"If you don't wear this kind of clothing, then you won't be that Yue-chan."

At some point, William, who had moved to Xiandumu Aye's side, patted Xiandumu Aye's shoulder and said.

"That's right!"

"Nangong that month, my concubine apologized to you."

After hearing what William said, Xiandumu Aye had a slight smile on his face.

And he pretended to owe his body.


This extremely piercing voice suddenly sounded in Nangong Nayue's ears.

Nangong Nayue immediately followed the direction of the source of the sound with countless # numbers appearing on his forehead.

All of a sudden!

There was the sound of chains intertwining in the air.


The four silver-white chains protruding from the purple magic circle tightly bound Xiao Gucheng's limbs and hung him upside down.

"Why do you trap me!"

Xiao Gucheng, who was hung upside down in the air, was weak and weak.

No one cared about him, even his own sister Xiao Nagisa didn't say anything, but after looking at Xiao Gucheng, he sighed deeply.

It looks like a parent seeing a child who has achieved nothing.

"Okay, don't worry about that idiot. It will be fine to add a few sets of English test papers to Gucheng later."

"It's not all your fault!"

Nangong immediately became angry that month, her beautiful eyes widened!

Even though he said so, Nangong still accepted William's proposal in his heart that month.

Decided to use several sets of English test papers to help Xiao Gucheng improve his incurable grades.

"Master William, the car has arrived!"

Without waiting any longer, at the moment Nangong put Xiao Gucheng down that month, a black pure white stretched luxury car slowly drove up.

After the driver opened the door!

Akatsuki Kojo, Akatsuki Nagisa, Sendouki Yuma, Yaze Motoki, Lanyu Asagi, Agurola, Himeragi Yukina, Nangong Nayue, William, and Sendoumu Aye entered the car one after another.

These people are all the people who came here today.

The car is filled with all kinds of drinks and fresh fruits.

Everyone was also eating while observing the sea view outside the window.

That's it, the tour of "Azure Paradise" began.

The car takes the port as the center, and proceeds clockwise along the coastal road around the Blue Elysium.

The side of the island close to the port is exactly the marine paradise that tourists can play.

And now the place where the car is about to arrive is the area of ​​the island where tourists are prohibited from entering.

William Sfengel, the abode of the Moon Protoss on this world.

As the car continues to move forward, the first thing you see is a forest of coconut trees, where each coconut tree has a height of up to 20 meters.

If you continue to move forward, you will see a pure white sandy beach that can't be seen at a glance.

Various entertainment facilities have been prepared on the beach, such as parasols, beach chairs, and a huge bonfire that are essential on the beach.

In the middle of the beach, there is this exquisite small pier.

There is also a large luxurious yacht docked around the pier, as well as several small speedboats and motorboats.

Coming to a fork along the asphalt road, the driver turned the steering wheel directly to turn left.

A lot of coconut groves have disappeared since just now, replaced by neatly managed mulberry, bougainvillea and kapok trees and so on.

On both sides of the road are artificial canals, and there are many small aquatic monsters living in the canal.

The car continued to drive forward for about two or three minutes!

What appeared in the eyes of everyone was a huge lake formed by the confluence of canals along both sides of the road.

But when everyone looked towards the middle of the lake, William's face darkened.

"Who can tell me what the statue in the middle is really about?"

It was a statue that completely reproduced William's appearance and magnified the body proportion by about ten times.

"Regarding this point, this is the result of Princess La Folia's proposal and the active response of those presidents."

Xiandumu Aye replied accordingly.

"I knew it."

William gritted his teeth and said that the number of times his true appearance was exposed was very seldom. Even the presidents and congressmen could not describe the details of the statue so perfectly after seeing him once or twice.

The only one who can do this is La Folia, who he has been with for many years, and the others don't need to think about it at all.

Moreover, only she has the courage to do this kind of thing without saying hello to herself.

"Now, immediately, eh, forget it!"

In the end, William helplessly sighed, "Leave it alone!"

Except for Xiandumu Aye, all the people in the car covered their mouths and laughed.

