"Okay, stop playing, if you let these missiles explode again, the waves will completely sweep the entire Isogami Island."

Looking at the playful William, Nangong Nayue urged him with black lines all over his head.

"Okay, I got it!"

William, who had indeed received Leviathan's information, did not object, and nodded yes!

At the same time, a large amount of silver mist was emitted from his body, and all the missiles that forcibly entered William's mist misfired directly, and then turned into a part of the silver mist under the erosion of the mist.

Then... just when Leviathan wanted to continue the continuous attack!


Accompanied by the roar of the atmosphere, the sky lit up with a blazing white light like daytime.

However, right at the light source, a ferocious beast far surpassing Leviathan appeared.

It was hundreds of meters long, with silver crystal-like scales all over its body, translucent wings on its forelimbs, and spiral horns resembling goats on its head. The horns were shining crystal pillars, and it looked beautiful. Incomparable ichthyosaur.

The ferocious power made Leviathan stop immediately when he was about to attack.

The ichthyosaur raised its head, and a pair of eyes flashed with a strange light.


At the moment when the strange sight and Leviathan's gaze met, the roaring sound came suddenly.

"Is the matter resolved?"

Seeing that the Leviathan in front of him stopped roaring, Nangong asked tentatively that month.

"Of course, the tenth star beast, the pupil of Capricornus!"

"Among the star beasts under my command, they are responsible for the ability to charm. No matter whether it is a spirit beast, a beast, or a monster, it cannot escape its mind control."

This wave is reduced to a blow. It is a mere man-made monster. It is strange that the star beast can resist him.

"The next step is to take full control of it."

Under Nangong Nayue's stunned eyes, William shrugged easily, and then began to perform subtle mental manipulations.


Suddenly, the corner of William's mouth curled up into a slight smile, his eyeballs rolled, and the spirit on his body exploded again.

At this same time!

The pure white submarine was sneaking lightly under the seabed, and now they have just sailed one nautical mile away from the port of the blue paradise.

The submarine's propulsion propellers came to a slow stop from extreme rotation.

In the narrow operating room, the staff was busy, and the familiar middle-aged man and Misaki Kiriha in the black high school girl's sailor suit were also among them.

"Who can tell me now why Leviathan would attack from such a long distance."

Jiu Musu said in a deep voice, the angry aura even made the busy staff dare not even take a breath.

"Someone should have had an encounter with Leviathan! That's why Leviathan couldn't continue to sneak under the sea."

Misaki Kiriha crossed her arms and analyzed calmly.

"Encounter? Are you kidding me?"

"Who can discover Leviathan really in the depths of the ocean."

He is a true Warcraft fanatic. Whether he is building this Warcraft Paradise or trying to control Leviathan, he wants to earn due benefits for Warcraft.

It is precisely because of this that he firmly believes that the power of Leviathan is not weaker than that of the true ancestor.

As long as he can master Leviathan, he will be able to rewrite the sanctuary treaty by himself like the Spirit King back then, and make the whole world face up to the group of monsters, just like the demons.

"No need to stop, just keep going!"

With Misaki Kiriha's sad eyes hidden in his eyes, Hisakisu waved his hand, and the submarine was ready to continue sneaking forward.

Of course!

At this moment, the huge sink placed in the corner of the control room suddenly exploded.

Shards of glass and clear fresh water are scattered all over the place

With bright and smooth hair like cat fur, and big eyes reminiscent of a cat that is difficult to please, the whole body is naked, and only the important parts are covered with protective clothing. The young girl fell out.

The girl's unfocused pupils quickly regained focus, and then she put her head in her hands!


There was a heart-wrenching scream, and the smooth and white forehead was covered with water stains. I don't know if it was the water in the water tank just now, or the sweat from the pain.

Anyway, this young girl was on the ground, rolling all over the floor!

"Lilu, what's wrong with you!"

Misaki Kiriha quickly put aside the busy work at hand, and hugged the girl who was rolling all over the floor in her arms.

"what happened!"

Hisakisu also stopped the order to start the submarine, and led a group of staff to surround Liliu and Misaki Kiriha who was holding her.

"It hurts, my brain feels... like being pricked by a needle... someone cut off... my connection with Leviathan."

