The one who walked out was the hostess who had a heart-to-heart battle with the man just now, Santiao Yechunji.

Now she is only wrapped in a loose bathrobe from top to bottom, barely covering her soft and delicate body.

Santiaoye's Chun Ji looked tired, it was obvious that she had consumed a lot of energy just now.

The bare snow-white feet stepped on the ground, leaving water stains like feet.

The bathrobe she wore was very loose, not only revealing the delicate collarbone, but also revealing large areas of snow-white breasts.

Santiao Yechunji ran onto the bed briskly, and obediently rubbed against William's side.

The little head rested gently on William's arm, not only did the little hands draw circles on William's chest.

The big golden tail was also scratching on William's thigh.

"Okay, don't make trouble, or don't blame me for grabbing you again."

Grabbing the little hand that was making trouble on his chest, he flicked Santiao Yechun Ji's forehead lightly with his fingers.

"It doesn't matter, as long as Lord William is happy, the slave family can do anything."

Santiaoye Chunji spoke in a rather weak tone, and the slender eyelashes on her eyes flickered, giving her a demeanor that I still feel pity for.

It is said that the fox clan is the most amorous race among the orcs, and this is actually not wrong at all.

Every time he was with Santiao Yechunji, he felt that he could understand the ancient King Zhou of Shang.

The girl who is obviously with me has almost the same figure and appearance as Sanjo Yechun Ji, but in terms of feeling, Sanjo Yechun Ji is definitely No.1.

There is no way, this is Santiao Yechun Ji's natural talent as a fox, and no one else can compare.

"Well, although I am very interested in your proposal, I am ready to take action."

"But now I have another question for you, and you have to give an answer."

Regarding this, Santiaoye Chunji just shook her little head lightly, pulled up the sheet and covered herself and William again.

"The servants don't need their own opinions, it's just for Mr. William to decide."

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Chapter 4000 Prepared Ace "[-] words for subscription"

Sanjo Haruhime is such a girl!

It can be said that apart from Xiandumu Aye, who had his memory tampered with by special means, there are only Santiao Yechunji who regard William as the whole of her life.

When William wanted to take her out of this world, she agreed without any hesitation.

Ever since, the immeasurably moved Santiao Yechunji pushed William down gorgeously.

The result this time was that Santiao Yechun Ji's eyes turned white completely, and she passed out.

After all, William's physique is too much for an animal now. Even if Santiao Yechunji is an orc and an LV2 adventurer, she can't bear William's conquest by herself.

Gently close the door!

It was now evening, and the sky had completely turned black.

Like the tulle of the goddess of the night, darkness caresses this majestic and magnificent city, but this time is the time when this city is full of hustle and bustle.

The adventurers who returned from the adventure would indulge their desires at night to relieve the mental pressure accumulated during the day when they were fighting in the dungeon.

In the same way, almost all the high-ranking adventurers of the Loki family who fought in the dungeon during the day also returned to the station.

And now, just after he closed the door.

There was a girl who seemed to have been waiting for a long time to stop here.

The girl had a face not inferior to that of a god, and she was staring at William with a pair of jewel-like eyes.

On her usually indifferent and delicate face, there were still two pink rosy clouds hanging on her face.

To be honest, it is a bit embarrassing for William to be true now.

Although the sound insulation effect of this room is very good, you can close the curtains in broad daylight, just telling others what he is doing inside.

Especially the girl in front of him didn't know how long she had stood at his door.

"How long have you been waiting here?"

Scratching his head awkwardly, William asked in a rather blunt tone.

"Not long, just about an hour."

This three-no girl also turned her head gently, her voice was like a mosquito.

In fact, the time she stood here was far more than an hour.

When Loki, who was drunk and almost unconscious, was waiting for the family, she heard the news of William's return from the gatekeeper at the door.

So, she directly and decisively threw Loki to Raul who just came back, and came to William's studio here alone.

