Seeing the little boy nodding, Camera Aurugu continued: "Saving her is very simple, you just need to do what my Camera Arugsu-sama said, and I will restore Natsumi to her original state, how about it?"

"You... what do you want me to do?" the little boy said weakly...

"Let's continue to take pictures of human beings for me. As long as I take enough pictures and I'm satisfied, I'll let Natsumi recover, okay, partner?"

Continue to shoot other people?

The little boy's heart suddenly turned cold.

Didn't other people also become transparent like Xia Mei?

this kind of thing...

He can't do it!

How can you hurt more innocent people because of one person.

This way of saving Xia Mei was not what he wanted.

Seeing that the little boy didn't answer, the camera Olugu asked: "Why, don't you want to? Don't you want to save Xia Mei? Don't you like her?"

"Save, I will definitely save her, but can you set a quantity?"

I definitely want to save him, but if I don't set a certain amount, if I want to satisfy him, who knows when he will be satisfied.

He couldn't rashly agree to such a hopeless thing.

"What a shrewd little devil, how about it, let's take fifty shots, this is not difficult for you, is it?"

Fifty people, take a few random shots on the street, and the task can be completed in less than half an hour.

Camera Aurugu didn't dare to say too much, he was afraid that the little boy would not agree.

The little boy summed it up and nodded.

Although he didn't want to do this, but for Xia Mei, he had to do it.

However, he will choose to shoot, just shoot those who do evil, I can only say sorry first...


The camera Olugu smiled triumphantly, and the camera with two horns reappeared in the little boy's hand.

"Let's go then, my partner."

"I have to settle Xia Mei first."

Takuya groped on the ground for a while, touched the completely transparent Natsumi, and carried her to a safe place. .

Chapter 137

Barkers Chapter 15

After setting up Natsumi, the little boy set off with a camera.

on the street.

The little boy walked among the crowd with a camera in his hand, but he didn't make a move for a long time.

"Why are you still hesitating, shoot, don't you want to save Xia Mei?!"

Camera Olugu's threatening voice sounded.

Little boy: "I'll take pictures of fifty people, don't worry."

Also walking on the street were Huangfu Ye and Yapibai who were looking for Aurugu.

"How do I find this? I can't find any trace of that Aurugu at all..."

Tooth barking in vain.

They have been looking for a while, and everything in the city is normal, and there is no sign of Aurugu at all.

Except for the two people whose bodies became transparent in the citizen's park.

Huangfu Ye was about to answer the conversation, when he suddenly saw the little boy walking towards them and the camera in his hand, Huangfu Ye's eyes lit up.

found it!

That camera is Aurugu!

"follow me."

Huangfu Ye naturally took Yapibai's hand, Yapibai was startled for a moment, slightly shy, but did not refuse.

This is so natural, it's hard for her to refuse.

Huangfu Ye pulled Yapibai to the front of the little boy and stopped him.

"What do you want to do?"

The little boy looked at the two of them strangely.

If the intention is not pure, then don't blame him for taking pictures of them.

Huangfu Ye pointed to the camera in his hand and said, "Can you show me this camera?"


The little boy's heart skipped a beat, and he tightened his grip on the camera.

This person won't know what's going on with this camera, will he?

He also wants to use this camera to save Natsumi.

Seeing that these two people are not bad people, I will not attack them.


The little boy responded decisively, then turned around and ran away.


Seeing the little boy running away, he barked in confusion.

Why did you run away suddenly?

"Let's catch up."

Huangfu Ye pulled Yabaibai and chased after the little boy.

Yapibai asked while running: "Why are you chasing him? Is there anything strange about that camera?"

"There are two horns on the camera, which are a bit like the horns on Orugu's head. You have to check it."

"Makes sense."

Hearing Huangfu Ye's explanation, he barked in relief.

The two corners on that camera really don't look so normal.

The little boy found that Huangfu Ye and the two were chasing after him, and he ran desperately. He swore that he had never run as desperately as today in his life.

The anxious voice of the camera Olugu sounded: "What are you running, Takuya! Shoot him, shoot that guy!!!"

What the hell are you running, turn around and shoot those two guys and you're done!

"I do not want!"

"No? Why not?! Is it okay for Xia Mei to have a good or bad thing! Stop running away now, or I will never save Xia Mei!"

Hearing the threatening words of the camera Olugu, the little boy stopped in his tracks.

Huangfu Ye, who was chasing behind, found the little boy stopped, and while he was not paying attention, rushed to his side, snatched the camera from his hand, and slammed it on the ground.


The camera hit the ground, making a hole in the ground.

"Pain, pain, pain...!"

Camera Olugu's screams sounded, and then the camera quickly transformed into the original appearance of Camera Olugu.

Seeing this scene, Yabari was startled.

"It's really Aurugu!"

Night him, the shot is so decisive!

This operation scared the little boy too.

This person is so ruthless!

Did he know there was something wrong with his camera?

This is over, the camera Olugu will not save Natsumi, right?


"You were the one who fell, and you were the one who made people transparent, right?"

Huangfu Ye asked, and at the same time a super belt appeared out of nowhere and was fastened around his waist.

"That's right, even my uncle, if you dare to provoke me, I will make you disappear!"

After all, the camera Aurugu strode towards Huangfu Ye.

A card appeared in Huangfu Ye's hand, he inserted it into the super belt and pushed it with both hands.


   The blue light lit up and quickly covered Huangfu Ye's body. When the light dissipated, Huangfu Ye had already turned into a dead dragon.


The little boy was startled secretly, his eyes widened.

Is this a superhero?

Has he met a superhero?

As a superhero, there must be a way to save Natsumi, right?

Hope ignited in the little boy's heart.

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