When that old guy was caught by him, he was extremely arrogant.

He didn't have the awareness that a prisoner should have at all, as if his subordinates who were strewn with corpses hadn't had the slightest influence on him.

Facing such an arrogant guy, William really didn't talk nonsense to him.

Directly from his memory, he searched for the opening method of the legacy of the Holy Annihilation, and then slapped him to death.

"It's okay, let's search from all over the world!"

"Although the number is indeed relatively small, it should not be impossible to have none."

This sentence is true, just like the prison enchantment that Nangong used to control that month, in which the second-generation blood of the Tianbu, Sutra D, was imprisoned.

"These despicable deeds of the ministry that day, should we do good deeds and help them expose?"

After flicking the document in his hand, Nangong Nayue's eyes flashed an interesting smile.

In fact, she really wants to see what kind of reaction those forces who usually highly respect the Ministry of Heaven will show after seeing such information.

"It's up to you to decide for yourself!"

William expressed his indifference to this matter.

"That's good! I support it!"

But Lan Yu Qiancong showed great interest in this matter, and immediately raised her snow-white little hand.

First of all, like Nangong that month, she showed great dissatisfaction and indignation after knowing what Tianbu had done.

Secondly, if she chooses to make this information public, there is no need for her to encrypt so many documents.

You know, she is indeed the strongest hacker in the world.

However, she did not crush all the hackers in the world, such as the "chariot driver" Lydian Tee, who was trained by the elites of Titiye Heavy Industries, a large company in West Ogneustoria. Di Ye is an elite hacker whose ability is slightly inferior to hers.

If she had invaded Itogami Island while she was no longer in Room "C", she might actually have found something.

So she really needs to put all her strength into building a firewall like a copper wall and an iron wall.

Nearly half of the messages have been reduced. Isn't this a great reduction in her workload?

"Then make it public!"

Nangong took a direct pat on the table in front of him that month, finalizing the matter.

If it were her before, she might have concealed this matter due to various considerations.

After all, no one knows what kind of turmoil will be caused after this incident is detonated.

Will those extremists directly land on Isogami Island and carry out terrorist attacks on Isogami Island after being exposed to reality?

But now she doesn't need to think about it at all.

The current String God Island can be described as unprecedentedly powerful.

The strongest fighting force in the world, and the character is also very strong William Schevenel.

The ten angels who were pulled away from the heaven by William, in this world, the angels are definitely the first echelon combat power under the true ancestors.

Once upon a time, the most evil magical criminal group in the world, which brought a lot of panic to the world-"Library"!

There is also the Lion King Agency, which once belonged to the Japanese government and was responsible for large-scale magical disasters, as well as the surveillance and control of dangerous people.

Don't look at William always complaining that the Lion King's agency is nosy, he always looks like he is not very strong and has a lot of leisure.

But in fact, only William and the other three True Ancestors are qualified to say that.

For the rest of the forces, see if they dare to say that about the Lion King agency.

Others include, for example, the president was killed by William, and Lan Yu Qiancong was appointed as the new chairman. The world's largest magic company, MAR!

It is more like the three magic families of the Nanakusa family, the Yotsuba family, and the Kushima family that William brought back from the world of magic.

Although the magicians of these three families were very uncomfortable with this world at first.

But after quickly receiving education in this world, they immediately possessed a combat effectiveness that was not inferior to entering the guard.

Especially the best among them, Yotsuba Maya, Lina, and Shiba Tatsuya who have mastered strategic magic.

The strategic-level magic they have mastered can undoubtedly cause huge damage to the blood-devouring world that is extremely developed in modern society.

Speaking of this, I have to mention Shiba Tatsuya!

What Nangong was most satisfied with about William's return to his hometown that month was that William brought Siboda back.

You must know that all the violent organizations in Xianshen Island are to be mobilized under the hands of Nangong Nayue.

Even the Nanakusa family, the Kushima family, and the Yotsuba family are no exception.

