"Oh, you can find this kind of chef, come to cook for the small cafeteria?"

The director was a little confused, he couldn't be fooling around.

"I'm in the same courtyard as him. He's my uncle and we have a very good relationship."

Li Wuwei still has confidence in Lao He's culinary skills, even Sha Zhu's peak period is not as good as Lao He's.

The director asked again: "Then what is he doing now?"

"Here, he's pedaling three rounds!"

Li Wuwei was numb, seeing the corner of the director's face twitching, he quickly explained: "He Daqing was emotionally hurt before, his wife left early, and he always wanted to continue, but he found three widows before and after, but it didn't work.

In a fit of anger, he resigned from his job as a chef in the rolling mill. He usually rides three rounds and also holds banquets for others.

He is active in our Qianmen Street area. A while ago, when Lao Yang married his wife in the Dashilan grocery store, he managed a dozen tables, and his cooking skills were fine. "

"That's how it is! Let me think about it. There is a big shop less than 100 meters away from the silk shop. It has a large area, much larger than the silk shop, and it has a second floor.

It was a restaurant run by a capitalist in the past, and the decoration is okay, and the kitchen can also be used.

This store should be merged into the public-private joint venture of the silk store. I will give you the key from the side of the street. I will hold a meeting in the afternoon and go through the process. "

After thinking about it, the director decided to buy a horse bone with a lot of money, so that other wait-and-see merchants can take a good look at how the street helped the silk shop expand its business after joining the public-private partnership, and lured other merchants into it earlier.

"Director, thank you for your support!

On the [-]st of next month, the Qianmen Canteen opened on time, one day later, because I didn't do my job well. "

Li Wuwei was excited, he knew that place, he often passed by there, and lamented that it was a pity for the capitalist before, and he didn't expect it to fall into his hands in a blink of an eye.

It doesn't matter whether you make money or not, you must increase the passenger flow and complete the public-private partnership.

"That's a good deal, 023. You are trying to make this month's account book more beautiful. On the first of next month, I will bring the leaders of the district to inspect it."

The director was also very excited, wouldn't this make a big commotion.

Not long after, Li Wuwei got the key, and accompanied by Brother Qi Nian and two other street officials, he went to take over the restaurant.

To be honest, the public doesn't have much money in their hands, but there are quite a lot of public houses and shops, and they may be able to expand their operations in the future.

But he just started, and the little wife has to do the work behind him.

It has been six years since the founding of the People's Republic of China, and a new society has emerged. Men and women are equal, and women can hold up half the sky. It is not shameful for a daughter-in-law to support the family.

"Li Wuwei, you, the public manager, have become bigger and stronger!"

Wang Qinian wanted to be a manager a little bit. There are too many stores in his management, and there are too many employees.

"Brother Qi Nian, you have to have this idea, to be your brother's affirmative support.

But don't worry, it won't be too late to make plans when the results of the trial come out. The merchants in Qianmen Street can be chosen at will. "

Li Wuwei passed out a circle of cigarettes, and he was in a good mood. Didn't he make money again?

Afterwards, he was not in a hurry to go to the silk shop, and it was not time for dinner, so he simply went to He Daqing and lured him over first.

For such a large restaurant to be used as a canteen, He Daqing alone is not enough, and people have to be recruited, but this is a trivial matter. What is most lacking now is not people, but jobs.

"Brother Li, why are you here?"

Xu Hui was really chopping intestines in the tavern, and suddenly saw the public manager of the competitor come to the door, inexplicably a little hypocritical.

Chapter 281 Qianmen Canteen, Excited Old He!

"Huizhen, I'm here to find Lao He, have you seen anyone else?

Before Li Wuwei entered the door, he saw that the store next door was being remodeled, and the tavern was also going to have a canteen.

With the little widow, he seems to be able to cut his beard several times, which is very good.

"He and Brother Cai went to the grain station to unload grain. Brother Li, please sit down quickly, and I will bring you some side dishes and some wine."

Xu Huizhen hurriedly greeted her, because she hadn't reserved a seat before, something big happened, but now Li Ge'er came to the door for the second time, no matter what the reason, she had to entertain her.

The other employees in the store hadn't come yet, and it wasn't working time, so the tavern didn't open until the afternoon.

"Don't be too busy. I have something to do with him. I'll come to drink again when I change the sky."

Li Wuwei left immediately, don't stay too long, it might be misleading.

Then I went to the outside of the Qianmenlouzi Daliang Station, where my father-in-law worked, so I didn't need to look for it, but I saw the He family brother, who was a circle bigger than others.

"Old He, Lao Cai."

"Li Wuwei, why are you here?"

He Daqing is queuing up. His younger brother has just carried food. He can carry four bags at a time, but he can do with two bags. Time is not forgiving.

"I have something to do with you."

