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Chapter 270 The eighth chapter gets more excited when you make an appointment at night "4000 words for subscription"

The fireworks show can be said to have aroused the interest of everyone present!

So much so that at night near midnight, after the fireworks display, no one felt sleepy at all.

Everyone was so excited that they couldn't fall asleep.

Like now, in William's room.

On the large sofa, three innocent girls were lying on the sofa and fast asleep.

Agurola and Akatsuki put Himeragi Yukina in between, leaning on each other's shoulders to sleep soundly.

Scattered on the table are the poker cards that three little girls used to pass the time when they couldn't sleep at night.

Use that kind of punishment game mechanism, and play until all the high enthusiasm subsides and you are completely tired.

Of course, the result of the victory or defeat can be known from the numerous black lines on Agulola's face.

In this victory and defeat, Agulola and Xiao Gucheng were the worst.

None of the adults and Lan Yu Qian Cong participated.

Among them, Himeragi Yukina, who possesses spiritual vision skills and superb computing power, is naturally the champion.

This can also be attributed to Himeragi Yukina's special physique.

But Agulola, who is essentially a star beast and born with super information processing ability, can only be said to be too embarrassing for the star beast to be reduced to this point.

"...Really, Liu Zi, send them back to the room one by one!"

"If you sleep like this, you will catch a cold."

Looking at the three defenseless little girls lying soundly on the sofa, William smiled helplessly.

The three of them were all wearing highly revealing clothes. The wide T-shirts slipped slightly from their shoulders, revealing their snow-white fragrant shoulders.

The lower body seemed to be without pants, with six slender jade legs stretched across.

"I see, Lord William!"

Silent Liu Zi nodded, yes, just now, she already knew all the layout of this new home like the back of her hand.

That's when Liuzi picked up the three girls one by one, the princess, and sent them back to her room.

William also followed the open window and looked towards the courtyard below the castle.

The bright moon hangs in the sky like a white jade plate, casting soft moonlight, like soft silk and satin draped on the earth.

On the green lawn, there is an elegant wooden round table and four chairs of the same style.

Two black-haired women sat on it, admiring the sparkling lake and the mellow black tea.

One of them, wearing a pure black gothic loli dress with lace trim, is slightly younger, about 12 years old.

The other one, wearing a heavy kimono of the ancient Japanese court, is quite mature, about 30 years old, which is the best age for women to show their charm.

"Why, are you two recalling the past?"

With a voice that seemed to be teasing, as the window opened, William had already appeared on the vacant chair under the courtyard.

"Lord William!"

Xiandumu Aye just wanted to stand up and salute, but William pressed her down with one hand and motioned her to sit down quickly.

Nangong just looked up at him that month, then stretched out his hand, and on the table, a teacup with exquisite workmanship appeared in front of William.

Xiandumu Aye took over the rest of the work, picked up the teapot on the table, and poured tea for William.

"There's nothing in our past worth remembering."

"It's you, after playing with those little guys for so long, why don't you go to rest!"

After Nangong took a sip of her black tea that month, she answered William's question.

This sentence is not only the truth, but also the truth from Nangong that month.

After all, even if their past has been whitewashed, even if it was their choice, it still feels like being bound.

No one likes painful memories.

"Yes, Lord William, if we hadn't met you, we might still be immersed in that miserable life until now!"

Xiandumu Aye said sincerely.

Her memory modified by William, except for the memory associated with the stubborn thought of eliminating magic power.

For example, when she was a child, she was forcibly selected by the "library" and taken away!And so on, the painful memories of being a witch are all kept.

And William, who plays the role in it, is the great benefactor who liberated her from the miserable life of a witch.

Nangong Nayue looked helplessly at her best friend who had been completely brainwashed.

Forget it, this is a good thing!

Compared to becoming a forbidden den for the man in front of him, it is better than thinking about destroying the world every day.

"Evening? Regarding this sentence, Yue-chan, you were wrong!"

"I'm the type who gets more excited as the night goes on!"


"It's already at this time, it's still fluffy."

Nangong spat angrily that month. After a long period of bonding with William, she now occasionally faces such pornographic jokes and has a high resistance.

I won't be as shy as before.

However, William blinked his eyes pretending to be innocent, and spread his hands.

"I'm talking about my physique as a moon star spirit. Under the moonlight, I will feel very comfortable."

"It's you, that Yuechan, why did you say I'm a fluff!"


Silent and still!

Except for the sound of the breeze and the sound of insects in the green bushes, nothing can be heard.

Xiandumu Aye raised his arms high, and covered his beautiful face with the wide sleeves of his kimono.

Nangong's delicate little face that month was completely flushed, like a powder keg that could explode at any time.

"Well, it's cute!"

Making fun of Nangong that month from time to time is one of William's few hobbies that he can never tire of.



Nangong tried her best to calm her breathing that month, if it were someone else, she would definitely vent her anger.

But the man in front of him is enjoying it, so not getting angry is the best way.

"You stay up in the middle of the night just to make me angry!"

"Of course not, I'm not that bored yet."

After William took a sip of the black tea, Xiandumu Aye immediately refilled it with new tea.

"If you need to serve the bed, please find the person in front of you, or the Lan Yu who just got it this afternoon!"

"Because of what happened to you just now, I don't have that interest now."

Nangong Nayue waved her hand indifferently.

Xiandumu Aye paused while pouring tea, and then quickly put the teapot back on the table.

"A concubine is always available if you need it."

"Well, it's not bad though—!"

William prolonged his tone on purpose, but when he saw that the two people in front of him didn't respond, he really talked about serious things.

"Well, according to my senses, in the southeast of this island, there is a several kilometers long monster that looks like a hairtail and is approaching here."

"I always feel that he is a very interesting guy. Do you know what this is?"

This monster didn't hide its huge magic power at all during its advancement, so even though it was in the deep sea below 500 meters, it still looked like a big kilowatt light bulb in William's eyes.

"A few kilometers long hairtail? Under the sea? Warcraft?"

There were many question marks on the heads of Xiandumu Aye and Nangong Nayue at the same time.

There are many monsters living in this world, and the monsters generally have a huge size. This size is the reason why they are so powerful.

But the problem is that the largest monsters nowadays are only about a hundred meters high.

You are several kilometers long, are you sure you are not joking with us?

"Don't use this questioning look. It is indeed approaching the island rapidly under the sea. It is estimated that it will arrive here in about two hours."

"What purpose does it have, can you make it clear?"

Nangong Nayue's brows unavoidably twitched.

Although she still doesn't know what this magical beast is, but if such a huge guy approaches this island quickly, it will definitely not be a good thing.

Just use your brain to imagine that a monster several kilometers long doesn't even need to use magic power, as long as you make full use of its powerful physical fitness, it can set off a wave tens of meters high.

"I don't know, but you don't have to worry too much."

"He is stronger than you, but for me, he is something that can be easily dealt with."

William waved his hand casually. Although this long hairtail looked scary, according to his detection, it was most likely to be the same scum as the sage he had taken care of before.

"Then let's solve this matter as soon as possible! Even if you can solve it easily, if the aftermath of the battle affects here, it will be very troublesome to rebuild."

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