"Xiao Gucheng, come to my room later, you don't have to think about going out if you can't finish the four sets of test papers."

Even though Xiao Gucheng wailed, the car still moved forward.

The asphalt road is gone at the edge of the lake, replaced by a bridge made of granite across the entire lake.

When the car drove to the vicinity of the statue and walked around the statue along the circular road, the appearance of the entire castle was finally revealed to everyone.


It was none other than Lan Yu Qian Cong who made this sound of admiration.

"It's really amazing, can we really live here these days? Mr. William!"

Getting off the car, William reached out and rubbed Xiao Nagisa's head.

"Of course, there is no problem living here. You can live here forever if you want."

This couldn't help the crowd's admiration. The castle in front of me already exceeded tens of thousands of square meters in terms of area.

The pure European-style architecture shows a romantic and solemn temperament.

The high foyer has a grand door, round arch windows and corner stone masonry, showing grace and luxury, fresh and unconventional.

The steeple-shaped sloping roof, plastered wooden frame and column decoration, natural building materials and climbing vines complement each other.

The entire castle was pure white. Under the guidance of Xiandumu Aye, everyone passed through many arches and corridors and came to the wide hall.

"This is really luxurious!"

This time it was Xiao Gucheng who made the sound of admiration. Being in such a magnificent and luxurious castle, Xiao Gucheng also temporarily forgot that he had added ten extra exam papers out of thin air.

The two young children, Agulola and Xiao Nagisa, immediately ran around the house like puppies.

"Okay, let's find your own room too! There are still many vacant rooms, put your luggage away, and let's go out and play together!"

William patted his hand lightly!

The rest of the people immediately dispersed and went to find their own rooms separately.

"I'm going to assign homework to Xiao Gucheng."

Nangong dropped those words that month, and stepped on her little leather shoes to follow behind Xiao Gucheng.

Only Lan Yu's light-green complexion turned red, as if she had suddenly thought of something, clutching her handbag that she had never left since she came out of Xian Kami Island, she hurried to a room.

"So, Lord William, do you have any comments on this castle?"

After Xiandumu Aye led William around the entire castle, he took out a notebook very professionally.

"Nothing, the construction is not bad, basically I am satisfied."

William touched his chin, nodded and said.

The design of this castle was specially invited by La Folia to invite the old man who designed the Ardikia Palace to come out of the mountain, plan the design drawing by himself, and then the big disciple who was handed down by the old man came to build it.

After everyone changed their clothes, William and them made an appointment to go back to the beach to eat barbecue in the evening, and everyone went to the places they were interested in.

Agulola, Akatsuki Nagisa, and Himeragi Yukina, the three little girls took the electric car directly to the biggest selling point in the island's amusement park, "Warcraft Garden"!

Although there are many monsters living in the pool in William, but after all, because of the size problem, some huge monsters still cannot be raised.

And this "Warcraft Garden" houses more than [-] kinds of Warcraft from all over the world, including endangered species.

It can be said that among the artificially built Warcraft viewing bases, the "Warcraft Garden" is the largest facility in the world.

The first stop of the three little girls was decided here.

Of course, Nangong still did not forget her promise that month, and sat in the air-conditioned room drinking black tea to help Xiao Gucheng improve his grades.

Xiandu Yuma was originally going to accompany Akatsuki, but Akatsuki urged her not to accompany her, so Xiandu Yuma and Yaze Motoki went for a casual stroll nearby.

After all, the Yase family also paid a lot of money to build this island. He had been here many times before the construction was completed.

"Then, let's go to the beach first and sunbathe!"

Sitting on the unmanned electric car, William said to Xiandumu Aye and Lanyu Qiancong beside him.

"Yes, Lord William!"

Lan Yu Qian Cong gathered her blouse, blushed and nodded.

"it is good!"

ps: Thank you @oldmagua for the blade tip, I beg you for your subscription and tickets, the next round that pushes the blue feather light green onion begins

Hey, the setting update is not set properly, now this one is updated today

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