Blood seeped out of his whole body, and he just lost his breath.

And the culprit of the car accident, the car that was driving crazily with its headlights on, didn't stop at all after hitting someone.

In a few seconds, it disappeared at the end of the street.

Leaving pedestrians with blank faces.

"Fuck, call an ambulance now?"

"Stupid? How can there be an ambulance in this poor place? There isn't even a regular hospital."

It takes more than an hour to drive from this small town, the nearest big city!

When the ambulance came, the man was already dead.

Of course, Charles is basically finished now.

Some pedestrians looked at the scene of the tragic car accident and shook their heads, while others looked excited.

"¨Cool, just awesome."

"Hey, buddy, did you see that just now? That person flies up to more than two meters high, it's simply amazing."

"We can try it next time."

A group of niggers stood in the shadow of the corner, discussing excitedly, spewing out saliva.

At night, I can only see a few rows of big white teeth moving up and down, which is a bit scary.

The United States is a society of interests, and human relations are indifferent.

Faced with this situation, very few people are willing to help, and some people even take the opportunity to step on it.

For example, there was a wretched guy who secretly took the wallet from Charles.

At this time, the car that knocked Charles into the air was still driving without stopping, and left the town soon.

In the car, one person was driving quietly, while the other person sat in the co-pilot's seat and was also silent.

Under the dim light inside the car, a slightly familiar face could be vaguely seen.

The person in the co-pilot's seat was named Yang Guangcheng.

He was the mastermind of the sensational serial murders on Hong Kong Island back then.

When his sister was killed and the law could not bring the murderer to justice, Yang Guangcheng decided to avenge his sister in his own way.

With the three brothers, he directly wiped out the whole family of the murderers who killed his sister.

Whether it's a billionaire or a legislator, they all go down in one go, and they all kill their nephews.

It has caused extremely bad influence on Hong Kong Island.

Yang Guangcheng had already become a wanted criminal, but with the help of a mysterious organization, he escaped and came to the United States.

The action against Charles this time was precisely done by Yang Guangcheng and his four brothers.

[Although it is cruel, in reality, the reporter who exposed News Corporation's wiretapping incident died in an accident. 】.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Honey, I have no choice!

A simple sentence, but it revealed too much helplessness and sadness.

Things have long been out of Charles' control.

The moment he was targeted by that group of mysterious people, he had no choice.

He has to.

Otherwise, not only he will go to jail, but also his wife and several children may encounter misfortune.

In this magical land of the United States, gun battles, kidnapping, and robbery are simply too normal. One day, a hundred or eighty people will not die?

"I'll explain to you later, we're leaving Niuyo now." Charles said as he drove the car.

He doesn't feel safe anymore, and News Corp. must be looking for him everywhere.

If he is found by Modoc, in the best case, he will be sent to prison, because Modoc also has a lot of black information about him.

"Where are we going?" Charles' wife asked.

"Go to Huston first, and then look for opportunities to go to Canada." Charles said.

That group of mysterious people was very generous, and of course Charles himself was on guard.

After receiving one hundred thousand dollars, he chose to betray News Corporation.

In this day and age, $[-] is a lot of money.

An ordinary white-collar worker would not be able to earn this amount of money in ten years.

Coupled with Charles' previous income when he was an associate editor, it was enough for their family to live comfortably in the University of Canada.


Niuyue had a long journey to Huston. In the evening, Charles and his family came to a small town to rest and prepare to continue on the road tomorrow.

They live in a motel. Although it is cheap, the environment is very bad, and they don't care about food, so they have to go out and buy it themselves.

It's not that Charles is reluctant to spend money for his wife and children, but the conditions of this small town are like this, and the best thing is this motel.

Although the United States is very prosperous, most places here in the [-]s and [-]s were also very poor.

"Honey, you take care of the kids first, I'll go out and buy some dinner~"

In the hotel room, Charles settled his family and said goodbye to his wife.

He was going to buy some supper and, by the way, some things for the road.

"OK, you come back early."

After kissing his wife goodbye, Charles put on his coat, left the hotel, and looked around, but found no fast food restaurants.

After walking for a long time, I finally found a restaurant.

It is a Chinese restaurant, and the owner is also a Chinese immigrant.

It's hard to imagine that there are Chinese restaurants in such a small place.

Never mind whether Chinese food was to Charles' taste or not, he bought a big bag of dinner anyway, and some buns and hot dogs.

Then hurried to the hotel.

However, when Charles came to a crossroad, an accident happened suddenly.

It was already dark, but Charles found that there was a strong light coming from his right, which made him unable to open his eyes at all.

Hastily raised his arm to cover his eyes, and then he was shocked to find out.

I was standing in the middle of the intersection, but a car with its headlights flashing, roaring and roaring, rushed towards me like a beast.

"Boom boom~"

Only the sound of the car was left in Charles' ears, his face was horrified, his eyes were wide open, and a horrified howl came from his throat.


He wanted to escape from this place, but it was too late.

At this critical moment, his legs seemed to be filled with lead, and he couldn't move at all.

The next second, some people on the street were shocked to find that a car slammed into Charles' body.

His whole body flew up directly.

"I bought Karma~"

"I, Trefac?"

The scattered crowd on the street made shocking sounds and looked at the scene of the car accident in horror.

I saw Charles' body was knocked flying at least five meters away, and fell heavily to the ground.

Blood seeped out of his whole body, and he just lost his breath.

And the culprit of the car accident, the car that was driving crazily with its headlights on, didn't stop at all after hitting someone.

In a few seconds, it disappeared at the end of the street.

Leaving pedestrians with blank faces.

"Fuck, call an ambulance now?"

"Stupid? How can there be an ambulance in this poor place? There isn't even a regular hospital."

It takes more than an hour to drive from this small town, the nearest big city!

When the ambulance came, the man was already dead.

Of course, Charles is basically finished now.

Some pedestrians looked at the scene of the tragic car accident and shook their heads, while others looked excited.

"¨Cool, just awesome."

"Hey, buddy, did you see that just now? That person flies up to more than two meters high, it's simply amazing."

"We can try it next time."

A group of niggers stood in the shadow of the corner, discussing excitedly, spewing out saliva.

At night, I can only see a few rows of big white teeth moving up and down, which is a bit scary.

The United States is a society of interests, and human relations are indifferent.

Faced with this situation, very few people are willing to help, and some people even take the opportunity to step on it.

For example, there was a wretched guy who secretly took the wallet from Charles.

At this time, the car that knocked Charles into the air was still driving without stopping, and left the town soon.

In the car, one person was driving quietly, while the other person sat in the co-pilot's seat and was also silent.

Under the dim light inside the car, a slightly familiar face could be vaguely seen.

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