But when she saw that the curtains were drawn and the door was locked.

The girl immediately understood what was going on inside, so she didn't dare to disturb her, and just waited here in a daze.

"really? Haha!"

Touching the back of his head again, William took two steps forward and came to Ais.

"Would you like to go to the living room to chat for a while, I just have something I want to tell you."

Ace blinked her eyes, and nodded without changing her expression.

In this way, the two of them walked almost side by side and arrived at the reception room of the family members.

Even though he was healed and didn't come here, William still dug out the tea treasured here by a certain elf king's ancestor with ease, and brewed two cups without any distress.

In this tea room, the special treatment given to Vilia as an elf royal family is that the elves are good at growing tea, and they provide her with high-quality products every year.

After sitting down, William began to ask what Ais had been doing during the ten days he had been away, and whether there had been any changes in the family.

The answer is the same as always!

Aisi routinely enters the dungeon for training every day, and most of the other members are also relaxing, preparing for the next expedition.

Aisi didn't ask where William disappeared for more than ten days without any reason.

In this girl's eyes, no matter what, as long as William is back, it's all right, and there is no need to explore the privacy of other people's hearts too much.

As Ais, who also hides many things in her heart, she is actually very sensitive in this regard.

William just listened quietly like this, until Ais suddenly turned her head to one side, and asked a question with a red face and puzzled.

"I feel that the atmosphere on your body has changed."

"I don't know why, but I just look directly at you, and I don't know why, but I feel very comfortable..."

She stretched out her little hand and placed it on top of her heart, feeling her heart beating faster at some point.

Shrinking back slightly, Aisi felt the temperature on her face soar.

This time, her eyes met William's amber pupils unexpectedly, and then immediately averted her eyes, like a frightened hamster, fidgeting and rubbing the sofa.

She didn't know what happened to her body, nor did she know why her mood was suddenly so strange.

"I don't know why, but seeing you is like seeing a goddess of beauty."

William frowned, he naturally knew who Aisi was referring to.

It's not the black-skinned slut who runs Happy Street, but the goddess who lives on the Tower of Babel and turns the characteristic of charm into her own power, Freya!

Regardless of any opposite sex, as long as they see one side of that goddess, they cannot escape her charm.

Even if they are of the same sex, as long as the goddess deliberately releases her charming characteristics, women cannot escape her control.

As the trump card of Loki's family, Aisi has met Loki and the goddess Freya several times, and naturally has withstood the test of Freya's charm.

But that was an impulse, and she could easily suppress it, but now, she had a feeling that she couldn't restrain herself.

"Is it so sensitive? What's the reason?"

William is also in a rather puzzled state now. After such a long time, the limit of control over the charm power that he radiates has long been very high.

"never mind!"

William, who couldn't figure out the reason for the time being, stretched out his hand and released a concealing spell for himself that he had invented in the World of Warfare.

Although this matter was important, it was not something he wanted to figure out right away.

Because now, he has more important things to say to Ai Si.

Aisi also returned to her normal appearance immediately after William cast the covering spell.

All the blush on her face faded away, and she no longer dodged her eyes when she looked directly at William, and she changed back to the original majestic "Sword Princess" of the Loki family whose name was passed down throughout the world.

"Ais, the meaning of your becoming stronger is what you want to pursue."

I realized that William might ask some important things, but Ais really didn't expect that the question was such a soul-deep question at the beginning.

Aisi's delicate face immediately wrinkled.

For other adventurers, this is a common question that can be answered directly, but it is quite difficult for Aisi to answer.

Be the strongest!

To succeed!

Improve your status!


This is the answer of most adventurers.

"Why do you ask this?"

In fact, this was William asking this question. If someone else had come, Ais would have left with a low face, instead of talking to William here calmly.

Because answering this matter meant that she had to expose the things she had hidden in her heart nakedly.

And she didn't want her affairs to be known by others.

"Of course this matter is very important, and your answer will determine what I will do."

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