However, she thought that this person had already fed sharks in the sea like everyone else.

"It's nothing, go help the Lion King agency and execute all the people involved in this incident in Japan.

"Wait a minute, the Taishi Bureau is only concerned about the dangers of "Holy Annihilation" and "Guishen", so it made such a transgressive move. Please give them a chance to change their ways. "

Xian Guyong immediately said anxiously.

Even though they have left Japan, it is their mother country after all.

Originally, because of the departure of the Lion King agency, the magic power of the Japanese government dropped by one-third.

If the Taishi Bureau suffers another serious blow, Japan will definitely fall out of the nine non-permanent member countries.

"Idle ancient chant!"

William's flat voice directly shut Xian Guyong who was still trying to persuade him.

"I let you go to the Lion King agency, just to give the Taishi Bureau a chance."

"If you let me go in person, believe me, you will not like the consequences."


Xian Guyong fell silent, and William had already clearly told her this sentence.

They are killed by the Lion King's agency, and they can still retain some conservative forces.

But if this person is allowed to go, it means that the Taishi Bureau is absolutely the result of no bones remaining from top to bottom.

"Thank you for your kindness! I will strictly carry out your orders."

Xian Guyong sighed heavily, then bowed to indicate that he had received the order.

William put down the white porcelain cup in his hand.

"We're leaving now!"

Misaki Kiriha immediately understood what William meant, which meant that they should leave immediately.

Similarly, she did not have the slightest psychological burden.

Although she can be regarded as kind-hearted, what do those old guys from the Taishi Bureau and Japanese politicians have anything to do with her.

Moreover, it was also said that only related personnel should be punished, and others could be let go.

This also avoids killing innocent people indiscriminately!

Therefore, the most important thing is to seize this opportunity, please the people in front of you, and get back your own freedom as soon as possible.

Looking at the beautiful lake view, William tasted the black tea happily.

In the past few days, many things have been dealt with.

As for the little nightmare girl, he threw her to the orphanage on Xian Kami Island after he really had no interest.

It was an orphanage dedicated to raising demon orphans, and she could live a good life in it until she grew up.

"Then next!"

Looking at the calm lake, William put down the white porcelain cup in his hand, thinking about it.


Blue Feather Light Onion tied her hair into a single ponytail.

The position she is in right now is inside Leviathan, and of course she is not the only one busy here.

Countless researchers in white coats are also shuttling inside.

Compared with before, the scope here has changed like heaven and earth.

Now the interior space has expanded to a length of 1000 meters and a width of 200 meters.

Temporary lights have been arranged on the ceiling, so that the place is no longer gloomy.

The ability to expand the internal space so quickly is all thanks to Lan Yu Qiancong, who deciphered all the structures of Leviathan in just one and a half days.

In this way they can avoid the important parts and only remove those useless parts.

"How about it, Asagi! Can the transformation I requested be achieved?"

Suddenly, a man's voice and those familiar big hands climbed onto Lan Yu's shoulders.

Lan Yu Qian Cong suddenly trembled in fright, and then gave William an angry look.

"Can you show up not so suddenly next time, I will have a heart attack sooner or later."


William's big hands on Lan Yu Qiang's shoulders moved upwards, and then slowly pinched those pointed ears.

"Why didn't I know that elves can still suffer from heart disease!"

"Do you want me to check your heart for you?"

Lan Yu Qiancong's face flushed immediately, and both hands directly pressed William's big hand that continued to move towards her chest.

"Don't move around, there are so many people around, I'm still shy if you're not shy!"

"It's okay, I blocked them a long time ago! They didn't even notice my arrival without seeing them!"

"That's not OK!"

Lan Yu lightly blushed and spat.

The racial transformation of Lanyu Qiansong was completed in the past two days. After all, this matter should be done sooner rather than later, otherwise, he will not enjoy it every time.

"Alright alright!"

"Then let's talk about the business. How is the transformation of this big guy? Is it going well?"

William let go of his big hand, stretched out his hand and hooked it, and the empty chair beside him floated over directly.

"It's going very smoothly. According to the current progress, the renovation can be completed in only two months."

Back to business, the rosiness on Lan Yu Qian Cong's face faded a little.

"It's just that the flying ability you require is not easy to solve."

"Is it difficult?"

William frowned. If it didn't have the ability to fly, this battleship would be nothing to play with.

"Moguai, please explain!"

"Yes, leave it to me, miss."

On the screen in front of him, a monster's pattern immediately appeared.

"Lord Lingwang, according to Missy's analysis, there is nothing wrong with Leviathan's amphibious transformation."

"Only the technology needed to fly into the air is a big difficulty for now."

"What's the problem?"

"Without a suitable engine, such as Aldikia's spirit furnace, or a kinetic engine is not acceptable."

"Isn't it possible to use the current Leviathan engine?"

Lan Yu Qian Cong gave a wry smile.

"It is possible, but it needs to add an engine!"

"The key point is that this engine is the only one that I can't fully resolve."

"You can't even fully analyze it?"

You know, Lan Yu Qian Cong's current life body has been transformed into the highest elf.

Her current computing power, endurance, etc. are unmatched by humans before.

That's why William was so shocked.

"No way, after all, computers are my field. Although I am proficient in mechanics, I have nothing to do with this super ancient crystallization of wisdom."

Speaking of this, William completely rejected the idea of ​​doing his own research.

After all, that's not what he's good at.

Of course, if he starts to learn this kind of direction knowledge now, he will be able to study it in a while.

However, there is no need to do so.

"Moguai, the whole world is offering a reward for a mechanic who can analyze this engine."

Why do you want to be a superior?Why do you want to be rich?

At this time, you can use your own power and money to solve it.

Wouldn't it be nice if he had more time to study power and magic?

"I see!"

"In that case, I can take a good rest."

Lan Yu lightly stretched her willow waist lazily, revealing her curvy figure.

"I've been busy with this matter for the past two days and I don't have much time to rest."

"makes sense!"

William nodded, and stretched out his hand to touch Lan Yu's pretty face.

"Then I'll take you back."

He stretched out his hand and hugged Lan Yu Qiancong, and then returned to his castle in the blue paradise with a flash of white light.

"Spatial transfer is really a convenient ability."

After returning to her room, Lan Yu Qian Cong jumped out of William's embrace, and said enviously.

"It's useless to be envious. Unfortunately, you don't have the qualifications to control space magic."

Shaking his head, William made it to the top of the round bed, and waved to Lan Yu Qian Cong.

"Come on! Let's sleep together!"

"Who wants to sleep with you?"

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