"Unfortunately, no."

The reply without the slightest hesitation completely shattered Maya Yotsuba's last bit of persistence.

"May I ask, why did you choose our Clover?"

Although Yotsuba Maya didn't answer the question directly, the change in address already showed that Yotsuba would surrender.

It's not that Maya Yotsuba is acting arbitrarily without discussing with other people, but she is sure that other people will make the same choice after they know about it.

There is a glimmer of hope of victory, and they Yotsuba will not be afraid to go all out.

But right now, there was really no hope.

Besides, it's nothing more than a change of family. They have nothing to miss about the Japanese government itself.

According to the memory this man gave her, this man's management of his subordinate forces can be said to be extremely loose, and the power and freedom he bestows are extremely high.

And he will not feel jealous and try to suppress people because the power of his subordinates is getting bigger and bigger.

This is a real person with the air of a superior.

"No reason, just a whim."

"Is it a whim!"

Yotsuba Maya smiled wryly again.

How capricious this answer is, but the man in front of him has the qualifications for such capriciousness.

On this point, no one can refute!

William raised his eyelids, looked at Mayo Yotsuba, who was frowning, and opened his lips lightly.

"You don't have to do this. Those who join my subordinates can put forward a condition within an appropriate range."

"I'm basically satisfied."

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Chapter Three Hundred

Yotsuba Maya's face became solemn immediately!

According to the memory that William gave her, this man indeed often gave different rewards to people under his command.

It even includes a long life and various strange abilities.

It was precisely because of this that Maya Yotsuba felt that being under his command might be a really good thing.

"Are we really qualified?"

Yotsuba Maya asked with some doubts.

She was very moved by the reward William had given, or no one would not be moved.

But people like them who used to be opposition forces, just joined, can they get such rewards?

"There is nothing to doubt, tell me now."

This was nothing to William. Didn't he still accept the Yase faction who had tripped him up everywhere and didn't punish any of them.

What he hates is the half-hearted villain!

Just like the president of Jiu Musu Happy Enterprise, he has never shown mercy to such people.

Yotsuba Maya also has nothing to hesitate, the opportunity is already in front of her eyes, if she doesn't grasp it at this time, she will be the Patriarch of Yotsuba for so many years in vain.

She still understands the reason why opportunities are fleeting.

"I hope that Ayako and Miyuki can be your mistresses."

This was the first thought that came to Maya Yotsuba's mind.

Looking at the forces under the man in front of him, it may be a coincidence or the truth, all of them have their own women who maintain a lover relationship with this man.

Only in this way can he completely gain the trust of the man in front of him, and in terms of status, can he keep pace with those forces.

Otherwise, when they arrive in that new country, they can only be dwarves everywhere.

"It's an interesting idea. Personally, I don't care about this kind of thing, but after all, the other party's consent is still required. I'm not interested in such things as prostitution."

At his level, there are so many women who want to climb into his bed every day, it goes without saying.

It can be said that as long as he wants, all kinds of beauties in the world can lie on his bed.

Whether it is the princess of the country, or a pure movie star, or a glamorous female president, or a sexy female secretary.

There are so many people who can do their best to cooperate and make him feel happy, why should he choose a woman who is full of hatred for him, it will only make him lose interest.

"Regarding this, please rest assured!"

"As the magicians of the Yotsuba family, they have understood from the moment they are sensible that their marriage is never in their own hands."

"So they don't mind who their husbands are."

Seeing that William's attitude was no longer as indifferent as before, Yotsuba Maya, who had gradually become warmer, seemed to have found a way to get along with William, and her tone gradually became more relaxed.

It is a pity for her now that there are only two qualified direct female magicians in her family.

Otherwise, she would definitely send all the magicians in her family there, just like that old fox Nanakusa Hongichi.

As for the thoughts of those female magicians in my family?Then she really doesn't care.

Did she really think she didn't know what Ayako Kuroba and Miyuki Shiba were thinking?

That's fine with Ayako Kuroba, especially the thoughts hidden in Shiba Miyuki's heart are already taboo.

This kind of thing, even a race with weak ethical concepts like magicians, would not allow it.

Originally, she was going to satisfy Shiba Miyuki's taboo.

After all, she is the only chain in this world that can hold a monster like Shiba Tatsuya.

But now, she began to feel sincerely thankful that she didn't move so fast and didn't directly finalize this matter.

Otherwise, wouldn't there be one less person who can use it now?

As for how to get the two little girls Shiba Miyuki and Kuroba Ayako to agree willingly.

After learning of Shiba Tatsuya's current situation, she already knew how to operate it.


William's sudden utterance interrupted Yotsuba Maya who was secretly planning in her heart, and she immediately raised her head, waiting for William's next words.

"I thought you would want me to treat your fertility!"

"I remember grandpa telling me that you seem to regret this about yourself."

In fact, this incident is the real weapon that William has the confidence to take down Maya Yotsuba. He is confident that if he makes this move himself, the woman in front of him will definitely agree.

The current mode of action of the woman in front of her will indeed make a decision based on the interests of Yotsuba's family.

But the premise is not to touch the obsession in her heart.

Yotsuba Maya is a super powerful magician. Logically speaking, it is impossible for this kind of magician, the Magicians Association, to allow her to remain single now that she is nearly forty years old.

It can be said that it is her duty to give birth to a child with superb magical aptitude.

It is something that every female magician cannot refuse.

But Yotsuba Maya is like this, the reason is that she completely lost her fertility when she was ten years old.

Because she was abducted by the YD teacher of country Y that year!

And in those short four days, she experienced the cruelest four days in the world, until she was rescued by her family.

At that time, her mental state was already in a state of complete collapse, and any movement in the outside world could not affect her.

The little girl who had just turned ten years old was covered with pinholes all over her body, and there was also a long scar on her abdomen. The twisted scar looked hideous and terrifying.

Yes, her uterus was removed.

Normally, if a female magician like her was captured and taken to another country, her destiny would be to become a breeding pig.

But the problem was that she was too young at that time, even if she wanted to wait until she could have children, it would take at least four years.

So she was used as a one-time experimental product and sent to the operating table.

The uterus is removed, and it is impossible for the current society to cultivate new original organs.

Because of this, she has since lost the right to be a mother.

She was able to wake up because her sister and father deleted her painful memories.

In this way, when he woke up, he had his own child, which was the deepest obsession in her life.

Usually, she doesn't care about everything and lives step by step.

But when this point is really touched, then she can be desperate.

Like, like now!

Yotsuba Maya's breathing immediately became rapid, her pupils dilated suddenly, and even tiny bloodshots could be observed from the whites of her eyes.

The appearance of an elegant lady was completely forgotten by her, she hurriedly stood up from the chair, and then knelt down without thinking.

Just when her knee was about to hit the ground, it seemed that the air formed an invisible cushion, preventing her from continuing to kneel down.

"Get up! Find a room, and I will solve this problem for you."

A man's voice came from above her, and what caught her eyes was a palm that was more delicate than a woman's.

The slender fingers made it hard to imagine that this was a man's hand.

"I see!"

The trembling voice couldn't hide the excitement, Yotsuba Maya handed over her little hand and held the man's hand tightly.


As far as the eye can see, they are all very high-end furniture. He has lived in this world for a long time, and he has not forgotten what the world's famous brands are.

The black and red veil has fallen, and under the reflection of the light, the veil reveals two phantoms on the bed.

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