That is the look of hope!

Lan Yu lightly stared at William, the meaning in that look, William didn't even need him to speak, he could sense what she meant now.

"You want me to transform you into an angel too?"

William looked at Lan Yu Light Onion with some amusement.

Lan Yu Qian Cong immediately nodded frantically like a chicken pecking rice, that kind of sacred, that kind of solemn, that kind of beautiful appearance, which girl would not be fascinated by her!

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Chapter 270 Two, go back and take a shower! "4000 words for subscription"

Two flawless pure white wings, with iridescent brilliance shimmering on them, and the aura of Shengyao lingering around Himeragi Yukina.

The blue pupils were completely filled with pure white light without knowing when.

This is the real thing, just like the angels recorded in the Bible.

"I said, Light Onion, angels don't just become what they want to be."

"Even if it's me, it's because of Xuecai's own high aptitude and air that I was able to transform so easily."

William stroked his forehead helplessly, directly breaking Lan Yu's light fantasy.

This matter, even if he is a protoss, it is difficult to do it.

Being able to directly transform an ordinary person into an angel without difficulty is something that only the true God of the Bible can do.

The most he can do is to use his aura as a catalyst for human beings who have the qualifications to evolve into angels.

So far, besides Himeragi Yukina, there are only two people he has found who have the qualifications to evolve into angels.

Haze Natsune, who is already in the middle of evolution!

There is also the one who is even more qualified as a psychic than Yukina Himeragi, Princess Silver, La Folia Lihavain!

He stretched out his big hand and rubbed Lan Yu Qian Cong's head.

"Okay, don't get lost! If you want, I can transform you into an elf."

"The highest elves are not much worse than angels."

Looking at Lan Yu Qiancong's somewhat disappointed eyes, he spoke soothingly.

What he said is true, don't look at the weak elves of the parents of the blue feather light green he transformed before.

That's all because he purely used the most common blood on his body to transform, and the upper limit was probably there.

But if he wanted to transform his own woman, he would definitely use the essence and blood of his own heart, supplemented by a small amount of Xingyuan for transformation.

The elves transformed in this way are no longer elves.

It is the kind of physique that is more similar to that of a protoss. Such an elf is not only equal to an angel in terms of personality, but also equal to him in life. It can be said that life and death are completely at the same point. (Though it's not known who can actually kill a protoss.)


Lan Yu's light onion eyes also shone with hope.

"Well, wait for a while! I should be able to perfect this technology soon."

The reason why he has been studying the method of transforming the human race after he became a protoss is to prevent himself from sending away his confidante friends one by one in his long lifespan.

Being able to be with him forever in the long time is what he really wants.

Of course, it would be better to have a trouble-free approach like Himeragi Yukina and Fufu, after all, splitting his own star source will give him a short period of weakness.

He didn't like the feeling of his own strength weakening very much.

"Okay, let's deal with the guy first! There is no problem, Yukina."


Himeragi Yukina responded in a deep voice.


Rudolph secretly screamed that something was wrong, and he tightly grasped the giant ax in his hands.


Rudolph shouted loudly, this feeling of being on his back made him feel that his life had been threatened.

In fact, ever since he was unknowingly brought to this small island by William, he already knew that his plan had completely failed.

With the existence of that kind of unpredictable space magic formula, he may not be able to get close to the holy relic of this religion in his life.

Being brought to such a small island surrounded by sea means that the other party has completely cut off his escape route.

That's why he didn't make any small movements when he was listening to William's explanation just now.

However, this does not mean that he will stand there obediently, waiting to die.

"Command accepted—"Rose's Fingertip" restarts! "

The rainbow-colored beast armor wrapped Astarotti again, and her huge palm was placed across her chest in a defensive posture.

The blazing light also bloomed on Himeragi Yukina's body, and the air on the pure white wings seemed to be free of money, which was infused by Himeragi Yukina.

On the gun blade, the magic circles of three geometric patterns unfolded are even more connected with each other.

"Xuexia Wolf——!"

Following Himeragi Yukina's soft shout, the white wings behind her fluttered suddenly.

Immediately afterwards, like a fierce white female wolf, she drew a white flash of light in the air and rushed towards Astarotti.

At this moment, when Himeragi Yukina burst out with all her strength, her speed was even comparable to the speed of sound.

This was a speed that neither Astarotti nor any human being could react to.

The Holy Lance engraved with the Godhead Vibration Drive Art is full of air, and Himeragi Yukina is now concentrating all her power on one point, only seeking to be fine, sharp and accurate without hurting Astarotti, Penetrate the iridescent giant of the beast.

"bring it on!"

Rudolph lowered his body and made a Zama step with his feet to stabilize his body's center of gravity.

The next moment!

The silver holy spear directly penetrated Astarotti's barrier, and penetrated deeply into the head of the faceless humanoid beast.

Under the urging of the air, the godhead vibration wave driving technique was also operated to the extreme.

This holy gun, which has been manufactured for more than half a century, is also the first time that it has fully demonstrated its power.

The holy spear, which has a destructive power to magic power, pierced through the barrier and pierced into the body of the beast, instantly incinerated Astarotti's beast, and made it disappear.


The beast was shattered, and the artificial life girl, who suffered a strong backlash, collapsed directly on the ground.

Rudolph looked at all this in surprise!

He did think that Astarotte might lose, after all, the power shown by the opponent was too strong.

But he didn't expect that Astarotte couldn't even hold on to a face-to-face meeting.

At the moment when his brain lost his mind, Himeragi Yukina, who was still in a state of extreme acceleration, had already flew behind the teacher Rudolph.

"Like me just now, you are lost, Rudolph Ostach, the armed teacher of Lotharingia."


What moves faster than the body is Rudolph's eyeball.

However, what moved faster than his eyeballs was the white jade palm that was quietly imprinted on his belly covered with the armor-enhanced suit.


The powerful palm that shone with lightning pierced through the thick armor, causing a real blow to the inside of his body.


Accompanied by such intense pain, Rudolph bent his tall body and flew upside down.

He broke the coconut tree with thick roots, and was finally embedded in a large boulder, before passing out.

An almost terrifying silence!

Flapping those holy wings, Himeragi Yukina slowly landed on the pure white sand.

"Saaya Hua, please restrain him."

Withdrawing his air of lingering around him, the wings symbolizing the angel also turned into a little bit of starlight, disappearing between the sky and the earth.


Kosaka Sayayaka, whose brain has completely fallen into a shutdown state, nodded in a daze, and then ran towards Rudolph stiffly.

As the dancer Ji Yuan of the Lion King's agency, she is good at various assassination spells, and she is also good at binding spells.

Seeing Sayaka Kosaka who had been casting spells on Rudolph, Himeragi Yukina nodded her head lightly, and then walked to Astaruti who was collapsed on the beach.

Astaruti, who is an artificial life form, originally had her biggest problem with lifespan.

But she was treated as a disposable battery by Rudolph, and she was used without restraint. In addition, the beast was destroyed just now, and the degree of backlash was further intensified.

In her current state, it can be said that she has only her last breath left.

Himeragi Yukina, who hung her head in silence, stretched out her small hand and placed it under Astarotte's nose, feeling her weaker breathing.

Gradually, Himeragi Yukina raised her head, showing an extremely sad expression.

It was due to the same experience with the artificial life girl in front of me, resulting in a sad empathy.


"That's true!"

William sighed lightly, and signaled with his eyes that Lan Yu Qiancong let go of his arm, and then walked slowly towards Astarotti's position.

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