"I think you seem a little disappointed!" Nanakusa Mayumi said with a smile.

"No, you read it wrong."

"The game is about to start, let's hurry to the venue."

Of course, Mitsunobu Jiudao couldn't admit this kind of thing, so he turned his head and left the camp.

{Group ball grabbing points} is a ball game similar to tennis and racquetball, but there is no serving system.

Each round is 3 minutes, with a 3-minute break in between, a total of three rounds per game.

The launcher will use compressed air to shoot out a low-impact bouncing ball about six centimeters in diameter, and the player will score points by hitting the opponent's court with a racket or CAD within the time limit.

Normally, this should be a sport in which two players run each other on the court and sweat.

Because group ball scoring is to some extent a sport that requires the frequency of firing magic to be higher than that of {Precision Shooting}.

That's why almost all the players will choose to use acceleration magic with the racket to hit the ball back to the opponent's field, so as to save the consumption of thinking and prevent them from announcing their retirement in the middle of the game.

That's exactly how it should have been.

But the current scene is that Nanakusa Mayumi is holding a short-gun pistol CAD with one hand, and her opponent is using a CAD similar to a double-barreled shotgun.

"It's a duel of phantoms!"

Kushima Mitsunobu murmured in a low voice, and immediately lost interest in this game.

If that girl is good at movement magic, even though she has no chance of winning, she can barely present a wonderful match.

But she actually chose to compete with Nanakusa Mayumi in terms of psion, and Mitsunobu Kushima could only give her a crazy evaluation.

Who gave her confidence to compete with Nanakusa's parents and daughters? Didn't she watch the {Precision Shooting} game two days ago?

In fact, it was exactly as Mitsunobu Kushima expected.

Nanakusa Mayumi stood in the center of the court, holding the CAD with both hands, and kept pulling the trigger.

The opponent has already started to look around in the first game.

Because the situation she is facing now makes her unable to calm down at all.

Every time she hits a ball, three balls come back.

The first small game is temporarily over, the score is 21:15

From the point of view of the score, this is barely a close game.

You can check the status of the players.

One looked indifferent, and even had the heart to wave to the audience who supported her before stepping off the stage.

One was almost fainting, his forehead was covered with dense beads of sweat, and he was already a little wobbly when he walked off the stage.

High judgement

"Thanks for your hard work.";

Mitsunobu Kushima first handed the bottled mineral water to Nanakusa Mayumi, and then took a towel to wipe Nanakusa Mayumi's sweat.

"It's too early to talk about hard work! The game is not over yet!"

Nanakusa Mayumi said with some doubts, because in her opinion, this sentence should be said at the end of the game, but there are still two small games before the end of the game!

"No, I think the game is over."

"The contestants on the opposite side have obviously fallen into a state of depletion of ideas. It is estimated that the person in charge of their school will go to the jury to announce their abstention."

Nanakusa Mayumi turned her head to look at the jury, and sure enough, the leader of the five high schools was communicating with the jury.

The contestants are sitting slumped on the bench, and their whole bodies are being checked by medical equipment.

"This is really...''

Nanakusa Mayumi couldn't laugh or cry, but she thought this contestant had the confidence to compete with her in terms of quantum quality!

The result turned out to be just foolhardy.

ps: The second update is sent

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Another crowdfunding title!No matter what I think, I feel so middle school

Chapter 47 Night Celebration

As night fell, it was already late at night, and the contestants in order to prepare for tomorrow's nine-school competition should now rest and recharge their batteries.

But there was still a brightly lit house in the dark building.

Mitsunobu Kushima and Shi Boda also sat on the only two chairs in the room.

Azusa Nakajo, Suzune Ichihara, Mari Watanabe, Shizuku Kitayama, Honoka Mitsui, and Miyuki Shiba sat on the beds of Mayumi Nanakusa and Mari Watanabe respectively.

"Then to celebrate the president's two consecutive championships in {Precise Shooting} and {Group Ball Score}, as well as Kudao-kun and Kitayama's highest scores in the {Precise Shooting} qualifiers, let's toast!"

Azusa Nakajo timidly raised her goblet containing the drink and suggested softly.


The nine goblets collided together and made a crisp sound.

"Thank you, but don't stay too late!"

"After all, the game is not over yet!"

Nanakusa Mayumi took a sip of her drink and said to the others.

