But just when he returned to his home, he saw several men in uniform standing there.

The two leading ones walked over with serious faces.

"Mr. Hunter, I am the action commissioner of the Tax Department of the Ministry of Finance. Through investigation, we found that since 84, your tax payment situation is suspected of being a fraudulent account."

"Please cooperate with our investigation."


Say I evade taxes?

Hunter's face changed, and the other group got even more aggressive, and directly took out the arrest warrant.

"I am the administrative commissioner of the Ministry of the Interior. We have received a report that when you were the chairman of the London City Construction Appropriation Committee, there were a number of financial allocations that were unknown."

"And during the construction of the Xihe Bridge and the reconstruction of the slums in the southern district, various expenditures were more than necessary and higher than the market price."


The people from the Ministry of Internal Affairs listed several pieces of criminal evidence, and every time one was mentioned, Old Hunter's face became darker.

Old Hunter is not only a councilor of London City, but also serves as the chairman of the Development and Construction Appropriation Committee of London City.

All funding for infrastructure projects in the City of London must be reviewed by him.

So this is definitely a fat job, and it gave him a chance to do something.

Many projects were given to the construction company of John’s family. The two companies worked together to get kickbacks, falsely report prices, lower the quality of projects, and even directly embezzle public funds.

All kinds of behaviors have accumulated a lot of net worth for Hunter.

This kind of thing exists in any country in the world, and even these ghosts don't care about it when they get money.

Therefore, when these things were placed in front of him, Old Hunter's face was full of despair, and he knew that he was finished.

The reason why he was fine in the past was because no one checked him, and even many people were doing the same thing.

But this time, it was his son who caused him big trouble.

These things broke out and directly became his deadliest blow.

"take away!"

Following the order of the administrative commissioner, Old Hunter was jointly taken away by people from the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Finance. He did not defend himself during the whole process.

Afterwards, people from the Ministry of Internal Affairs conducted a detailed search of Old Hunter's home and office.

A large amount of cash was found, including pounds and dollars, tens of millions.

The cash alone is seriously inconsistent with his income, not to mention that it has not been investigated whether he has hidden funds in secret accounts abroad.

But in any case, old Hunter was down, and the same faction associated with him was also unlucky.

Su Shaoze was only a trigger for the outbreak of this matter, and it was none other than their own people that really played a role.

Political struggles are so cruel and bloodless.

Two days later, a plane took off from London International Airport and went straight into the sky.

After experiencing these things, Su Shaoze was unwilling to stay in London any longer.

Inside the plane, Su Shaoze was lying in the bathtub, looking up at the blue sky through the hanging window above his head. He was in a good mood, and every cell in his body seemed to be jumping for joy.

In the bath, a mermaid is serving Su Shaoze intimately, but her lung capacity is very small, and she needs to raise her head to take a breath every half minute.

Su Shaoze did not return to Hong Kong Island, but prepared to go to the United States.

After the outbreak of the financial crisis, the Galaxy Group acquired a large number of companies in the United States.

Coca-Cola, Wal-Mart, Northern Power, Miguo Telecom, etc. have all become subsidiaries of the Galaxy Group, occupying at least 80% of the shares.

As the top leader of the general group, Su Shaoze naturally wanted to go to the United States in person to appease people's hearts.

As for the day but here, in the next month, it also experienced huge shocks.

The negotiating team of the Galaxy Group and the Japanese cabinet government finally reached an agreement after nearly a month of negotiations.

Galaxy Group invested 12 billion US dollars to acquire a [-]% stake in Jaguar Motors.

Galaxy Group invested 4.2 million US dollars to acquire [-]% equity of Luofu Motors (Land Rover).

Jaguar is still a world-class car brand, a first-line luxury car comparable to Mercedes-Benz and BMW, so the price is very high.

As for Luofu, the sun has set, and the Luofu brand has lost much value.

Instead, the sub-brand it created, Land Rover, which specializes in off-road vehicles, has stubbornly occupied a certain market share under the pressure of Jeep and Ford, but its value is limited to this.

Acquired and commanded by the Galaxy Group, the two companies will be restructured to become the new Jaguar Motor Company, which will belong to the Yellow River Heavy Industry Group under the Galaxy Group.

Then there is the Japanese power company, which was sold by the cabinet for a price of 21.2 billion U.S. dollars. Since it is a unicorn company that monopolizes two-thirds of the electricity in Japan, Galaxy Group also agreed to this offer. .

As for the Japanese tobacco company, it is relatively cheap. Although it is also a monopoly business, it has low technical content. There are tobacco companies in every country in the world.

It's just that the Tobacco Company is more famous today, after all, they made their fortunes by relying on this industry.

Therefore, under the reasonable efforts of the Yinhe Group, it won all the shares of Japan But Tobacco Company for US$18.7 billion.

