"I'm going to concentrate on sailing."

Mayumi reluctantly let go of her clasped hands, and then pursed her pink lips together.

"If I knew it earlier, I would have left the driver at home."

Now she felt that it was a great mistake. Letting all the staff leave their posts was to let everyone enjoy the fun of vacation, but she didn't expect that it would interrupt her and Guangxuan's time alone.

"Okay, isn't it good to chat!"

Mitsunobu said fondly to Mayumi.

"Besides, it will be here soon."

The speed of Mayumi's yacht can be said to be quite fast, and the distance of three nautical miles has already traveled more than half, and it will reach the target location in about 10 minutes.

"makes sense."

Mayumi soon felt relieved. Although she was very dependent on Guangxuan's warmth at this time, she was not so entangled. She still understood the reason why Guangxuan should not be hindered from driving safely.


"I'm bringing you drinks!"

Just when Mayumi was half-speaking, the door of the room that had been half-closed was suddenly pushed open, and Molly walked in with two glasses of freshly squeezed watermelon juice.

Moli interrupted Mayumi again at the right time, causing Mayumi's brows to twitch wildly.

"Yo, did I bother you?"

The woman's tone obviously didn't disturb their apology in the slightest.

"Hey, Molly! Do you know what I mainly want you to do?"

Mayumi's tone is quite unfriendly now, since the morning she has regretted more than once why she brought these light bulbs, obviously this should be the sweet travel time for the two of them.


"how could I know."

Molly didn't care about Mayumi's cold stare, put two glasses of watermelon juice on the table and sat on the chair.

"I asked you to help me hold those two small oil bottles and let Guangxuan and I be alone!"

Now Mayumi is unceremoniously swearing at her sister, even blurting out such words as the oil bottle that she usually only whispers in her heart.

"But now you are actually the main force to disturb us."

Mayumi waved her clenched pink fist up and down as she spoke, coupled with her pink cheeks that hadn't bulged just now, now she is like a little squirrel preparing for winter and begging for nuts, very cute.

"That's how it is..."

Molly's head was covered with black lines, she said how she declined the invitation twice and Mayumi still insisted on inviting her, so she wanted her to do this!

"But I still think it's more interesting for me to do it this way."

Molly looked at Mayumi's pretty face, and the corners of her mouth curled into a nice curve.


ps: Thanks to the original sun Qiubenyi Xueshuke 41340578379 cv~16 Chiyi yui I am happy

sent tip

After this piece is finished, there will be three high-intensity sugar-making chapters, and then the new volume will open

Chapter 76 I have already put away the bath water 【Subscribe】

The next day, the Kushima home in Tokyo.

The light of noon came into the house, and the slightly dark room was filled with the aftertaste of last night's fierce battle.

The two hugged each other tightly, curled up in the quilt and fell asleep, the girl's face still had the aftertaste of last night that never faded.

It has been a week since they returned from their trip, and of course the Nanakusa family has long been aware of what happened between Mayumi and him.

Although I heard that Nanakusa Hongichi seems to have a lot of complaints about this matter, Mayumi often goes to him to spend the night at night.

At the same time, the two who have tasted the forbidden fruit for the first time will naturally have some interesting things happen when they meet together at night.

The alarm bell rang.

The male host on the bed forced himself out of the bed with sleepiness, and casually put on the pajamas that were thrown on the ground last night.

At the same time, he tidied up the hostess' clothes that were also scattered on the ground, and opened the window by drawing the curtains.

A gust of cool wind blew in from the window, Mayumi, who was still dozing off on the bed, shrank her head, and pulled the quilt to completely cover the exposed smooth calf.

"Guangxuan, what time is it?"

Mayumi's humming sound came from under the quilt.

"It's ten o'clock, you can continue to sleep for a while!"

"I'm going to make you breakfast, what do you want for breakfast?"

It was too late for the two of them to go crazy yesterday, if it wasn't for Mayumi who had a banquet at Nanakusa's house to attend in the afternoon, he would not be willing to wake her up.

"Let's keep it simple!"

"I see!"