"It's okay, Mayumi, the people gathered here are idlers who have nothing to do tomorrow morning, so even if they play a little later, it won't delay tomorrow's game."

"That's good!"

That's right, except for Honoka Mitsui who has a {Surf Racing} qualifier to play tomorrow afternoon, everyone else is idle.

Azusa Nakajo, Suzune Ichihara, and Shiba Tatsu are also technicians, not counting.

Nanakusa Mayumi's competition in the Nine Schools Tournament has been completely over.

Mori Watanabe's {Surfing Race} final is the day after tomorrow, and the {Fantasy Reaching Stars} competition will also start on the seventh day.

Shiba Miyuki's {Illusion Reaching Stars} and {Icicle Attack and Defense} were also performed on the ninth and fifth days of the Nine School Battles respectively.

Kitayama Shizuku also spent the rest of the {Icicle Attack and Defense} match with Shiba Miyuki.

"By the way, Tatsuya, the magic called [Aerial Dynamic Thunderbolt] that you created for Beishan today is really powerful!"

Watanabe Mori turned his gaze to Shiba Tatsuya who was sitting on the chair.

"That's right, set several seismic sources in the effective scoring area to generate virtual fluctuations, and apply vibration waves to solid objects."

"Instead of directly vibrating the target with magic, it creates a field that rewrites the phenomenon and applies vibration waves to the target."

"According to this mechanism, once the spherically diffused wave from the source touches the target, the virtual shock wave will become a real shock wave inside the target and destroy the target!"

"Excellent idea."

Even if Ichihara Suzune thinks of this magic now, she still admires Shiba Tatsuya's genius idea.

In fact, the activation formula of this magic is actually not difficult, as long as it is an engineer with a B-level license, it can be written.

But what Ichihara Suzune talked about was Shiba Tatsuya's whimsy. Obviously, the {Speed ​​Shooting} competition has been held so many times, and the scope of everyone's thinking is to improve the speed and accuracy of magic or It is to improve one's own observation ability.

But no one has ever thought of the method of setting the source point and carrying out fixed-point blasting.

"As expected of Ichihara-senpai, the analysis is really beautiful."

"However, it is also because Shizuku's processing ability is very good that she can use this magic,"

The corner of Shiba Tatsuya's mouth also evoked a slight smile, although he could not use the magic he developed himself.

As an engineer, he is also very happy that the power of magic can be perfectly displayed by the user he chooses.

"Mayumi, I also watched the live broadcast of your game today, your magic is too smooth today!"

"That's because Guangxuan helped me deal with the activation formula left in the CAD."

Nanakusa Mayumi is also smiling, and her high school life will be relatively complete after today.

Since she entered school, she has won six consecutive championships in the nine school competitions, and judging from the current situation, the results of the first high school are also a lot ahead of the three high schools, and there is no situation of tight scores that was worried about when she came.

So she is in a good mood now.

"Hey! Do you want Jiu Dao to come to the surfing competition tomorrow to help? Anyway, Mayumi's competition is over, aren't you free again?"

Ichihara Suzune has her eye on Kushima Mitsunobu again, and speaking of his role as Nanakusa Mayumi's engineer today is also the result of being pulled by Ichihara Suzune.

"Ichihara-senpai, get around me!"

"Besides, there is no shortage of technical personnel now!"

Mitsunobu Kushima immediately sternly refused, and he said that he originally agreed to be a temporary engineer because Nanakusa Mayumi was among the staff in charge.

Without Nanakusa Mayumi, he doesn't want to waste effort, and Yi Gao's current results are also very stable, so he doesn't need to make a move at all.


Ichihara Suzune was not discouraged when she failed to win over, after all, she was just holding the idea of ​​being a young man.It doesn't matter if you succeed or not.

"Then there's no other way, Shiba, come and help Nakajo tomorrow!"

"I see, so which player should I be responsible for?"

Si Boda also simply agreed, this is also his character.

Now that he has chosen to be an engineer at Yigao, he will not have any objection to the work of any engineer and will definitely try his best to complete it.

"Then please take care of my CAD!"

Mitsui Honoka immediately stood up excitedly, and even shook Kitayama Shizuku who was next to her in the process of getting up, and shouted loudly.

"Then please be responsible for my CAD."

"Wait, Honoka. You'd be rude to Nakajo-senpai if you got so excited."

Shiba Miyuki patted Honoka who was standing up and spoke in a reprimanding tone.

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