Stared at by such eyes, William finally raised his hands in surrender.

Besides, it's just to look at the ability value, and several important members of the family have already known the specific value of their own.

It doesn't matter if there is one more Ace.


"So, you two came here together?"

Loki also looked at Ais quite helplessly, and she felt that she should instruct Rivilia to teach Ais some ways of the world.

Don't worry about being so simple and innocent, what if you are deceived by someone outside the family in the future.

"Forget it, you sit down first and I will update your ability value!"

After William sat down, Loki also dripped his own blood on William's back.

Now she is no longer fussing about William's ability value at all. As early as when William's ability value broke through the S limit, she had already used up all the surprises in her billions of years of life.

"The ability value has hardly grown, but the great cause of the upgrade is enough!"

"How do I upgrade directly?"

Loki patted William on the back and said.


"But before upgrading, let Aisi take a rubbing of the ability to have a look!"

William pointed helplessly, and Aisi sat obediently and waited.

"We know!"

After Ai Si took William's report card, she looked at it carefully.

But when she picked up the report card, for the first time, such an obvious expression change of surprise appeared on her face, which had always been calm.

"Then let's start!"

As Loki's blood merged again, the grace of God on William's back moved up slowly like a dial.

Until the bottom one (2), completely topped off the top (1).

"Here comes the ability to develop, 'Spearman', 'Reconcile', and 'Magic'."

"Which one do you choose, it really is the magician!"

As Loki spoke, he was about to help William make a decision.

"No, choose to reconcile!"

William's sudden utterance also made Loki froze immediately.

"Isn't it just a waste if you don't choose "magic" for that skill?"

Loki was quite puzzled by William's decision. He obviously had such excellent magical aptitude, but he chose the ability to make magic items like "harmony".

After all, she was very surprised why William had the ability to reconcile.

Generally speaking, the ability to reconcile basically appears in the family members of the pharmaceutical department.

"Listen to me, Loki!"

"Besides, the bonus of the magic guide is also dispensable to me."

"I see!"

Loki quickly completed the operation on William's back with his hands and feet, and the two characters [Harmony] in the column of development ability gradually appeared on it.

Of course, it is not just "harmony", there is another word that appears together with it.


Loki took a deep breath.


The crisp voice resounded throughout the room, attracting Aisi who had read William's abilities.

Now William felt that there was definitely a red slap mark on his back.

"'Mystery' has appeared, William."

Loki thought that he had become numb to the various abnormalities in William.

But the moment "mystery" appeared, she couldn't restrain the corners of her mouth moving wildly.

What is "mystery"!

That is an ultra-rare skill in the lower world. Even in Orari, where there are many adventurers, there are definitely no more than five fingers of people who have [Mystery].

William's "Mystery" appeared in "Reconciliation", which means that he will be able to rival the gods in this aspect one day.


William also said in surprise that he chose "mystery" only for himself to strengthen his knowledge of pharmaceuticals as soon as possible.

To make a magic item that can update its ability value by itself.

But it was a surprise to him that "mystery" could appear.

But this also means that I may really have a very high talent in making magic props!

That's why my own kindness has shown my possibility in this aspect.

"The magic of your third magic column also appeared!"

Loki continued to move his eyes down, and found that the magic bar that William had been vacant had also appeared with new words!

"Show me, Loki!"

"Understood, wait for us to translate!"

Soon, Loki handed over the translated brown paper to William.

"However, never thought that you, William, would possess mystery!"

"Wait until your mystery grows up, wouldn't it be me?"

The more Loki thinks about it, the happier she is now. She seems to have seen herself in the near future.

Lying in a room full of rare and rare treasures, the scene of drinking Soma wine bottle by bottle!

"I only promise to be responsible for your drink money, don't even think about anything else!"

William, who looked down at his magic skills, said to Loki without even raising his head.

"Ah! Cheapskates!"

william sfengel

Level: lv2

Strength: S(901)—I(0)

Durability: S (902)—I (0)

Dexterity: SS(1499)—I(0)

Dexterity: SS(1499)—I(0)

Magic: SSS (1999) — I (0)

After the upgrade, all the values ​​will be cleared immediately, which is nothing to look at, William's eyes continued to move down.

Development ability: "Mystery", "Harmony"

Magic: "Magic of Thunder" can be developed at will without chanting ability

"Celestial Crusade" super long text wide-area annihilation magic

"Thunderbolt Ya" chant text (roar) (through)

When he saw this magic, William glanced at Ais subconsciously. He always felt that this magic was very similar to the wind magic that Ais used today.

However, he personally feels good about this magic, although he himself has also studied the method of wrapping weapons and bodies with lightning.

But in fact, the effect of the increase is not very obvious.

He already has a feeling that he can't wait to try his hand.

"William, can you practice against me tomorrow morning?"

ps: The picture has been being eaten all the time, and there may be no way to post ** Tule in the future

Thank you for your support

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

When the sun first rose in the morning, the whole of Olari was still shrouded in silence.

The combination of a man and a woman has quietly passed through the south gate of Olalie, and arrived at the lawn where William landed when he first came to Earth Wrong World.

"Anyway, it's fine here."

"If the two of us fight within the family, it will disturb everyone's rest."

William looked helplessly at the problem child in front of him. When he went to the meeting as promised in the morning, this woman actually wanted to fight him directly in the family.

If it's just normal practice, it's okay, and it won't make too much noise.

But if the two of them used real knives, it would definitely disturb others if the blades crossed.

"Sorry, I didn't think of that!"

There was an embarrassed expression on Ai Si's face. She usually pays attention to these things, but the process of waiting from last night to this morning made her a little anxious, so she forgot about it.

"It's okay, let's start now!"

William shook his head, and turned the spear he had been carrying sideways.

"William, don't you use wooden knives?"

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