Liliu intermittently stated her current feelings!

Nightmare, in this world, is a demon race that is equated with Succubus.

However, as demons, they don't have the strength that demons should have.

Without the tyrannical physical ability of orcs!

No vampires are born with huge magical powers!

Even learning magic is not as good as a witch!

But it is such a race, the nightmares also have the natural ability bestowed on them by the gods.

That is the spiritual ability called "Mind Charm", which gives them the ability to charm demons and huge spiritual abilities.

It's a pity that the Nightmare race not only has the natural ability to charm the spirit, but also has outstanding appearance. Every member of the Nightmare tribe is the most beautiful and handsome guy in the world.

This kind of weak demon race, coupled with its natural attraction to other demon races.

Nightmare has naturally become the object of pursuit of various powerful demons such as vampires and orcs.

Of course, this pursuit is only "prey" for his own slaves.

Unfortunately, she Liliu "Eguchi Yutong" is the last nightmare in this world, and her fate will be the same as that of many predecessors.

"Cut off?"

Kukisu said dumbfounded.

The little girl he captured was no ordinary nightmare who couldn't even grasp her own abilities well.

It is the nightmare who inherited the power of "Lilith", the strongest force of the nightmare family.

According to the records of "Lilith" in the myth, no one should be able to resist her charm ability.

"However, the current situation is like this, President Jiu Muxu, let's retreat to other places first!"

"I suddenly have a bad feeling right now."

Misaki Kiriha put a white gown on Liliu who had passed out completely, and said with a frown.

In fact, regarding the possibility of cutting off the connection between Liliu and Leviathan, combined with the fact that Leviathan was suddenly attacked just now, she already had guesses about this person in her mind.

However, with the thought of pitting the man in front of her, she was not prepared to tell him the specific situation.

He was just going to take Liliu away from the group of people the moment the ship docked, and clean up the relationship with the Taishi Bureau.

Because, in Taishi Bureau's view, there is nothing more suitable than this group of idiots in front of him to block that person's anger.

As for the other task of the Taishi Bureau, she just needs to lurk on Xianshen Island and figure it out slowly.

"Now I can only hope that the submarine can quickly land before that person is found!"

Misaki Kiriha silently expected in her heart.

The huge snake of jealousy with its whole body in ultramarine blue was floating on the surface of the sea, and the tumbling waves around it had completely calmed down.

Probably due to tens of thousands of years of time, Leviathan's whole body was covered by vines, and there were still several long and huge scars.

William carried Xiandumu Aye and slowly drifted towards this behemoth. As for Nangong Nayue, he was sent to investigate another matter.

Immediately afterwards, as if he was about to accept the guests who were about to enter, a wide opening was opened on the body of the floating Leviathan, connecting with a deep hollow inside.

It is a space very similar to the air hangar of an aircraft carrier.

"How about it, Ah Ye, why don't you go inside and have a look first?"

Stepping on Leviathan's mechanical and physical body, William said to Xiandumu Aye with a smile.

"Why don't I go and control those criminals who are trying to destroy Xiangami Island first, and wait for Lord William to deal with it!"

"No need, they can't run away, that little guy's body has already been marked by me!"

ps: Thanks to Special Silence for the tip of the blade, there are two more chapters about to start, because my manuscript has been written, and I am currently writing crazy code words, please subscribe and support!

Finally, I would like to say that there is still one plot chapter left in Blood Devouring Strike, and the length of the evil and the wrong is determined according to the number of subscriptions.

Many people have asked me, why not continue to write after the blood-devouring attack.

Regarding this point, I can only say that there is really no way. In fact, I still have a lot of ideas in my mind. How to write about going to Hakoniwa, how to write about going to Mojin, at least I can write more than 100 million words.But there is really no way, I can’t write millions of words with that little number of subscriptions, I really have no choice but to send messages purely for love

Chapter 280 Pantyhose, Female Slave『4000 words please subscribe』

The girl in a black gothic loli costume is still holding a lace folding umbrella even in the dark!

"Arrest them all!"

Leaping out from behind the girl were members of the special zone security team led by a girl who also wore a red and black gothic loli costume.

Countless bullets!

Large-caliber anti-materiel rifles, shoulder-fired rockets, machine guns, and ballistas.

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