"very noisy!"

"What's that sound?"

"And what does that smell like?"

The sleeping girl is constantly being influenced by the outside world, disturbing her sleepiness.

Slowly opening the brown pupils, squinting to the left, looking for the direction of the source of the sound and smell.

The heart-pounding scene in front of her directly made this young girl whose face was flushed red.

Even the box that kept emitting air-conditioning couldn't stop her body temperature from recovering at all.

He hurriedly closed his eyes, pretending nothing happened, and turned his head calmly.

"The back of that woman is so familiar."

The girl who silently pretended to be asleep was thinking like this in her heart.

Gradually, the memory of being caught, locked in the castle, and forced into this box at last also began to revive.

In her mind, the figure with white blossoms and bumps gradually became fuller.


There was a look of horror on her face.

She began to struggle with her body with all her strength, but she was still in a frozen state just now, her muscles could not recover to a usable state so quickly.

In addition to her naked appearance now, she looks like a wriggling caterpillar.

"Sure enough, little guy, you're awake."

To the girl, it was a whisper like a demon.

Because it was the owner of this voice who thoroughly taught her a profound truth.

That is, no matter where she is, she does not have the right to choose her own life, and she can only be like a puppet for the rest of her life, being controlled by others.

The girl who was pretending to sleep opened her eyelids and looked at Garda with big brown pupils.

Her whole body began to tremble uncontrollably, and she didn't know that she was shivering because of the cold, and because she was shivering because she saw the person she was afraid of.

Suddenly, a wave of warmth hits!

She could clearly feel that warm current was gradually flowing to her limbs, and her limbs, which had been completely stiff due to the attack of cold air, were gradually recovering.

The limbs gradually began to be full of strength!

He tentatively moved his fingers to the point where he could make a fist.

Then, the line of sight was directly covered by a piece of pure white.

The voice that made her extremely fearful and disgusted came from her ear again.

"If you can move, quickly put the clothes on for me."

Jiada's voice was very strong, a tone that did not allow for rejection.

The girl also had no intention of resisting at all. She knew very well that there was a world of difference between herself and the monster in front of her.

The priests of the Sasara Machu God Cult looked like they died tragically. Now she sometimes closes her eyes and has nightmares.

There was a rustling sound as the cloth rubbed against her skin. The girl moved very quickly. It seemed that Jiada left her with a very heavy psychological shadow.

After getting dressed, the girl finally raised her eyes.

But then, she saw a sight that shocked her so much that she couldn't believe her eyes.

The girl who was extremely cruel in her eyes actually sat in the arms of a man with short blond hair, looking at the man affectionately.

Then, he turned his head slowly and looked at her.

There was an inexplicable smile on the corner of his mouth.

"I said, little guy, did you enjoy watching the live broadcast just now?"

ps: The author's new book connects to the portal

Chapter 320 I Can Accept Any Game

The girl named Celesta Shati is trembling!

The two people opposite her commented on her without any scruples.

"Select young witches with outstanding psychic abilities, and adopt them in the temple to absorb the air leaked by Sasarama. Then don't tell the bride any details about her mission, and be responsive to the bride's material needs."

"In this way, the bride can be killed in happiness, complete the ceremony of sealing Sasara Macchu, and then go to find the next sacrifice..."

"This is the secret about the bride of Sasara Macchu."

The delicate body full of fragrance writhed in William's arms, looking very restless.

Now Garda is only wrapped in a white bath towel.

The face was flushed, and any experienced man or woman would know what Jiada had just experienced.


There was a crisp sound, and Jiada turned around, clutching her little butt, with a charming smile on her lips.

"Hey! Do you want SM's way of playing? It doesn't matter, I can bear it all."


There was another crisp sound.

"I mean to let you be a little quieter and stop misinterpreting what I mean."

Jiada's twists and turns just now almost ignited the anger he had vented just now.

have to say!

The experience just now, let William comment, it is very good.

This third true ancestor is indeed what she said, a genuine original product.

But even if it was an original product, this vampire seemed to be born in this way for a long time. He showed his extraordinary talent when he first stepped onto the battlefield.

It can be said that this vampire is definitely the No.1 among William's women in terms of charm.

Even Yotsuba Maya and Sanjo Haruhime who is a fox can't compare to her.

Celesta no longer wanted to speak.

Because she really didn't really want to believe her eyes.

Is this little daughter really the cruel Third Primogenitor?And who can subdue this kind of woman, who is this man?

"It seems that this little guy is very curious about you!"

With Garda's sudden words, the fear that penetrated Celesta's mind once again hit her heart, and she lowered her little head again.

He didn't even dare to take a breath, for fear of offending this man who could subdue monsters.

However, it was obvious that William's attention or thoughts just now were not on Celesta at all.

"I see, that's why she's called a bride instead of a shrine maiden!"

William stroked his chin and said while thinking.

In fact, what Celesta has experienced is not uncommon in this world or in any world with special energy.

The pure priestesses, as sacrifices, are first given to the gods in order to obtain forgiveness, rewards and protection from the gods.

If you call it a witch directly, you may occasionally meet smart children and expose their plots!

Fear is gradually replaced by sadness!

She used to be such a fool, immersed in the beautiful life that Sasara Macchu taught her and couldn't extricate herself.

It was a really good day for her.

Even though he was in a fairly primitive jungle, he could always wear silky satin clothes.

There are never many ornaments on her body, whether it is gold, pearls or emeralds, they are always full of ornaments on her body.

It can be said that although she lived in the primitive jungle, she lived the life of a noble lady in the tribe.

From this point of view, the orc priests in Sasara Macchuu really spent a lot of thought on satisfying the bride's needs.

But such a beautiful life, one day, after a green-haired girl who strayed into the tribe appeared, it changed.

Darkness enveloped the peaceful forest.

The smell of blood began to fill the air, and the screams of orcs could be heard everywhere.

She just hid in the shrine and shivered until her door was kicked open forcefully.

The person who came was not the attacker who made her feel fear, but the kind uncles, aunts, grandparents who usually took good care of her.

At that time, she was full of joy, because she thought that these family members took her away from here.

But who knew, that was the beginning of her despair in this world.

Those elders who usually cared about and doted on her came to her room, not only did not take her to escape, but wanted to offer her as a sacrifice to the evil god Sasara Macchu.

Let the evil god use her body as a possession, and then crush the hateful invaders to ashes.

She has been in a state of despair and fear ever since.

Although she was rescued by the third true ancestor in front of her in the middle of the ceremony, so what, she is still treated as an object and given to others at will.

Fate still cannot be changed.

"Don't think that if you lower your head, I can't see your expression now."

"Gifts must have the self-awareness of gifts, who will show the dejected look?"

At some point, Jiada got down from William's lap, unfastened the buckle that fastened her bath towel, and a perfect and delicate body exuding wild beauty was revealed so brightly.

Picking up the green dress that William had just grabbed for her, she put it on herself.

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