It's just that William's priority level is higher than Nangong's that month.

And after Siboda joined Nangong's subordinates that month, it can be said that such things as death rate were completely removed from the mission.

Tasks are completed flawlessly every time.

When doing tasks, it doesn't include your own personal emotions at all.

It can be said that this is the most perfect tool man.

Of course, this also depends on William's secondary transformation of Sporda.

After returning to the world of Blood Devouring Attack, he put Siboda on the operating table only a week later, and conducted a detailed and exhaustive analysis of Siboda.

Just after he mastered Shiba Tatsuya's innate ability "decomposition" and "reorganization", he also made a transformation for Shiba Tatsuya so that he can adapt to the magic system of this world.

After Siboda also adapted to the magic power system, the "decomposition" and "reorganization" abilities that were almost abolished in this world ushered in a rebirth.

Then William completely eliminated Shiba Tatsuya's pain nerves, and carved a mental defense formula in his mind.

There are also "Xiandumu Aye" and "Nangong Nayue" transformed by William with blood essence...

A few of them are also properly super-standard combat power.

It can be said that if all the fighters on Xiangami Island are released now, William will not be counted, and it will be no problem to face the two true ancestor forces alone.

Just an immortal combat weapon, Siboda is enough for them to drink a pot.

"so be it!"

"I'm out to do something."

Nangong Nayue, who had decided what to do with the matter, walked out of the room resolutely, returned to her office, and continued to arrange tasks.

In the whole room, there were only Lanyu Lightning, William, and Glenda who was still sleeping soundly.

"Aren't you going?"

Looking at William who was still sitting on his bed, Lan Yu Qian Cong said strangely.

Usually when she was working, this man never bothered to pay attention to this aspect.

Today I got what I wanted, and I still stay here.

"How long will it take to finish the rest."

He didn't choose to answer Lan Yu Qiancong's question, he hugged Glenda and moved to the side.

He was lying directly beside the single bed.

"With the support of Moguai, it will take about three or four hours!"

After slightly estimating the time, Lan Yu Qian Cong replied.

"Then I'll continue to wait here! After your work is done, I'll take you out to have fun."


Lan Yu Qian Cong, as if she didn't hear clearly, repeated William's words with joy on her face.

Seeing Lan Yu Qiancong so happy, William felt a little more guilty towards Lan Yu Qiancong.

This idea was also his whim.

Just now, he realized that the time he spent with Lan Yu Qiancong was too short.

My other women, more or less, whether it is tasks, errands or pure play, actually have this short period of time to be alone.

But only on this one!

Lan Yu Qian Cong can be said to have almost none, after all, as a technician, she herself has no way to do some dangerous things with him.

The encounter between the two is also a rather dramatic thing.

Hastily determined the relationship, and because of the relationship of self-retreat, there is no way to get along too much.

After leaving customs, I was busy with various things.

As a result, I owe a lot to this girl who has been silently giving for me.

"Of course, take your time, don't worry, I will wait for you."

ps: I bring you a link to my new book

, I hope everyone can manually help and pay attention, thank you very much for your support

Chapter 320 Did you enjoy watching the live broadcast?

In the spacious European-style study room!

It was a woman with long light green hair and green eyes like emeralds, like a cheetah.

Her clothes are very simple, just ordinary denim shorts, and a simple white shirt on her upper body. It's such a simple match, but it has a charming wild beauty.

That's right, this person is the ruler of the Central American Night Empire "Chaos Realm".

The third primogenitor "Prince of Chaos" - Garda Kukokan!

At this moment, she was standing in front of the sand table in William's study, sipping the black tea brewed by Liu Zi herself, while looking thoughtfully at the army formation on the chess board.

"Oh! I can't think of any way to crack it, which is really frustrating."

This super old woman who doesn't know her age is actually like a [-]-year-old girl, pouting her red lips and muttering.

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