But his magic is different. With his regular magic, it is enough to wipe out monsters with relatively weak defenses at level 5 or even level 6.

If he could use the strategic level magic that he couldn't activate yet, he would have the confidence to annihilate it by himself even if it was a lv7 enhanced species.

It's just that the dungeon is not a place for him to compete one-on-one. There are countless monsters entrenched inside.

His psions are limited, not inexhaustible, and it is impossible for him to continuously cast magic in the face of countless monsters.

For this reason, he needs teammates. He needs strong teammates who can stand in for him when he is short of ideas and give him enough time to recover.

Of course, if he joins the weak family, he can also re-train the members of the family bit by bit, but to be honest, he doesn't want to waste so much time.

"How about this! Miss Aegina, can you tell me the location of those powerful families?"

William still didn't want to join the weak family. In the evil world, he was in the Jiudao family and he had already deeply realized the benefits that a strong family could bring him.

"Mr. William, do you want to sell yourself door-to-door?"

Aegina immediately thought of the purpose of William asking her this question, or rather, most of the newcomer adventurers who want to join the big family do the same.

It's just that the success rate is very low. Even if the novice adventurers know the location of the family, most of them return without success, and finally join the weak family after resigning to their fate.

"That's right!"

"I see, what do you think of the Loki family!"

"Olali is one of the largest exploration families. There are 7 first-level adventurers, and it currently holds the record for the deepest exploration of the dungeon."

Out of her own selfishness, Aegina did not recommend the Freya family to William, she did not want William to be seduced by that goddess.

"Then please Miss Aegina to show me a location."

Hearing that there were family members who met his requirements, William immediately took out the map of Orario that was given to him by the young catman.

ps: In the future, as long as you are not in the evil world, you will be collectively called William

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Chapter 81 Speed ​​is also weight【Subscribe】

In the north of the city, beside the road outside the bustling street in the north.

The movement is much faster than the surrounding buildings, and the long and large mansion is located here.

The mansion formed by overlapping high-rise towers looks like a mountain of swords, and its brass-colored appearance makes it look like a burning flame.

"This is the "Twilight Mansion" where the Loki family resides!"

The clown flag erected on the tallest central tower among the towers is fluttering in the wind.

As the top family of Orario, it is natural for someone to guard it. The current situation is that the gatekeeper's family member is pointing the big sword in his hand at the tip of William's nose.

"What do you want to do when you come to our family resident?"

The goalkeeper's tone was quite unfriendly. He had been the goalkeeper for more than two years, and it was the first time he saw someone who dared to sway in front of the Loki family.

"Don't be so tense! I just want to join the Loki family, nothing else."

William really didn't expect members of the Loki family to be so irritable. He clearly just wanted to walk in through the door that was wide open.

"Join the family?"

There was a question mark on the gatekeeper's forehead, but seeing that William was really not looking for trouble, he retracted the knight's sword he was holding with one hand into the scabbard behind his back.

"I haven't heard that the family has plans to recruit newcomers recently, so please go back!"

He still thought about it carefully, and then verbally rejected William's request to enter the museum.

"Aren't you even allowed to enter the door?"

William thought helplessly, his plan was to enter the Loki Familia, and then randomly find a member of the Loki Familia below lv4 to show off his melee combat ability.

If there is no grace to have the strength to defeat the lv3 members, he believes that at that time, the main god of this family will beg him to join.

"Since that's the case!"

A cold light flashed in the corner of William's eyes, just now he came up with a better idea.

"My friend, you should be an adventurer!"

"Isn't that natural! I'm a lv2 adventurer, why are you asking this?"

The gatekeeper frowned, and the hand that had put down the weapon put it on the hilt of his sword again.

Although he is not a high-level adventurer, he is at least a lv2 third-level adventurer, and he can still perceive the most basic sense of fighting intent.

"Then what an offense!"

"William Sfengel please ask."

I sighed in my heart that my luck was good. I didn't expect that all the gatekeepers of the Loki family were already lv2. Although there was a slight gap with my goal of fighting lv3, it was still effective.

