The three Godhead vibration wave-driven spells attached to the blade of the gun began to flash, and then they slashed with the gun.

The powerful jet-black dragon's breath was shattered like glass, turning into countless sporadic flame fragments and falling out, all of which were wiped out in the air.

With an understatement, the dragon's breath, which contained terrifying heat, disappeared immediately.

This is the horror of the godhead vibration wave driving technique. No matter what it is, as long as it is the special energy formed by magic power, it will dissipate under this gun.

After being slightly modified and strengthened by William, this effect has spread to the whole series.

That is to say, whether it is spiritual power or magic power, except for aura, they are all within the defense range of this gun.

"I'm sorry, Miss Himeiragi!"

Ais thanked Himeragi Yukina softly.

"It's nothing, isn't this what we discussed before! Miss Wallenstein can go as much as she wants, and Xuexia Wolf and I will do a good job in supporting the work."

That's right, this is the result of discussions between Aiz and Himeragi Yukina before going to the No.70 floor.

The hope of revenge is close at hand, so Ai Si no longer hides her life experience.

She told her teammate Himeragi Yukina and William who cared about her.

Himeragi Yukina was also very moved by this, and generously gave up the main attacking position to Aisi, fulfilling her desire for revenge.

What's more, the godhead vibration wave driving technique itself is a technique that combines both offense and defense.

And Aisi's new weapon, Shenqie, is more suitable for the main attack.

Because this weapon has no superfluous or gaudy features, its only feature is its extreme sharpness, which can easily cut through all the solid sharpness in the world.

This knife is combined with William's supernatural power, plus Aisi's "Princess Vengeance"'s powerful bonus ability to attack power and speed.

This has given Aisi an attack ability that is dozens of times greater than before.

The arrogant black dragon was startled, and its flapping wings could not help but slow down.

However, it was also at this moment that it really faced up to these little bugs that it had always looked down upon.

Opening the huge dragon's mouth again, the pitch-black flames, which were even hotter than before, condensed at a rapid speed.

At some point, the green air flow was completely covered by the black air.

This is exactly the performance of Aisi's monster killing skill "Princess Vengeance" fully activated.

However, unlike before, Aisi's pupils were still clear without any cloudiness.

"Then I will continue!"

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Chapter 4000 Cutting off the fate "[-] words for subscription"

Ace is really strong now!

So strong that when facing alien species, her strength can definitely be called a strong one even in the blood-devouring world, the kind that can compete with the true ancestor in a short time.

"Revenge Princess"!

It is a skill that converts negative emotions such as hatred and glaring of Ais into energy.

For Aisi, the stronger her hatred and anger, the stronger her strength will increase exponentially.

But this skill has always been sealed before.

Because while receiving powerful emotional energy blessings, Ai Si will also be blinded by the negative emotions in her heart.

And a fighter, if he loses his mind in battle, it will be fatal to the fighter.

After going berserk in many battles, Finn and Rivilia concluded that Aisi's skill was uncontrollable, because Aisi's skill was sealed.

but now!

Completely reversed into a fairy spirit, and supported by William's divine power in her body, Aisi will no longer be affected by these negative emotions.

It was like the meeting of sunrise and sunset.

The scorching black sun with extreme light and heat descended from the sky, exuding a brilliance that could burn everything, destroy everything, and melt everything.

Seeing the scene in front of them, no one will doubt that the black dragon just now is really recorded in the hero story, the strongest monster in the world!

Because the natural disaster-like scene in front of him is enough to prove that there is no falsehood in the records in the hero story.

It, the one-eyed dragon, is the strongest monster in the world.


It was Aisi's knife whistling at her waist, and the blade was trembling slightly in the scabbard.

That is the look of indifference!

That is a fearless look!

That is a look of confidence!

The next moment, Aisi had already shown her current superb movement speed, appearing directly above the head of the black dragon.

Without any magic, without any auxiliary means, it was just an explosion of the purest muscle power.

The pitch-black scorching sun erupted on the ice!

The ice that was completely frozen by William seemed to be unable to withstand such a scorching flame.

There is no need to turn it into water. The dragon's breath spit out by the black dragon directly evaporates the ice and water into a hazy white mist.

But now, neither the Black Dragon, nor Himeragi Yukina, nor William, who was lying leisurely on the beach, focused on the power of the Black Dragon's attack.

Because Ai Si, who was standing on the head of the black dragon, was completely ready to go.

A bright sword light is brewing in the scabbard!

Ai Si's heart is now in a state of complete concentration.

She poured all her emotions, all her magic power, and all her energy into this sword.

And now she wants a sword head!

Cut off this long-cherished wish from the millennium.

Up to now, although he can feel the strong and deadly threat from above, the black dragon is already in an incomparable state of avoidance.

The huge black wings flapped, just like the trick that Himeragi Yukina once used.

The huge wings waved upwards, like a mother holding a baby, firmly blocking its long neck.

A sword cut out!

It was a bright youth, but it passed away in a flash because of the brilliance.

But it was because of its passing in a flash that it seemed so unstoppable, displaying an unrivaled power.

The black sword light tore the dragon's wings, and the bright red blood dripped from the sky like a rainstorm.

However, this attack is far from over!

Losing its wings meant that the giant dragon lost its ability to stay in the air, while its huge body fell downward due to gravity.

The semicircular black falling blade is also approaching it quickly.

But the black dragon is not completely in a state of waiting to die, or in other words, it has been waiting for such a moment.


The ultimate flames spewed out from the mouth of the black dragon, no longer like before, the flames spouted by the giant dragon were still in the state of radioactive flames.

It didn't even go through any power storage!

The flames completely formed the shape of a beam of light, and the flames also changed from red to pitch black.

That is the black dragon that burst out all of itself, with its own unique and destructive black flame.

The formation of the beam of light was also due to the fact that the black dragon continued to condense its own flames.

It can be said that this is completely the black dragon's desperate blow.

Because it has to fight for its life.

The monster's weakness is not like normal creatures, in important parts such as the head or heart.

What is responsible for driving their bodies is the magic stone that condenses their bodies.

But unfortunately, the place where its magic stone exists is on its head.

The beam of light that destroys and the light of the knife that cuts everything!

Just like that, there was a collision in the air.


Without the expected fierce collision, the beam of light from the Black Flame was so powerful that no one could ignore it. Its heat had even completely distorted the surrounding space.

But Hei Yan is strong, and the light of Ai Si's knife is even stronger.

Like cutting tofu, the semi-circular blade carried the incomparable power, separated the beam of light from the flames, and landed directly on the ferocious dragon head.

This is an absolutely deadly attack!


Black shadows suddenly fell in the sky, and blood rain was dripping continuously.

In the next second, in the ice pit that the black dragon melted with flames just now, the black dragon whose body was separated has been sleeping there forever.

But this is enough to see how powerful the frozen air that William just cast is.

The depth of the ice pit has reached a full hundred meters, but it still hasn't reached the limit of William's freezing range.

"That's right, this dude has completed the achievement of digging a hole and burying it himself!"

Without knowing when, William stood up from the beach chair and came to the edge of the ice pit, looking at the black dragon who was still bleeding like a river and said.

And in this battle, Himeragi Yukina, who was playing soy sauce almost the whole time, also came to William's side.

"It's not completely dead yet."

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