Among these companies, the one with the highest value and the one that Su Shaoze values ​​the most is Sidley Electric Company.

The Galaxy Group spent 40 billion US dollars, and finally only acquired 65% of the company's shares. It's not that there is no money, but that the people are just clinging to the last shares and won't let go.

Maybe it's a fantasy that one day it can be bought back from the Galaxy Group!

This is a company famous all over the world for its high-tech.

Whether it is in the fields of people's livelihood or military industry, Cideli's technology is top-notch, and this is what Su Shaoze values ​​most.

Any company, as long as it involves military industry, is the top priority of a country.

This time, it cost a lot of money for the Japanese to be able to sell it.

Of course, the most important thing is that the blood of the day is relatively thick, and the technical reserve is rich.

Sidley Electric Company is only a part of the high-tech industry.

A company that truly masters the core technology and the most high-end technology will not allow Su Shaoze, a 'second-class citizen', to acquire it.

But no matter what, Sidley Electric Company is still a rare high-end technology product company under the Yinhe Group.

Su Shaoze is also looking forward to increasing investment in manpower and material resources and mastering the manufacturing technology of lithography machines on the basis of Xideli Company in the future!

Following nearly a month of difficult negotiations, Ye Tianci, the CEO of the Galaxy Group, and Andre, the Japanese Finance Minister, signed the contract under the lens of many media.

Andre talked eloquently in front of the reporter's camera:

"We just went through a miserable financial crisis, but with the perseverance of the tenacious Japanese people, things will slowly get back on track."

"At the same time, I am also very grateful to the Galaxy Group for its trust and support to the Japanese empire. The Japanese government will not let our friends down."

"Here, I also hope that more people will not come to invest in Japan. The cabinet will provide them with the greatest support and convenience as much as possible."

Andre is in a pretty good mood. Although the investment of the Galaxy Group is not a huge sum of money for a country, it is enough to relieve the urgent need.

With this money, the cabinet can do a lot of things, increase infrastructure projects, provide relief with work, increase the employment rate, and allow enough time to slowly resume economic operations.

This is an acquisition worth nearly [-] billion U.S. dollars. After the press conference, the whole day was shocked. Countless days, the public was in an uproar, and Hong Kong Island was also shocked.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

With the signing of the agreement between the Galaxy Group and the Japanese cabinet, this super-large acquisition with an amount of nearly [-] billion U.S. dollars was finally exposed to the world.

Japan Electric Power Company, Japan Tobacco Company, Jaguar Motors and Rover Motors were wholly acquired by Galaxy Group.

Sidley Electric Co., Ltd. was also acquired by Galaxy Group for 40% of the shares at a price of 65 billion US dollars.

In fact, this world's top high-tech company and military enterprise has already fallen under the control of the Yinhe Group.

It was only less than an hour after the agreement was signed, but Ri was in shock.

Numerous day-to-day people find it unacceptable.

Because these companies acquired by the Galaxy Group have an extraordinary status in the hearts of Japanese people.

Automobiles, electricity and tobacco are all closely related to their lives, and SIDL Electric is one of the leaders in high-tech industrial technology in the fields of military industry and people's livelihood.

They are unwilling to accept the result of these companies being acquired by foreign international capital.

In the newspaper of the day, [The Sun] published righteous criticism.

The huge headline is: "The fall of the day!"

"A financial crisis has plunged the Japanese empire into despair, with economic development sluggish, unemployment rising, businesses closing down, and social order becoming increasingly chaotic."

"In this difficult time, what we need is to unite and work hard."

"What we need is not pity and charity from others."

"Look at the price those high-ranking officials have made our country pay for the so-called 'recovering the economy quickly'."

"Sidel Electric, Jaguar, Tobacco, Shell..."

"These are the centuries-old pride of our British Empire."

"These businesses changed our lives and underpinned the British Empire from two desperate wars..."

"But now, they have lost the bloodlines of our surviving people."

"The Hong Kong Island consortium, the Rockefeller consortium, the Morgan consortium...these international capitals are a group of robbers taking advantage of the fire~"

"Shameless thief."

When this "Sun Newspaper" was published, it aroused positive responses among the vast number of Japanese people.

Not everyone supports the acquisition of Japanese companies by the Galaxy Group and the Rockefeller consortium.

In the eyes of ordinary people, this is nothing but plundering against Japan.

This is the nouveau riche of the United States and the capitalists of Hong Kong Island taking advantage of the fire.

Many people are even preparing to take to the streets to put pressure on the Japanese cabinet.

But again, there are many people who support these acquisitions.

The most direct factor is the next day, after the opening of the round of stock exchanges.

The original large area of ​​red falling lines quickly stopped the downward trend just after the opening of the market, and then slowly turned into green.

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