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Chapter 96 Sorry, Ms. Liu 【Subscription】

In the depths of the forest, the white sunlight shines through the tightly stitched leaves and forms mottled light and shadow on the ground.

A small waterfall with a height of about five meters, the gurgling spring water flows down vertically, slapping on the protruding rocks of the stone wall, the splashing water is like curling white smoke, and then disperses and repeats itself.

Below the waterfall, a green-haired long-eared girl held a splash of clear spring in her hand and poured it on her pure white and flawless ketone body.

"Alixie, Kaguya!"

Putting her beautiful body in the clear spring water again, all kinds of pasts appeared in the girl's eyes.

"Does a dirty elf like me really have the right to continue living?"

The girl kept repeating this question in her heart. Five years hadn't healed the pain in the girl's heart.

In the past five years, she has often been awakened at night by the nightmare five years ago. She doesn't know if there is any point in living in such a daft way.

"who is it!"

Even with the loud sound of spring water hitting the rocks, the crisp sound of tree branches breaking in the distance still couldn't escape the girl's ears.

The sad thing is that she didn't have such a keen observation ability before. This ability to observe the environment is a skill she honed when she was completely depraved.

"Sorry, I didn't know anyone was taking a shower here!"

"I just heard the sound of water here in the distance and wanted to come and see the scenery."

The man hiding behind the big tree did not expect to be discovered by the girl when he quietly left.

After the man gradually revealed his figure, the girl who covered her upper body with one hand clutched her shirt suddenly widened her eyes.

"Mr. Sfelder, why are you here?"

Hearing the girl's familiar voice, William's eyes that had been closed since he came out suddenly opened.

"Miss Liu, why are you here?"


"I'm already dressed, Mr. Schevenel, you can come out."

After buttoning the top button of her shorts, Lyu, holding a wooden knife in her hand, blushed and shouted softly towards the big tree where William was hiding.

Although her body was completely looked at by a strange man, Lyu felt only shy but not angry, because she knew that this incident was not William's fault.

"Sorry, Miss Lu."

William, who came out from behind the big tree again, hereby solemnly apologized to Lyu. He has understood the extent of elves' cleanliness in this world these days.

Not to mention the opposite sex, even if the same sex dares to touch their bodies without their permission, it will definitely cause a murder.

Not to mention that I am a big man who has looked at the girl's body. It is normal for an ordinary girl to kill him with a knife, let alone an elf with a cleanliness.

What's more, he has often eaten at Feng Rao's hostess these days. He has witnessed the horror of an adventurer who dares to tease Lyu a few days ago.

"It's all right, it's not Mr. Schevenel's fault."

"I was the only one who came here before, and I never thought that anyone would find this place."

"That's why I didn't think carefully. Please don't blame yourself, Mr. Sfengel."

Lyu, who hurriedly put on her clothes, shook off the drops of water still remaining on her hair, and walked up to William.

"Even so, it's still my fault after all. If there's anything I can do to make you up, please just say it, Ms. Liu."

Facing the man who repeatedly apologized to him, the only remaining unhappiness in Liu's heart disappeared.

Even if she understands that the problem lies with herself, Ke Liu is still a girl after all, and she still feels uncomfortable when her body is seen by a man.

"I don't have anything that needs to be compensated by Mr. Sfengel, so I still have something to do, so I'll go first!"

Lyu shook her head, and was about to leave. She still had to visit the graves of her former companions. She took a bath here before to clean her body and pay homage to her companions.

And she only asked Miya's mother for a day's leave, and she had to return to work in the shop after Rivera's adventurers cleaned up Goliath in the evening.

"May I ask Miss Liu to pay homage to your companion from the time of the Astria family?"

The wooden knife drew a semi-circular arc in the air at a speed comparable to lightning and stopped at William's throat.

There was a murderous intent in Lyu's eyes, it was the eyes of the remnant party when she wantonly massacred the dark faction in the past.

"Who are you, and how did you know that you are Lyu Leon from the Astoria family?"

"Don't be so excited!"

William took a step back a little, slightly dodging the girl's sword tip, but the wooden knife in Liu's hand insisted on moving forward.

"I know that Loki told me about these things, and I also have some knowledge that my master told me."

"You mean that God Loki knows that I work at Mia's mother?"

Lyu was taken aback. She was an adventurer at the same time as Ais and Bert.

At that time, she followed Alixie, but she had a lot of dealings with members of the Loki family.