Li Wuwei called the person aside, and said, "Old He, I entrust you with important organizational tasks."

"What kind of organization!"

He Daqing was stunned, he just kicked three rounds, and there was no team.

"Qianmen Street Office! Let Lao Cai carry food here, and I will take you to a place."

Li Wuwei couldn't help saying that he was going to take him away.

"Wait, I have carried twelve bags of grain, and it costs twenty-four cents. Let me explain to my brother."

He Daqing hurried over, explained something, and then returned, saying, "Li Wuwei, where are you going?"

"You'll know when it arrives."

Immediately, he brought him to the restaurant, the Qianmen Canteen that was to be opened now.

"Why did you bring me here, no, how do you have the key?"

When He Daqing saw such a good restaurant, he remembered for a while that he used to be a chef.

"I applied for this place from the street, and merged it into a silk shop, and I want to run a big canteen...

Li Wuwei explained, and then said: "Old He, you are very good to me, and I can't forget you even if there are good things.

I have already agreed with the director of the street, I will let you work as the chef in the big cafeteria, and you will be promoted to the next level according to your salary in the rolling mill. Also, to the outside world, you are the director of the cafeteria, and I will give you five more. A subsidy of [-] yuan~."

"Really, then am I considered a regular worker?"

He Daqing is excited, he can find a good job, who wants to step on Sanlun, let his younger brother step on it, the name of the Sanlun family cannot be lost.

"Of course you are a regular worker. You are from the street. Report today and go through the entry procedures tomorrow.

As for you, don't buy a tricycle, just buy a bicycle with the money. With such a good job, it's not easy to find a wife. Xu Huizhen must look at you differently. "

Li Wuwei gave out a cigarette as he spoke. This was not a fool, it was a great thing. For him, he could also control a team of chefs, so why not do it.

"That's good, that's good."

He Daqing's hands were trembling, he was promoted and raised for a while, and he was marrying a little widow, so he still hadn't reached the pinnacle of his life!

"You visit here first, take out a charter, the first floor is a dine-in hall, eat big pot dishes; the second floor is a small stir-fry, and there are private rooms.

You plan how simple the decoration needs to be, how many people to call, etc., and have a spectrum in mind first.

You are the director of the cafeteria, you don't just know how to cook, if you do well, you will be rewarded at the end of the year. "

After he finished his explanation, he went to the silk shop to eat, and he couldn't miss the meal time. As for Lao He, he had to figure out his own way, so he couldn't go hungry.

After a while, they arrived at the silk shop, and as soon as they entered, they saw He Yumei playing with her son in her arms. Did this show her expertise in taking care of children?

"Hello, Manager Li!"

"Manager Li is here!"

The employees in the store greeted one after another, this is the power of a treat, who wouldn't want to follow a generous leader who doesn't come to work very often!


Li Wuwei didn't have time to delay, so he hurried forward to hug his son, and said, "Xueyi, are you hungry?"


Xiao Guanxiang was having fun, but he didn't know what he said.

"Yumei, I'll bring Xueyi in first, and you can eat when you arrive."

"Okay, Manager Li."

He Yumei really didn't expect Manager Li to be able to take care of children, he is a good person.

Chen Xueru was meeting in the inner hall, and when she saw someone with a child, she said, "You're here. This morning, I almost revealed my secrets. Xiao Guanxiang was crying and wanted to find her mother. Luckily, He Yumei coaxed her."In the future, I will still come over without Xiaoguan, and it will be a day if I can hide it.

Even if you find it, just deny it. "

Regarding the issue of the similarity between the two sons, he really wasn't too worried, it was just gossip, there was nothing he could do about him, and he couldn't do a paternity test.

After the family planning started, more children were sent to other people's homes.

Even now, there are many brothers and sisters in the capital who were separated due to the war. Lao Cai and Lao why are they just examples?

But it is still necessary to avoid the two sons meeting and staying together. When they are older, they can't still look exactly the same.

"Well, if I think the small switch rings, we'll take it to the park to play."

Chen Xueru took the child over, and she was very nervous, as she was preparing lunch for Xiao Guanxiang.

"That's fine!"

Li Wuwei smiled and fed Xiao Guan Xiang together, as for their food, it will take a while to deliver it.

"Xiaoguan Xiang's appetite is really good, he can eat more than Xueyi."

Chen Xueru also fed her son Xueyi, but she had to rely on coaxing, unlike Xiao Guan who ate the chopsticks and ate them in one bite, and clapped her hands happily.

"It depends on how to take care of it, my mother-in-law is quite good at taking care of children.

By the way, Xueru, I talked about the cafeteria on the street in the morning."

It was a good thing he explained things.

"Ah, you mean the Cuiheng Restaurant over there. It was owned by a big capitalist before. Now it's in our hands. It's great."

Chen Xueru was excited, she didn't expect that the public-private partnership could take such a big advantage.

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