But now there is really no other way, the speed at which he releases movement magic is far inferior to Shisan Shugang's self-acceleration, if he doesn't put all his eggs in one basket here, then he can only exit the stage in shock.

Three [Lightning Rods] were about to be inserted straight into Shisan Shugang's body.

At the same time, Shisan Shugang's whole body burst out with a strong psion light, and when the invisible light shone, the three lightning rods gradually melted under the strong light.

Shisan Shugang stomped on the ground with both feet, flying higher and higher into the air.

A ferocious and powerful positive punch directly hit Siwon George's abdomen, and Siwon George's entire body completed a bow shape. The powerful impact made him turn several times in the air before falling to the ground .

"Brother, this shouldn't be!"

Miyuki Shiba, who was sitting on the stand, covered her pink lips with both hands, and looked at Tatsuya Shiba next to her in disbelief.

"That's right, it's [Spell Disintegration]."

The shock on Shiba Tatsuya's face also didn't need to be so small for Shiba Miyuki, although he lacked emotion, it wasn't that he didn't have no emotion at all.

When encountering such a thing, he would of course be shocked.

"But, this seems to be different from the [Spell Disintegration] that Tatsuya usually uses!"

Chiba Erica has always adhered to the principle of asking if you don’t understand. It doesn’t matter if you tell me or not, but I want to know that I will definitely ask.

"This should be a contact-type [Spell Disintegration]! In terms of difficulty, it is actually higher than the elder brother's disintegration."

The shocked Shiba Miyuki silently explained to Chiba Erika.

"See that the game is already won!"

Watanabe Moli, who saw the game here, directly made a conclusion for this game. In the eyes of anyone, Sangao has no possibility of winning this game.

One of the three high generals, Hui, is struggling to support. From the perspective of the situation, the defeat is only a matter of time.

Siwon George even fainted to the ground, unable to move, forming a three-on-two situation.


Nanakusa Mayumi drew a beautiful lip line from the corner of her mouth, and said happily.

She is now thinking about how to celebrate Mitsunobu Kushima's victory later.


Seeing Siwon George's fallen figure, Yiyi Jianghui yelled.

Yi Jianghui had already watched the process of Siwon George being knocked down from the corner of his eye. He wanted to help Siwon George relieve the pressure, but now he is also a mud bodhisattva crossing the river and cannot protect himself.

"Xiao Gang, good job."

"Come directly to you to break in directly and resolve the battle."

Jiu Dao Guangxuan directly gave the next instruction to Shisan Shugang. On the premise that George Siwon had been lost, the three-high stele was like no one's land to Shisan Shugang.

ps: Ask for votes and attention, continue to code words, so tired

The next world is wrong

Chapter 61 Two Front Teeth

Responding to Mitsunobu Kushima's words was Shisan Shugang's figure like a cheetah.

At the same time, the amount of electric current released by Jiudao Guangxuan's CAD increased again. Since Shisan Shugang had just solved the battle, he had no intention of continuing to play.

"It's impossible to stop it completely."

Yiyi Jianghui made the decision he should have in an instant, and at the same time he gave up his plan to continue to compete with Mitsunobu Kushima.

Taking two steps towards the left hip to avoid the group of electric snakes, the black and red pistol-shaped CAD fired three shots to the ground.

After quite a long time of magical confrontation, the distance between the two is less than 30 meters. Within such a short distance, even a general who is not good at movement magic is confident that he can rush to Mitsunobu Kushima within 3 seconds. around.

"This, really!"

Seeing this scene off the field, Jiu Dao Lie shook his head silently, feeling a little disappointed in Yi Yi Jiang Hui's choice at this time.

"Mr. Jiudao, what's wrong?"

The person in charge of the meeting who was accompanying him asked Jiu Dao Lie with some doubts. In their opinion, Jiu Dao Guangxuan had already gained the upper hand, but why did Jiu Dao Lie shake his head!

"Just keep watching!"

Jiu Dao Lie didn't explain to them why he shook his head, because if Jiang Hui made such a choice, the battle would be over soon.

Seeing a general who drew back his gun and came straight towards him, Mitsunobu Kushima's mouth flickered with astonishment.

Mitsunobu Kushima has only one idea in his head now, what kind of information gives Jianghui the feeling that his physical skills are weak, and he can subdue himself through physical skills.

But since they have already attacked, there is no reason for him not to respond.

In the same way, he retracted his CAD to his waist, and swung his whip at Jiang Hui's body.

Yi Yi raised one arm to defend, but was forced back a few meters by Kushima Mitsunobu's blow.

"Good weight!"