He closed the door lightly, and even Guangxuan who was walking downstairs deliberately controlled his voice.

Opening the refrigerator, a large refrigerator with a width of one meter was piled up with an assortment of vegetables and fruits. Of course, this is also a refrigerator that a person who loves cooking should have.

Three eggs were taken out of it, and a large bucket of high-quality milk.

Turning around, he took out a bag of whole wheat toast from the cabinet.

Although he also wanted to cook a hearty breakfast for Mayumi, but he was also in low spirits and decided to follow Mayumi's suggestion and make it simpler.

Skillfully turned on the gas, filled the milk pot with milk and heated it, because he and Mayumi both prefer to drink sweet milk, so he added a lot of sugar into it.

While boiling the hot milk, Guangxuan started working on three sides.

After a while, a simple and nutritious breakfast set was placed on the table.

Glancing at the time on the table, Mayumi still didn't go downstairs, and Mitsunobu decided to go upstairs to wake her up.

Because Mayumi is not only busy with breakfast, but she is already a little bit rushed when she counts the time for washing and bathing.

Pushing open the door again, the lover on the bed was lying on the bed and sleeping soundly as he expected. The appearance of her petite body curled up into a ball and hiding under the quilt was very cute in Guangxuan's eyes.

Smiling and shaking his head, he didn't care about the footsteps this time, and walked to the bed and lifted the girl's tight quilt.

In the anime, the perfect delicate body that can only be covered by the holy light is presented in front of Guangxuan.

He felt that his evil fire, which had subsided last night, had a tendency to surge upward again.

He used to think that his concentration was pretty good, after all, he faced quite a lot of temptations before.

He still didn't have much interest in those, otherwise he couldn't have been a child until a few days ago.

But since he opened the meat, he found that the concentration he was proud of was getting worse and worse, especially when facing Mayumi, it made him unable to restrain his impulse.

He silently recited the Qingxin mantra to forcefully suppress his own ##, then reached out and patted Mayumi's ass.

The sudden attack on the buttocks coupled with the coolness brought by the lack of quilt.

Mayumi frowned slightly at first, then rubbed her nose, and then slowly opened her eyes.

"Breakfast ready?"

In Guangxuan's ears, the soft and waxy voice was more like a weak animal arousing his *.

I thought so, but unfortunately time didn't allow it, after all, he wasn't someone's quick shooter!

Put the quilt back on that attractive body, lest you can't control your impulse.

"It's done, let's go downstairs!"

After quickly throwing down this sentence, Guangxuan went straight to the toilet downstairs, and now he is going to drain the water a little bit.

After about 10 minutes or so!The stiff Mayumi also came downstairs with messy hair and yawned.

"It smells so good!"

Perhaps it was the effect of the aroma of the food, Mayumi's half-closed eyes widened slightly, and the tip of her nose moved slightly.

"It's not that exaggerated, it's just ordinary poached eggs and toast with jam."

Hearing Mayumi's exaggerated adjective, Mitsunobu couldn't help laughing.

"It's no exaggeration! Isn't there such a saying, beautiful and delicious."

"Just looking at you, even an ordinary breakfast will add a lot of flavor!"

Nanakusa Mayumi rested her cheeks in both hands, looking at the man in front of her who was busy making breakfast for her in the kitchen.

This is what she has been longing for.

As the eldest daughter of the Nanakusa family, she can be said to have had everything she wanted to have since she was born.

But the only thing she never had was the care and love of her family without any purpose.

Of course she knew that her father cared about her, but she would eventually be compared by her father on the scale of interests.

So what she has always imagined is that someone can treat her without any utilitarianism or purpose.

Don't care about her family, don't care about her qualifications, don't care about her ability, just purely demanding the individual who is Nanakusa Mayumi.

As the daughter of the Nanakusa family, she had already given up on this unrealistic idea.

She has long been prepared to put on a mask for the rest of her life, to respectfully face a man she might never fall in love with in her life.

Still, she was lucky.

Mayumi's eyes looking at Guangxuan's busy back became more and more gentle.

"What's wrong!"

"Look at me like that!"

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