"I'll be with you!"

ps: Thanks to @原初阳光@直*墨[email protected] Yunjuran Yanxia Aoxue Canglang took a picture of Jushenbing Shuangshi his big brothers sent rewards

I know there are friends who keep books, but at least votes are given!Otherwise the book will feed the dead

Chapter 4000 Missing the Knee Pillow 【[-] Subscriptions】

The gate of the Loki Familia [Twilight Pavilion].

An elf with long pointed ears was holding his staff and sitting on a chair, his eyes couldn't stop staring at the gate.

"Miss Ais, did you forget the promise to go to the dungeon together today!"

The little elf's face was full of loneliness, she was William's classmate, Refia.

She knew that Ais had the habit of practicing swordsmanship in the morning, so she got up early and prepared to come to the playground to train with Ais, and then went to the dungeon together.

But she didn't find Aisie on the playground at all, so she went back to Aisie's room and knocked on the door, but after knocking on the door, only Aisia's roommate, Alicia, opened the door for her.

Said that Ace went out for training very early.

She had no choice but to stand guard at the door of the family, waiting for Aisi who had gone out to come back.

Just when she was about to give up the long-awaited itinerary, and was about to return to the family and continue to study hard.

At the corner leading to the end of the family street, a familiar figure slowly appeared, which cheered her up immediately.

He quickly tidied up the wrinkled clothes, and ran towards the figure with his staff in one hand.

Refiya didn't run so fast when she felt that she might face the monster.


Ai Si suddenly saw someone rushing towards her suddenly, and almost drew her sword directly according to her body's instincts.

It was only when she saw that the person who came was a friend she was familiar with, that she let go of the jade hand on the handle of the knife.

"Miss Ace, where have you been?"

"I never found you!"

The look of desolation on Refia's face had disappeared long ago, replaced by the joyful feeling when she saw the person she longed for.

"I went to morning training with William."

"Sorry, Lefia!"

Ai Si directly apologized quite simply. Although the two of them didn't decide on a good time to leave yesterday, she was still very embarrassed to make people wait for so long.


Ais's words finally made Refia, who was looking at Ais without squinting, notice William who was two steps behind Ais.

William waved his hand with complicated eyes in line with Refia's tone.

"Refia, hello!"

Ashamed to say, since the rich hostess opened the meal.

He basically eats three meals a day at the rich hostess, and rarely eats at the family canteen.

So he had never seen the conversation between Refia and Ais before.

But today he felt that he had discovered something quite remarkable.

"Wow! How can Miss Ace train with him!"

"Obviously, as long as you tell me, I can accompany you."

Refiya felt that she was about to cry out of jealousy now, she should be the one who came to accompany Ms. Aisi for such a perfect plan of morning training.

In the end, the opportunity was snatched away by William who came in halfway. How could this make her reconciled!

"But, Refia is a mage!"


A fatal blow from the person she admired the most, Lefiya felt as if she had been shot directly in the chest by an arrow.

But unfortunately, she has no way to refute it, because it is a fact.

She could only puff up her cheeks slightly to express her dissatisfaction.

Pure mages hardly have any melee ability. They improve their strength by familiarizing themselves with magic books and practicing singing skills in dungeons.

Naturally, she couldn't practice sparring with the melee expert Ai Si.

Just as the expression on Refia's face changed wildly, William already felt that his guess was getting more and more stable.

"Refia! What's wrong with you?"

"It seems to be in pain."

"Or you can rest at home! I'll just find someone else to go with me."

Ais looked at Refia who was covering her chest with her hands and her expression changed, and asked with concern.

"No... nothing, I have no problem at all, please let me go with you."

Refiya's head was like a clock that had been wound up, swinging back and forth crazily.

Ai Si's words were like a heavy hammer hitting her head directly.

Let her wake up from the sad mood in an instant.

What a joke, I was already one step behind.

If she gave William the opportunity to go to the dungeon together, if something happened to the two of them in the dungeon, she would regret it!

What a joke!He will not allow this to happen.

Thinking of this, the little elf gave William a fierce look.

William, who has thoroughly seen the essence of this elf, dismissed her stare at all, and instead looked at Refia with remorseful eyes.

"Hey! Are you thinking of something that's rude to me?"

Refia now felt that she was about to explode. Although she didn't understand the meaning of William's eyes, she could feel that there were some factors that were not quite right in William's eyes.

"Refia! Let's go eat!"

"Let's go after dinner!"

Although Aisi didn't understand why Refia was so angry with William the whole time.

But she still knew that it would be better to take Refia away at this time.

"Yes! Miss Ace!"

Refiya immediately changed her expression at a speed that even Peking Opera could not keep up with.

Ace replied with a smile on her face.

"Then let's go immediately! Miss Ais!"

Refia jumped to Ais's side and said.

The family's breakfast time has already ended, and now if they still want to eat, they can only go to the restaurant outside.


While being taken away by Refia, Ais looked at William with a hint of apology.

Originally, the two of them were able to come back before breakfast, but because of comforting Ai Si, it was much later in the evening.

As compensation, she was going to invite Refia and William to have breakfast together.

"I didn't expect this elf to have a lily tendency!"

Seeing the figures of the two gradually going away, William has gained some insight today.

Others may think that this elf is just yearning for Aisi, but he is different. From his point of view, this elf has a different kind of emotion.

It's just that she didn't realize it herself.

Shaking his head lightly, William stretched his long legs and was ready to go back to the room to catch up on sleep.

Putting down his weapon, the sleepiness that surged up at this moment had overwhelmed the hunger in his stomach.

But when he was lying on the pillow that he had been lying on countless times, he found that he couldn't fall asleep no matter what.

The usually soft pillow now feels like lying on a rock, and he can't help but miss Aisi's knee pillow on the city wall just now.

"Is this the so-called easy transition from frugality to extravagance, but difficulty from luxury to frugality?"

William, who slept until the afternoon, went to the head's office at this time.

Now that the expedition is about to start, Finn is processing various documents almost non-stop, and his work and rest schedule is the same as that of ancient Chinese emperors.

Wake up earlier than chickens and sleep later than dogs.

Even the spear training session with him every morning was temporarily put aside by Finn.

"Come in!"

Knocking on the door, it turned out that as William expected, Finn was still dealing with family matters in the office.

"Master Finn! Loki!"

As soon as William entered the door, he saw Finn sitting on a special chair with his head down processing documents, and Loki, an alcoholic, drinking himself on the sofa.

"William! What's the matter?"

"Is it a problem with spear skills?"

Looking up and seeing his proud disciple coming in, Finn couldn't help showing a knowing smile.

He is now more and more sure of how wise it was for him to accept William as his disciple.

Not to mention a mature spear system, when teaching him new marksmanship, he can quickly apply what he has learned.

This is not the most important thing, this disciple can quickly infer other things from one instance.

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