Yi Jianghui gritted his teeth and now only had this thought in his mind. At this moment, he already felt that the arm blocking Jiu Daoguang's whip leg was not his own.

He now also knows that he made a big mistake in his choice. According to the intelligence, Mitsunobu Kushima is good at radiation magic, but he didn't mention that he is also good at physical arts.

After all, even if he maintains the situation just now, he can only lose, so he made a move to use physical skills to gain a chance of victory.

"Don't be distracted!"

Mitsunobu Kushima directly rushed to the front of a Jianghui with a big stride, and then attacked a Jianghui's chin with a palm push.


Ichijo closed his eyes in despair.

At the same time that Jianghui's handsome face became distorted, two front teeth also flew out of Yijianghui's mouth.


Seeing the blood oozing from the corner of Jianghui's mouth and the two front teeth that fell on the grass, Mitsunobu Kushima could only silently say sorry to him.

In all fairness, he really didn't act as badly as he did, he just wanted to stun Yi Yi, he didn't want to disfigure him!

But at this time, it's not his turn to continue the silent mourning for Yi Yi Jiang Hui, as Shisan Shu just defeated the last player of San Gao.

The sound of the end of the game sounded.

Several big characters of No. [-] High School also shone on the screen.

Yigao's Shoubei members were also baffled. He was originally a substitute and had no hope of playing. He suddenly had a chance to play.

But after playing, he instructed himself to stand in front of the stele the whole time, without even activating the CAD, the game was over.

"Guangxuan, we won!"

The corners of Shisan Shugang who ran back from the three-high stele were also a little wet. He thought that he would not be able to participate in the Nine Schools Competition that he had dreamed of most since he was a child in three years of high school.

In order to participate in the only nine-school competition in his three years of high school, he rushed over from home overnight.

Now that he has successfully won the championship that he dreamed of, the current Shisan Shugang already feels that his high school life is complete.

"Okay, stop being sentimental."

"Now go get the cheers you deserve!"

Mitsunobu Kushima patted Shisan Shugang on the shoulder and said with emotion.

Today, the scene where he suppressed a Jianghui all the way was very exciting, but the scene where Shisan Shu just defeated the three highs and two in succession was no less impressive.

Looking at the auditorium full of students from No. [-] High School, there are not a few students who shout Shisan Shugang's name.

Kudao Retsu, who was sitting in the highest stand, nodded in satisfaction and got up to leave.

By the time the three of Jiu Dao Guangxuan walked out of the contestant passage, a group of people from Yi Gao had already surrounded the door.

Whether it is the participants of the Nine Schools Competition or the idlers who came to watch the competition, they are all waiting to welcome their heroes.

"No way!"

Mitsunobu Kushima, who had been indifferent throughout the game, turned out to be a bit shattered because of his support team.

"Of course, the game was very exciting, and everyone is very excited now!"

Nanakusa Mayumi, who was the leader, came forward, straightened Mitsunobu Kushima's somewhat messy collar and said softly.

Nanakusa Mayumi's gentle and pleasant appearance almost aroused the anger of those boys who admired Nanakusa Mayumi. They almost forgot that they were here to celebrate Kushima Mitsunobu, and they were going to do a humane act for Kushima Mitsunobu destroy.

"And based on your victory in this game, we can basically secure the championship in the first round."

Shiwen Keren, a big man with thick eyebrows and big eyes, also stepped forward and said with a happy face.

The rest of the competitions are almost sure, his own {Secret Monument Decoding} and Watanabe Mori's {Surfing Race} and {Group Ball Grab Points} will definitely win the championship, so he said now The championship is theirs, there is nothing wrong with it.

"Okay, everyone!"

Nanakusa Mayumi clapped her hands, motioning for everyone to stop making noise first.

"There will be a banquet in the banquet hall tonight, let's celebrate together then!"

Nanakusa Mayumi used magic to amplify her volume, announcing loudly to everyone.

Naturally, this decision was unanimously approved by everyone present, and they scattered back to make preparations.

"Mayumi, have you been approved by the school?"

Mitsunobu Jiudao remembered that as the vice president of the student union, he hadn't heard that there was going to be a banquet tonight!

"I paid for it myself, and I don't need to get the school's approval! After all, everyone came from afar to cheer for our school, and we should hold a banquet to thank everyone!"

Nanakusa Mayumi shook her head and said.

The previous banquet was officially organized by the conference, and unrelated personnel who did not participate in the Nine Schools Competition would naturally not be able to participate. Nanakusa Mayumi's holding such a banquet can be regarded as a little bit to make up for their regrets!

ps: Thanks @原初太阳@神梦sg @书客52919213893 @书客291046202170 @书客

10782281473 @战无气-Z @小叮钟A梦

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