Gu Boniu narrowed his eyes, and said something that surprised William again and again.

Although what Gu Bo Niu said is very simple, it is not a trivial matter.

The time, energy, and physical strength required to build a first-level adventurer's armor are not a small amount.

Although the forging gods have the skills of gods, their bodies are still ordinary people's bodies after all.

It is definitely not a small test for them to use the body of an ordinary person to build a weapon with precious and rare metals.

Therefore, the master gods of the forging department are rarely responsible for the whole process of forging weapons. Basically, they are responsible for the main part, and then the auxiliary part is handed over to the children of the family.

Even the "Loki Familia", which often cooperates with the "Gubenu Familia", among the many first-level adventurers, there are only Finn, Grace, and Ace.

"I see, when I come back here next time, I will bring "Cold Star and Cold Moon" with me. "

Although he didn't know why Gu Bo Niu made such a promise, William would not let go of such a good thing that came in vain.

Alicia on the side has been listening to the conversation between the two, and she is also happy for William's good luck.

"Then Alicia, what's the matter with you?"

Gu Boniu finally remembered that there was another person who had been left aside by him all this time!

"Master Gu Bo Niu, our family wants to entrust you to build a magic workshop inside the family."

"Magic workshop?"

Gu Bo Niu immediately became interested. He was not very interested in building buildings, but he was very interested in magic workshops, which he rarely touched.

"Yes, I remember that you built a magic workshop for [Almighty], so when we had this idea, you were the first thing we thought of."

Alicia covered her small mouth with one hand and said softly.

"That's right, I made it for that little girl from your Hermes family."

"But if you say that, it means that there is a "mysterious" owner in your family!"

Gu Bo Niu put his hands on his chest and said with a determined face.

"Sorry, this is still a family secret for the time being, so I can't tell you!"

Alicia smiled slightly playfully.

However, William's stats and skills are secret even within the family.

Loki, Finn and the others have already set a policy of temporarily hiding William's "mystery".

Wait until William lv3 to report to the guild.

"No! This matter was originally my overstepping."

While Guberneu shook his head, his eyes turned to William's side.

"So what's your budget?"

"Say it, so I can make a design drawing."

Although Gu Boniu had a guess in his mind, it had little to do with him, and he devoted himself to his work instead.

"Two hundred million fare, if not enough, we can continue to add more."

Alicia directly reported a number that would shock even Gubernius.

"That's really good, this way you can let go."

Gu Boniu nodded emphatically, as if preparing for a big fight.

"When the drawing is finished, I will notify you to come and modify it."

After finishing speaking, Gu Boniu began to rush people to get ready to work.

"Then let's go first!"

William and Alicia nodded slightly, opened the door and went outside again.

"Go straight back to the family!"

Alicia stretched her waist, turned her head and suggested to William.

"Is Alicia going to do something later?"

William didn't directly nod to Alicia's suggestion, but instead stopped and asked about Alicia's time.

"It's okay! Otherwise, I wouldn't have the free time to drink tea!"

Alicia laughed at herself while talking.

"Then can you give me a chance to treat you to dinner? Think of it as my reward for your help today, Alexia."

William smiled at the corner of his mouth, and his golden hair danced with the breeze. At this moment, William looked like a noble prince in Alicia's eyes.

"Ah! William, are you asking me out on a date?"

Alicia blinked her eyes, with a bright and mischievous smile on her face, and said in a slightly charming tone.

"of course not!"

"I said it all, this is thanks!"

The corner of William's mouth twitched slightly, and he replied with a little helplessness.


As the evening approached, the night slowly fell, and the sky was covered with red clouds.

The streets are full of adventurers who have ventured from the dungeons, and they can be seen everywhere celebrating their survival with their companions, raising their glasses of wine.

One after another, the lit magic stone lamps illuminate this noisy city.

"Beautiful Mistress"

Orcs, Palum, dwarves, and people of all races sat here drinking alcohol without division.

From time to time, there are a few deadly guys who take the risk of molesting the waiters in this shop, and then they are beaten half to death and thrown out.

Outdoor cafe outside the tavern.

"I didn't expect that William, when you invited me to dinner, you brought me to the tavern!"

Alicia glanced at William with some resentment.

Fortunately, she thought that William was just embarrassed to ask her for a date, so he used such a lame excuse of repaying her.

It turned out that he really just invited her to dinner.

"Does Alicia not like the food here?"

William frowned, if the invited guest didn't like the taste of this restaurant, it would be his negligence.

But this month he has eaten many Olali's restaurants, as far as he feels, the taste of this restaurant should be the best!

"No! I didn't say that the taste here is bad, but I like it very much."

Alicia waved her hands again and again, her eyes flickering with panic, for fear that a dwarf aunt would suddenly come out from behind her and give her a fist.

She couldn't forget how badly the dwarf aunt hammered the drunk Ai Si.

"I will invite you to a more stylish restaurant next time as an apology for the poor hospitality."

William immediately understood the reason for Alicia's dissatisfaction.

There are only two points of dissatisfaction with the restaurant, one is the taste and the other is the atmosphere.

Since Alicia is not dissatisfied with the smell here, of course her dissatisfaction is only because the environment here is too noisy.

"You guessed it?"

Alicia's cheeks were a little blushing, and she said embarrassingly.

"What are you two talking about, don't hurry up and order."

A tall woman with a height of 1.8 meters and an unusually strong physique stood beside the two of them with a menu in her hand.

This is the owner of this tavern, Mia Grando.

A dwarf!

Yes, you heard it right, a 1.8-meter dwarf.

The first time William found out, he almost scared his tongue out.

"Didn't I see that Aunt Miya and you are all busy?"

"I'm thinking of ordering food when you are free."

William, who was almost caught by the master, was not cowardly at all, and talked to Mia in a normal tone.

"So you kid, hurry up and order food, I still have a lot of things to do in the future!"

William has long been used to being spoken in Mia's tone, or all adventurers are used to it.

"Then Aunt Miya, just watch!"

"Give us two more glasses of mead!"

"I see! Then I'll serve you some special dishes."

Hearing what William said, Mia immediately had a very satisfied expression on her face.

She likes big clients like William who are open-minded.

"Then I'll order food for others first, you two will wait for a while."

Aunt Miya watched another group of people walk into the tavern, so she hurried over to order food.

"Wow, what a risk!"

"I almost thought I had been discovered just now."

After seeing Mia walking away, Alicia breathed a sigh of relief, stroked her towering chest, and the panic in her eyes gradually faded away.

ps: Thanks to Yuanyuan Sun and Fate Xingyue for their rewards

Let me tell you about the next approximate schedule

After an expedition to rescue the color fox and the wrong volume of the first volume of the Luna dungeon, it is temporarily over.

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