William took a deep breath and slammed his right foot on the ground while the CAD he was carrying on his ear emitted a faint psion light.

The whole person rushed towards the gatekeeper like a shell that left the launcher.

The goal of the fist waving above the shoulder is also the gatekeeper's face.

If his punch hits directly, even if he is not good at strength, he can definitely catch the inertia of sprinting and knock out this lv2 adventurer with one punch.

Speed ​​is weight!

But although this adventurer is only a gatekeeper, he is also the gatekeeper of the Loki family, although William's sudden action caught him a little by surprise.

But when William rushed halfway, he still managed to pull out his knight's greatsword from his scabbard.

Holding the big sword tightly with both hands, he made a horizontal chop on the spot.

If William is really just a stunned young man who can only rush forward and can't control his body, then he will definitely be chopped off by this big sword before his fist hits the gatekeeper's face.

But William has practiced Jiudao-style ancient martial arts for many years in the evil world. Of course, it is impossible for him not to be able to control his body.

When he was about to hit the sharp sword, he tapped the ground lightly with his toes.

William's whole body jumped off the ground, flipped in the air, and then kicked directly towards the gatekeeper's temple with a heavy kick.


This sound is the sound of the knight's great sword falling to the ground.

Surprised that William escaped his cut, the gatekeeper did not lose his sense of control because of surprise.

At this time, it was too late to choose to swing a heavy sword to fight back. With rich combat experience, he decisively threw away his beloved sword.

Cover your right temple with one arm.


There was a strong sound when the calf collided with the arm.

The gatekeeper, who pushed two steps after the thrust, shook his slightly numb arm.

He stared solemnly at William who had landed smoothly.

"You are at least a lv2 adventurer, which family did you belong to before?"

Originally, he thought he was just a brat who didn't know the heights of the sky and the earth, but he didn't expect to be a third-level adventurer like himself.

"I have never joined the Familia!"

Feeling his already aching calf, William said in a relaxed tone.

He didn't expect that a lv2 human adventurer's body would have been strengthened like this by grace.

With his kick just now, even the newly developed enhanced human in the United States is absolutely impossible to take it completely by just taking two steps back.

"Who are you lying to!"

"Do you mean that you can already be compared with me without the strength of grace?"

The gatekeeper didn't believe William's words at all. An ordinary person has almost the same physical ability as lv2, so he is an idiot!

The gatekeeper now looks like William's eyes are getting worse.

"Whoa! We can't pretend that we didn't hear this sentence!"

"Boy, you said you didn't have any favors before?"

The one who made the sound was a man with scarlet hair.

He was wearing four-quarter white short-sleeves and eight-quarter-length black trousers, and pure white sneakers under his feet.

Of course, he wasn't the only one. Behind him was a little human with blond hair.

The height of the little people is only about half of his height!

Wearing yellow light armor on his body and leather gloves on his hands, leaning on his chin with one hand, a kind of azure blue eyes are looking him up and down.

"Captain, Lord Loki."

"I'm cleaning up this uninvited guest, sorry to disturb you."

The gatekeeper who had just fought against William immediately bowed down and apologized to the little human.

At the same time, he also breathed a sigh of relief, just based on the battle just now, he already knew that it was impossible to repel the unreasonable person in front of him who wanted to invade the family's garrison just by himself.

He was already ready to call for his companions to take action together, but there was more than one person in charge of the gate. As long as he yelled loudly, the other companions in charge of guarding the gate would arrive immediately.

ps: Thanks to @原初阳光@There is no one with this name @DIS for the tip

Thanks to @病名? A fat time for love

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Chapter 82 The Bohemian God 【Subscription】

William looked at the blond and blue-eyed little human in surprise. He really didn't expect that the patriarch of the famous Loki family turned out to be a little human.

He is very clear that the race value of the little humans is absolutely the bottom one among the many races in the lower realm, and their physical abilities are not even as good as humans.

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