldn't be, but the place where she should be fat is getting bigger and bigger.

Picking up the paper on the table and pulling out the table paper inside, after wiping his mouth, Lan Yu Qian Cong complained.

"What do you think! It's not that the artificial island management commune gave me a troublesome and tiring job."

"As a result, I just took a shower last night and was going to lie in bed, but I had to get up and work until the morning."

"What kind of job can make you feel troublesome."

Akatsuki asked curiously.

In his opinion, Lan Yu Qian Cong is definitely one of the few computer geniuses in the world, and it must not be a trivial matter that can make Lan Yu Qian Cong feel troublesome.

William was also very interested in this, but since the island belonged to him now, it would be easy for Lan Yu Qiansong to divert his anger on him if he interrupted now, so he honestly shut up.

Besides, Xiao Gucheng asked for him, so he can sit back and enjoy his achievements.

"No way, several research institutes in Xicheng District were destroyed for unknown reasons yesterday, and the streets and other facilities also suffered varying degrees of damage."

"So I was urgently transferred last night to re-adjust and balance the electronic control system in Xicheng District."

Lan Yu Qiancong kept complaining about the incompetence of the technicians of the artificial island management commune, and kept uttering various obscure words from his mouth.

It is also because of this that, except for William, who has a deep understanding of technology, the other people present are all at a loss.

"You insist on completing the work by yourself in one night, even though it requires dozens of small groups of people to complete it. Those technicians will probably cry when they hear your masterpiece."

William said in a tone that seemed to be exclamation.

"No way, who asked them to pay them too generously! So I worked a little harder."

Lan Yu Light Onion said in a rather casual tone.

Regarding this, William was completely dumbfounded and helped his forehead, and said quite helplessly.

"I said, your family is obviously not short of money, and this island directly belongs to me, so there is no need for you to work so hard!"

"Also, didn't I ask you to go there and take up the post directly before, why are you still in the state of employment?"


"I don't want to become a social animal in the studio at a young age! Also, it's not for the sake of your island that I'm in such a hurry to finish work."

Lan Yu Qiancong said with a cold snort, and the others stepped aside to avoid being involved in the flames of war.

"Alright alright!"

William immediately raised his hand to express his surrender, and then changed the subject directly.

"Then do you know what caused the explosion yesterday? I remember those research institutes are quite close to residential areas. I don't allow research institutes near residential areas to do dangerous research."

The steel fork poked the already cut steak on the plate, William said lazily.

After all, this can only be used as an introduction to the topic during the meal, and it is definitely not a big deal.

If it was something very important, Nangong Nayue should have reported it to him yesterday, and if he didn't say anything, it meant it was just an insignificant matter.

"It is said that it seems to be caused by the rampage of the white humanoid beast somewhere."

Akatsuki Kojo, Yase Motoki, and Senduki Yuma were stunned.

"Oh! How strong is this vampire?"

He is too lazy to meddle in other things. If such a big island requires him to take care of such a small matter, then his subordinates are a little too incompetent.

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