
Lyu, who landed smoothly, was panting fiercely. Even if she cast magic three times in a row, she would still feel mentally exhausted.

The black pterosaur fanned its own wings again, dodging Lyu's magic that deliberately attacked it.

But because of the threat of Lyu's magic to it, now it can't release its own flame breath.

Flame breath needs to be charged for a short period of time without moving in place.

"It's over, it's over, it's over, it's over!"

"Kill it, kill it, kill it, kill it!"

"Tonight is the once-in-a-thousand-year killing feast!"

A black cloud that appeared at an unknown time swept across the entire sky above the 18th floor, and the jet-black flowing clouds rolled into the shape of a vortex in the sky.

At the same time, a heavy atmosphere is suppressed in everyone's heart.

No one would pay attention to what William was doing behind them, they just felt the strong ominousness in this dark cloud.

"What is this again!"

An adventurer said with some seriousness, the situation on our side has just changed, but the dungeon is going to make trouble again!

Thunder sounded.

Hundreds of golden thunderbolts bombarded down one after another.

The adventurers instinctively twisted their bodies to avoid it, but they immediately discovered that the target of the lightning strike was not them.

The bright golden light pierced people's eyes, rendering the entire gathering place of monsters into a sea of ​​thunder.

After the thunderstorm ended, a pungent burning smell lingered in the nostrils of everyone present.

Is that the end?Of course not!

In the scorched place where the thunder fell, countless beasts crouched in place, shining with golden light.

Some are like lions, some are like tigers, and some are like leopards.

Their eye-like places are all staring at the surviving monsters in unison.

At this moment, several thunderbirds surrounded by thunder beasts spread their wings that were still thundering.

The black ash on the ground was stirred up by their huge wings, making the vision that had just been clear become dirty again.

The black pterosaur's eyes were also bloodshot from anxiety, and it stretched out its sharp claws to entangle with the three thunderbirds that flew up.

After chanting the magic, William couldn't help but feel a sense of dizziness. This is the result of his lack of magic power and barely releasing this great magic.

"William, what's the matter?"

Aisi rushed forward to support William's precarious body, and asked with concern.

"Trouble, pass me a tube of the mental potion in my backpack."

In this situation, William is not in the mood to feel the fragrance from the girl beside him.

After taking the blue potion that Ace found, William directly bit off the cork on it with his mouth, and gulped it down.

After drinking it for a few seconds, the dried-up magic power in the body immediately recovered about one-tenth, and the tingling feeling in the head disappeared.

"Put me on the ground! Ace!"

William, who had regained control of his body, asked Aisi to do so, although it would be more comfortable to lean on the beautiful girl's body.

But this is a battlefield, the posture of the two of them is very inconvenient to meet the enemy when the enemy comes over.


"What's the matter, Ace?"

"Is all this caused by your magic?"

According to William's request, Ais who put him on the ground looked at the strange scene in front of her and said.

The three Thunderbirds, who seemed to have spirituality, kept attacking the weak point of the black pterosaur.

The previously invincible black pterosaur can now be said to be in a state of embarrassment.

The most obvious thing is its huge dragon wings spread over ten meters. The originally gleaming dragon wings are now covered with traces of being scorched by lightning.

In some places, big holes like fists can even be seen. It is not known how Thunderbird left injuries on the wings wrapped in thick dragon scales.


ps: Tomorrow it will be divided into two chapters

Thanks @书客41340578397 Yuanyuan Sun for the reward

Ask for a ticket

Chapter 99 If it is Riveria 【Subscription】

William, who was slightly dissatisfied with his current state, took another tube of spiritual potion from his bag and drank it down.

This is the best medicine that Rivilia recommended to him to relieve the symptoms when the mage releases excessive magic.

There will be no side effects at all, and the effect can be seen immediately after drinking it, but the price is also quite touching.

The cost of a tube of medicine is as high as 10 mana. You must know that a bottle of top-notch panacea is only 50 mana. The old man bought three tubes.

"This is my ultra-long text chanting magic. Although it is very strong, it is indeed a big mana eater."

"But it's very powerful, and it feels stronger than Rivilia's magic."

Ace couldn't help but read this sentence.

William's magic just now is indeed very strong, but if Rivilia's high-level victory sword comes down, it will definitely turn half of the 18th floor into an endless sea of ​​​​flames.

But this is also the reason why Rivilia's magic power is far stronger than William's. If Rivilia and William are of the same level, she feels that Rivilia cannot reach William's level.

"It's just a pity, if the magic power can be more sufficient, the thunder can still continue, and the created thunder beasts can be stronger."

The adventurers are all looking blankly at the astonishing changes on the scene. The monsters that were supposed to fight them are now all contracted by the Ultralisks.

They held weapons in their hands now, and they didn't know whether they should help or just keep watching.

The large batch of Thunder Beasts he produced now is only about level 3, which is completely enough to eliminate the monsters and firebirds on the ground.

But the black pterosaur in the air is not something these lv3 Thunderbeasts can handle. There is only one Thunderbird that was fighting with the black pterosaur just now.

"Ais, now I will show you another use of my magic."

Feeling the remnants of the magic in his body, the magic power in William's body boiled again after standing up again.

The five fingers that were slightly opened suddenly closed together, and in the center of the dark cloud that had never dissipated, the golden thunder, as thick as a water snake, slashed straight down at the black pterosaur that was already full of scars.


The roar of the black dragon resounded through the world.

But it's not over yet.


A wisp of blue smoke rose, and a golden lion stood on the black dragon's body. It opened its bloody mouth and bit down on the black dragon's neck.


Since coming here, the black dragon, which has been hovering in the air wantonly, was finally overwhelmed and fell from the sky.

Even though its body has endured many attacks, its body is already in tatters.

However, due to its strong vitality as a dragon species, although these attacks are strong, they are not enough to kill it.

"This is the end!"

The silver-white spear was held in William's hand again, and he held it high above his head, and a purple electric current gushed out from William's palm and conducted to the body of the gun.

For the first time since William came to this world, he used his superhuman brain computing ability.


With the sound of crackling electric current and the powerful piercing sound resounding in everyone's ears, the Zidian spear pierced out from the eyes of the black dragon in an instant, and the huge impact firmly nailed the huge body. In that half of the trunk.


This time the black dragon finally died without any resistance, and the adventurers finally noticed William who was throwing a spear behind him.

Only then did they discover that all these changes were made by a young man whom they had ignored.

Lyu also ran back to William's side in a gust of wind.

"Mr. Sphengel, you have nothing to do!"

Although William was accompanied by the well-known Ais from the same family, she should not reveal her identity in front of acquaintances.

But she still couldn't control her emotions, and rushed to William's side to ask carefully.

"I'm fine, I'll go to the store to see you when I get back to Orario!"

William spoke in a low voice with a tone that only Lyu could hear.

"I see!"

Reassuring, Lyu nodded lightly, and left towards the exit from the 18th floor to the 17th floor.

"William, do you know the masked man?"

Although Ai Si knew that the Lyu in the rich hostess was the well-known Gale, but the two of them were not from the same family after all, and Ai Si didn't know what kind of magic Lyu would use.

Naturally, there was no way to determine the identity of Lyu, who was heavily armed.

"It's just a friend. She has been injured before, and she doesn't want to reveal her true identity due to personal reasons."

"I see!"

Aisi immediately thought of many things, even their family members had various pasts before they joined the family.

Didn't she also hide her own affairs from her companions?

Feeling his body, which was exhausted, William cried and laughed.

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