But after she committed a crime and worked in Miya's mother's shop, she changed her hairstyle and dyed her hair green.

At first, she was also worried that such a simple disguise of hers would be seen through all at once, which would bring unnecessary trouble to the kind-hearted mother Mia and Hill.

But later, some acquaintances of other family members she met did not recognize her attire, so she was relieved to live under the rich mistress.


"Miss Liu, don't you think that caring people won't notice your current attire?"

"The library of the Loki family contains your previous photos and information."

"At least in my opinion, you haven't changed much from before."

As a senior transformation master, William now really wants to know where Lyu got the confidence to feel that her transformation is perfect.

"Impossible. If it's so obvious, then why haven't people from the guild come to arrest me?"

Lyu still felt that William's words were somewhat contradictory.

At that time, she had killed some people in the guild who were in league with the dark faction.

At that time, the guild often entrusted adventurers to hunt her down, and even now her reward orders are still piled under the guild's documents.

"About this matter, if I were to analyze it, I think someone should have dredged up the guild and turned the arrest warrant into a piece of waste paper, so save you!"

"Who would put in so much effort to protect me!"

When Lyu heard William's first words, the first thought in his head was that it was impossible.

Not to mention how many people related to the dark faction she killed without any evidence at that time, there are four gods who were repatriated by her alone.

ps: thanks! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Chapter 97 Not a single wizard! 【Subscribe】

No matter what the gods do, mortals cannot slaughter the gods who have sealed their divine power. This is the iron law of the lower realm.

When Lyu started killing the gods, there was no possibility of her being forgiven by the guild.

No matter who wants to keep herself, the price she will pay is absolutely unimaginable. She can't imagine who would pay such a high price for an elf driven by hatred like herself.

The main god who has been driven away by her with a strong attitude, Lord Astria?

That's impossible, Lord Astria has already lost the qualification to negotiate with the upper echelon. Perhaps in the God Realm, the gods depend on their own strength and authority to decide the right to speak.

But after the lower realms, the qualifications of the gods to control the right to speak have become the strength of their own family members. If not, with the strength of Zeus and Hera, even if the family members lost more than half when they crusade against the black dragon, how could they be defeated by Loki and Frey? Ya drove out Olalie.

"I think it's very possible that there is a god!"

William didn't say this sentence, because it was just something that Loki mentioned casually to him, and it was just Loki's guess.


Among the [-] floors underground, a gray stone tablet stands quietly on the plain. The stone tablet has been smoothed by long-term wind and rain, but the surface is still spotless. It can be seen that someone often comes to clean it. .

Lyu and William stood in front of the stele holding a bouquet of fresh flowers from local materials in the dungeon.

Inscribed on the top of the stele are the names of members of the Astria family who disappeared on the 27th floor at that time.

"Actually, there are not even the bones of Alixie and the others in it!"

There was a lingering sadness in Lyu's eyes, she was always thinking, if it wasn't her who survived but Alixie, Kaguya and the others.

Is it possible that Master Astria doesn't have to leave Olalie in embarrassment now? Is it possible that they can take a different approach from their own?

Being able to revive the Astria family members, instead of being driven by a momentary impulse to make a big mistake like myself.

Lyu took out the handkerchief she carried with her, and although the stele was still clean, she cleaned it carefully.

She also didn't understand why she invited Mr. Sfelder to visit the grave so suddenly. Maybe it was because the secret she had been keeping all these years was suddenly exposed by humanity, and she was subconsciously seeking comfort!

William also placed the flowers he was holding in front of the stele, and said while looking at Lyu who was squatting on the ground.

"Miss Liu, I don't know much about the Astria family, but what you did at that time is clearly written in our family records."

"Personally, I don't think there's anything wrong with Miss Liu's actions."

There was a flash of bewilderment in the eyes of Liu who was squatting on the ground, and then shook his head with a wry smile.

"Mr. Sphengel, you don't need to comfort me. I know the mistakes I made myself."

"Miss Liu, I want to ask, you always feel that you are wrong, so where is your mistake?"

Maybe it's out of sympathy, or maybe it's because you can't get used to it?William decided to change her false values.

Anyway, I don't need to pay anything by myself, just say a few more words, she can listen to what she can listen to, and it doesn't matter if she doesn't listen.

"Of course I was driven by hatred. I violated the justice entrusted to me by Alixie before she died, and let Master Astria down."

Lyu blurted out without hesitation, these questions had been lingering in his mind for many years, there was no need to think about them at all.

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