"It's not surprising, is it?"

Putting his hands in his pockets, he turned his eyes slightly to one side, and glanced at Glenda beside him.

Now Glenda has been completely attracted by Lanyu Light Onion.

Although it is a young dragon in a state of half asleep and half awake but not fully developed, the matter of opening the treasure hidden in her mind through the witch is deeply engraved in her mind.

"William, what should I do now!"

Lan Yu Qian Cong, who was always carefree, also rarely showed a panicked expression.

There is no way, for Lan Yu Qiancong, Glenda's current expression is too foul.

It looked like a little girl who had been abandoned for a long time and finally found her mother after all kinds of hardships.

That delicate and pitiful appearance directly aroused the maternal love in Lan Yu Qiancong's heart.

But Lan Yu Qiancong, who had never been a mother at all, didn't know what to do now, and was so flustered that she didn't know where to put her hands.

"What can I do, Glenda seems to like you very much."

"Light Onion, Glenda will be taken care of by you from now on."

After a few seconds of silence, William made a rather hasty decision.

But seeing Glenda timidly moving towards Lan Yu Qian Cong's side with small steps, Lan Yu Qian Cong swallowed the words that were already on her lips.

Again, this expression is too foul for Lan Yu Asacon!

As a result, she couldn't say no at all.

In the end, he had no choice but to give William a hard look!

Then he stretched out his hand and gently rubbed Glenda's head.

"I will trouble you to take care of me from now on, Glenda!"


Glenda's face was filled with a happy smile immediately, and her whole body jumped up immediately, her two small hands hugged Lan Yu's neck, and her feet also clamped around Lan Yu's waist.


Lan Yu's light green face suddenly turned livid, and at that moment she almost felt as if she was about to suffocate.


Using the folding fan that he had snatched from Nangong Nayue at some point, William directly knocked on Glenda's head.


It was a puzzled look, but this magic weapon in the hands of Nangong Nayue, which taught the students that there were no disadvantages, was deflated by this young dragon.

Although William didn't use much force, he didn't even leave a red mark on the young dragon's head.

"You are a dragon, and Qian Cong's physical strength cannot be compared with yours."

"It's very uncomfortable for you to look like light onion, you know?"


Now Glenda has completely abandoned William, the person who charmed her, and turned to Lan Yu Qiansong's embrace.

Perhaps in this young dragon's heart, it is more important that the offspring of the contractor who charms her is not engraved in her blood.

Several people just walked forward side by side, continued to follow the passage, and walked forward.

Until they came to a huge metal door.

After arriving here, Nangong Nayue took a step forward and put his hand in front of the metal door.

The engraving on the top of the metal door is the space isolation technique that Nangong personally engraved that month, and then the magic power provided to this magic is the dragon vein of Xianshen Island.

The space magic of Nangong that month, plus the dragon veins of Xianshen Island.

It can be said that, except for people at the level of the true ancestor who came here, there is absolutely no one in this world who can break through this space fault.

Then why is the defense specification here so high!

After resetting the last contact point, Nangong rebuilt the magic formula on the gate that month, and registered Glenda's information on it.

"Okay, let's go in!"

Nangong who had done all the work took a step back that month, and this time it was Lan Yu Qiancong's turn to take a step forward.

She held Glenda's little hand with one hand, and pressed the fingerprint combination lock with the other hand.

At this moment, the pupil unlocker hanging in the center of the gate was also aimed at Lan Yu's pupils.


The heavy metal door opened slowly.

What greets the eye is a room full of mechanical textures.

That's right, this is the room called "C" that didn't exist in the urban legend on Itogami Island.

This room is a completely airtight special space, and it is equipped with the core components of the five supercomputers that manage String Kamijima.

It can be connected to the network laid out like a nerve on the island, and the commands issued through the "C" room have the highest priority connection right to all the computers in the entire String Kami Island.

And the safety of this room is not only protected by Nangong's space technique that month.

Even the material used to build this room is made of the hardest material in the world, even if it is directly subjected to the impact of a nuclear bomb and the water pressure at a depth of more than [-] feet, it cannot be shaken at all.

It can be said that as long as you enter this room, even if it is the end of the world, the people inside will be safe and sound.

This is Lan Yu Asagi's exclusive room, a room that only she can freely enter in the entire Xian Kami Island.

"Then, I will trouble you, Light Onion, Glenda!"

After entering the room, William directly sat on the computer chair that Lanyu Qiansong usually exclusive to and said to the two of them.

Nangong Nayue maintained a standing posture, standing beside William.

"I know, I know!"

Seemingly a little impatient with William's urging, Lan Yu Qiansong rolled William's eyes angrily.

Then he took Glenda's hand and came to the center of the room.

It was a round platform that looked like metal, and there were glass panels around the round platform.

"Glenda, stand up!"

Standing still in front of the round platform, Lan Yu then said to Glenda in a warm voice.


Without hesitation, Glenda nodded her head forcefully, opened the glass door without any teacher, and stood on the metal round platform.

"Then I'm going to start, Glenda!"

After saying this softly, looking at Glenda's immature face, after thinking about it, he put his hand on Glenda's gray-black hair.

Glenda's face immediately revealed a relaxed expression.

But following Qian Cong's words, Glenda's eyes instantly became hollow.


"Bloodline certification begins!"

"The bloodlines match, the mental fluctuations match, and the contractor is confirmed—Kain's witch!"

"Start connecting!"

"The Legacy of the Holy Annihilation, unfold!"

What is the holy annihilation!

In the world of Blood Devouring Raid, it is widely spread that the ancestor of this demon clan, Kain, took revenge on the gods of the Heavenly Division who exiled him.

He used himself to gain power in a foreign land, and degenerated the ancient gods of the heavenly tribe from high gods to despicable demons.

This is a technique capable of changing the rules of the world itself.

This is the answer to the holy annihilation by historians.

Therefore, all countries are full of fear of holy annihilation, for fear that there will be someone who masters it again, and will change the rules of the world at will.

The holy annihilator's technique is very complex!

Sitting on the throne with light blue feathers, William shared the holy annihilating formula that was being continuously uploaded to the five supercomputers on Xianjin Island.

This is the huge amount of information in the holy annihilation technique.

Therefore, William also understood why the four families who established Xiangami Island wanted to build such a super-standard management room on the island.

William, who has kept recording the holy annihilation in his mind, is very clear.

In fact, Saint Annihilation is a hodgepodge of all the magic formulas, magic guide books, and even the elf spells Kain learned in another world in this world.

As the saying goes, enough quantity will lead to qualitative change.

Perhaps many spells are very useless, and it is very reluctant to use them in battle.

But after all of them are perfectly fused together, holy annihilation is enough to deceive the whole world.

But because of this, this is simply not something that other races can use except gods.

Because it is impossible for their brains to record the complete holy annihilation formula.

Even if there is a superhuman who can completely record the Holy Annihilating Technique, the magic power that can drive the Holy Annihilating Technique is still an extraordinary amount.

Say so!

The more powerful the magic, the greater the amount of mana required.

The magic that can change the world, even if it is not fully driven to change the world, but only slightly activated, it needs to consume half a dragon vein.

Even Cain, once changed the whole world.

He didn't use his own magic power, but he also caught the largest dragon vein on the planet and held a joint exhibition with him, and then he successfully released the big magic technique.

However, for everyone, these two points can block their threshold, but it is not a problem for William.

He once said it too!

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