"To find Xinglu?"

"To find the master?"

It can be said that Kirin Toto and Silvia had two surprised faces at the same time, and even forgot what he wanted to answer to William.

"Yeah, after all, Xinglu really helped me a lot."

"The most boring thing for her in this world is that there are so few people who can compete with her."

"So I'm going to bring her to the world I live in now. For Xinglu, there are many opponents who can match her."

Sylvia and Kirin Toto also nodded immediately, and they were very sure of what William said.

After all, almost everyone who knew Fan Xinglu knew why Fan Xinglu came to the secular world, joined Jielong, and taught his disciples without reservation, good or bad.

"I think Xinglu will definitely abandon everything immediately, just go with you!"

"I also think the master will be happy!"

Kirin Totō and Silvia said one after the other.

"That's just right. During the time you went to find Xinglu, Qi Lin and I had a good discussion about what to do."

"Okay, I'll go first!"

The location came to Jielong Seventh Academy, and now the time has reached the middle of the night.

The gate guards of each school have completely sealed the gates, and the entire world dragon is shrouded in a state of tranquility.

Only the street lamps responsible for illuminating the road brought a faint light source to this dark night.

There is no way, after all, most of the students in this city live here.

For the physical and mental health of the students, except for a few specific streets in this city, there are almost no shops or businesses that will operate late at night.

And just when William took advantage of the darkness and jumped directly into the Dragon Academy.


Around William, the Wanying element contained in the air suddenly boiled.

"I didn't expect Xinglu to stay up so late."

After reacting, William gave up his instinctive resistance and let Wan Yingsu wrap himself up completely.

In the audience room of Huang Chendian, a virgin girl with a butterfly-shaped hairstyle tied behind her back was sitting on a chair and sleeping lightly.

Suddenly, the virgin opened her eyes.

Those are glass-colored pupils like jadeite.

"Finally willing to come back."

A happy expression appeared on the immature face.

Immediately, Fan Xinglu said such a sentence.

Afterwards, she stretched out her little hand and flicked it slightly in the air.


During Huang Chendian's audience, all the lights in the room suddenly turned on and became magnificent, and in front of Fan Xinglu, the space suddenly distorted.

All elements in the air are rotating in an orderly manner!

The brilliance of the stars is looming!

next moment!William's tall and straight figure had already appeared in this room.

And Fan Xinglu also jumped off her chair almost at the same moment, completely dazed.

She appeared in front of her without anyone noticing, and with the folded folding fan, she lightly tapped William's chest.

"Boy, what's going on with you."

Fan Xinglu squinted her eyes with a happy smile on her face.

At the same time, the body releases a sense of oppression that is quite high for ordinary people.

When faced with the heavy pressure that he could not easily bear, William just shrugged his shoulders easily, then walked to the chair that Zhao Hufeng usually sat on, and sat on it.

"Fun, fun!"

After muttering these two rounds, Fan Xinglu returned to her chair again.

The two met in silence for a while.


In the end, William was the first to laugh out loud.

"I thought Xinglu, the moment you saw me, you would attack me without hesitation!"

Because of the intention to tease Fan Xinglu, William did not deliberately hide his aura.


The folding fan unfolded, and the whites of Fan Xinglu's eyes were slightly bloodshot.

"Although I like fighting, what I like is evenly matched battles."

"I don't really like the kind of battle where you are instantly killed."

The breath emanating from William's body, although only for a short moment.

But at that moment, Fan Xinglu felt a feeling that he had never thought of in more than a hundred years.

That's a threat!

That's right, it's a threat!

And this was not an ordinary threat, Fan Xinglu had already sensed that it was a deadly threat that she would be instantly killed if she made a move.

"As expected of you, Xinglu."

"Sure enough, these thousand years are not idle."

For thousands of years, although she has been reincarnated continuously, Fan Xinglu's current strength has not been able to be at the peak moment.

But during these thousand years, she has developed an intuition that is stronger than predicting the future.

"Haha, how did you do it, can you tell me?"

For Fan Xinglu, William's growth rate can be considered weird.

And Fan Xinglu, who has been pursuing martial arts all her life, naturally couldn't resist this temptation, so she couldn't help but speak.

William just shook his head lightly.

It is impossible for others to copy your own growth path, so it doesn't make much sense to tell others.

"This time, I'm going to take you, Xinglu, to a place where experts gather. There are many opponents who are similar to you, or even stronger, for you to challenge."

There is no need to introduce too much and explain a lot of tedious questions.

Because this is the best bait for Fan Xinglu!

It was the bait that Fan Xinglu couldn't refuse!

As expected, Fan Xinglu's eyes lit up immediately.

What was said afterwards, no one can know, but the ensuing conversation was not too long, about 10 minutes or so, and William left here directly.

Fan Xinglu, who stayed alone between the audience, had a completely changed look in his eyes.

It was like the greedy expression of a beast when it saw delicious meat.

Ferocity and hostility lingered unreservedly around Fan Xinglu's body.

That greed was Fan Xinglu's almost irrepressible fighting spirit.

"...This is really a trip that makes people almost unable to control themselves..."

Accompanied by such words, Fan Xinglu exuded an incomparable terrifying power.

"Then, let's convey something."

After murmuring such words, Fan Xinglu stretched out her finger to point between her eyebrows.

This is the rumor technique in the star fairy technique!

In ancient times, when there were no communicators such as mobile phones, these immortals used this method to communicate.

It was at this moment when Fan Xinglu used the rumor technique.

Jielong, who was completely immersed in darkness, instantly lit up dozens of lights in the student dormitory, and even faster, several dark figures had completely melted into the night, rushing towards the audience room.

The pitch-black gap unfolds!

From the hollow tunnel, the first thing to step out is a slender thigh.

The two girls sitting on the bed had already changed their clothes a long time ago, but even though they had changed their clothes, the girls were only wearing two rather cute pajamas at the moment.

"You two have changed your clothes!"

William, who came back, looked at the two girls and said with a smile.

"Have you finished talking to Xinglu so soon?"

Sylvia showed a surprised expression on her face. It didn't even take half an hour from William's departure to his return.

"Yeah, as you know, it's hard for Xinglu to resist this kind of temptation."

"makes sense."

Silvia nodded.

"Then what do you two think?"

"I temporarily set up the tunnel in the room that Xinglu arranged for me. If you are going to leave, you two should change your clothes and let's go."

Sylvia and Kirin Toto looked at each other, and then smiled at each other.

"Senior, there should be a lot of sword masters in the world you mentioned!"

Kirin Toto said with some longing, since she knew that she could go back and forth between different worlds and her own world at will, the curiosity in her heart began to grow crazily like weeds.

See the tricks of different genres in different worlds.

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